Hi good friends, thanks to your good advice I found out I am deficient in B12 and my folate is 5. I finished my loading doses 2 weeks ago. I feel very well at the moment and hope it continues. I went on Amazon to look at the supplements you all advise. Of course I had never heard of sublingual,bio available - all double Dutch to me. Do you think Sublingual b12 ( what dosage) plus Folate (meta Folin) 800 mg. would be advise able for me to take so that I don't start feeling off before my dose in 3 months time. I am 71 and new to the forum . Thanks Lin
A bit more advice please: Hi good... - Mental Health Sup...
A bit more advice please

Hi Lin this is a Depression Forum and we cannot give medical
Advice. This could be dangerous. I suggest you go to your GP and
Get a blood Test and take it from there.
Then you will know you are doing the right thing for yourself. I would
Never come to a Forum for Medical Advice, as no one here has Medical
Qualifications. Lin good luck with the Dr.
Lin, think you meant to post this on the PAS forum. Best thing is probably to keep a diary of symptoms to see when symptoms start returning as you might be one of those mythical creatures for whome 3 months is fine. That way you can sort out things.
You'll get plenty of help on the PAS forum.
Think you mean 800mcg on the folate- which is in line with recommended upper daily intake in the EU.
Thanks a lot Gambit,I always appreciate your advice and will wait and see how the next 3 months go. I will not be on the forums as feel good but will let you know how I am in 3 months. Keep up the good work of helping each other.Best Wishes Lin
Hello Lin
Welcome to our site,
Let me know how you get on with your B12 and Folic Acid, I take Folic Acid when I am taking DMARD medications, so I would always advise you chat with your GP when taking this, I understand they are putting this in bread now as our diets are starved of this drug especially when women are expecting.
Take advice
Thanks Bob, I don't see my doctor very much except when he wants to talk about my anti depressants so I don't like making appointment just to ask him about taking extra supplements. I will wait and see how the next 3 months go and you never know with a bit of luck the B12 injections every 3 months may be enough for me. Thanks for advise Lin