Hi I'm reduceing and starting on new medication can anyone PLEASE tell me they felt as horrfic as I do now, I'm on the lowest dose of the old/ new med I have at least another month of feeling like this how do you get thought it ??? X
Reducing/ starting on new medication - Mental Health Sup...
Reducing/ starting on new medication

Hi Sandraanne maybe you are withdrawing from it too quickly? The side effects can be horrible but hold on and things will get better once you are taking your new meds. This won't last forever though I am sure it feels like it at the moment. Bev x

Hi Bev , thank you for replying, no I have withdrawn correctly my GP advised me, and I also checked with two pharmacy to make sure I was reducing correctly, like you that was my worry, but I have reduced right down weeks ago just as I was to start the new med my GP told me to go back to the old max strengh antidressant as she wanted a second opinion before I started taking the new one !!! Then after two weeks off going back up, I had to reduce again !!! Bev I believe my depression is so very bad as the problem is hormonal, I'm not getting treated for that ?? Or is it because my depression is so bad it's making my hormonal symptoms worse ?? Which everway that's the reason I'm feeling so horrfic at the moment, but I really do appreciate your advice and support, it really helps me so much get though the worst days ever thanks Bev, how are you doing ?? X
Hi, Sandraann. Over the past 2--3 months, I have been reducing my dose of Sertraline because either they had stopped working or they were actually making my depression worse --which I attributed to the length of time I had been taking them (9 years). I also had most of their side effects.The time had come for an experiment.I am now at the last lap, taking only 50mg a day. This will continue for another month or so and then I should be off them. My doctor is supervising the process but I can't honestly say I feel any differently no matter what I do.Hormones are not involved as I am past that age. What I'm trying to say to you is that it isn't always easy to get back that "all good" feeling no matter what you do. You just have to follow the path you have chosen to the bitter end and, if it doesn't work, try another one. Hormones certainly do play havoc with moods but that situation will pass. I haven't found my solution yet but I will keep trying. Please keep trying with me.
Myra. xxx.
Hi Myra and thank you, are you going to start on another antidressants ?? Did you say you don't feel any different trim reducing ? X
Sorry Myra, that message my phone spelt it out for me with all the wrong spellings, are you going to start on a different antidpressant ?? Did you mean reducing sertraline has not made any difference to the way you are feeling now ?? Do you Mind me asking what was the highest strength you was taking, I was on 200mg and my GP did say that was usually the maximum, but in certain situations you can go up to 300mg, but I refused, as just didn't feel sertraline was going to help me. Please god the valafaxine do, good luck Myra you haven't got long to go now, how are you feeling xx
I wrote a long reply to you this morning but it wouldn't submit and then disappeared. Grrr!!
I'm not in a good place. I'm in tears every morning and uneasy all the time. There hasn't been a panic attack so I'm thankful for that. There's another week to wait before I see my doctor again. I'm still having the lucid nightmares, sweating etc but they are to be expected even after the Sertraline has totally stopped--for a few weeks at any rate.
I've been trying to get back to you but the site was down for quite a while. I'm persevering because I have no choice but I think my hopes of being off medication are probably in vain. It's up to my doctor to decide what's in store for me.
How are you doing yourself? x.
Not good at all Myra thanks for replying il text you soon I know you'll underdstand xx