I am new to this site and so I apologise if this has been already written about on this forum but, I have been taking Prozac for years and years which has helped enormously with my mild but permanent depression. As I told my GP I still feel a failure when I'm taking it but I don't mind so much.
However, he decided recently to switch me to Mirtazapine as I was complaining of feeling permanently tired and being unable to lose weight. I have found the transition really horrible as I had to cut down the Prozac for two weeks and then take nothing at all for two weeks before starting the Mirtazapine. I felt pretty grim after 3 weeks on it and went back to my GP who said it was too soon to tell and to keep taking the pills and come back at the end of this month; another four weeks.
I have now booked an appointment with the locum for this Friday. I am only taking 15mg at 9pm and can't keep awake past 10pm. If my alarm didn't go off I would sleep at least 12 hours and, at the weekends I am sleeping for 12 hours plus 2 hours in the afternoon. As one of my initial complaints was that I kept falling asleep this is not useful. I am trying very hard to stick to my Slimming World plan but in the last 4 weeks I have put on 6lbs - as one of the causes of my depression is my problem with my weight this isn't helping either. Plus I feel dizzy to the extent of staggering when I walk. I don't feel safe driving when I am like this (essential for my job), I have various aches and pains all over including a general feeling of pain down the inside of one leg and my depression is so bad I have started bursting into tears at the slightest provocation. Can this be right?
What do I say to the locum on Friday. I really can't stand the thought of starting all over again with another anti depressant but do I have to put up with all these side effects for another month in the hope that it will all be worth it in the end?
Anyone got any ideas?