Today I visited my GP as I have been having problems recollecting memories and meetings. I was at the Surgery and I had to report to the PPG meetings I had attended in different parts of the NHS, I gagged.
My notes I had taken just seemed to fall of the page and when people asked questions I knew the answers, I just could not reply it was one big problem and eventually I had to make an excuse and walk away from my report. So I went to see my GP and she arranged a triage to see if my Depression was getting worse.
When the Mental Health Team phoned they put me on their books so I was on their Waiting list, then they felt that I needed tests for Dementia before I was seen by a CPN. Today I was visiting the GP and arranging for further tests as I had scans and things several years ago and had plaques forming in my veins of my brain then. I was told it could be my immune system affecting my brain and memory.
I have always been able to think on my feet and multitask up to five problems at a time although now I cannot concentrate on people talking to me, Hazel goes mad at it as I just go blank when she says something or telling me a story of that day. It is strange now I am remembering past activities, although something happening now I can just forget. It just seems I think for the time I am talking or listening, my concentration just sucks, to be blunt.
One thing that seems to be not affected is my typing I still type at about 60 bauds and my brain seems to be operating at that speed. All very strange.
What I am getting at is when we reach sixty, in my case things seem to be falling away, this I feel must start to drop of, life seems to speed up and days, weeks pass with a great urgency.
Hazel has started buying travel books that are mostly photo albums of where we have been as I cannot remember my holidays and the history of areas we have seem. That seems to help and I suppose that I am entering a second childhood where pictures explain a thousand words.
When we are depressed and getting older, not remembering things It can be age, depression or something else, that something else needs checking especially when memories or the lacking of them comes to the fore. If you feel that change through the fog of depression see your GP and have it looked into. Just because you are depressed does not mean nothing else is wrong. Please see to it