First post.. Here goes..: I recently... - Mental Health Sup...

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First post.. Here goes..

bea21 profile image
6 Replies

I recently got diagnosed with depression and anxiety (I don't really want to go into any medical details) but I'm finding it hard to get out of the 'rut' I'm stuck in.. Does anyone else feel like they take one step forward and then ten steps back?

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bea21 profile image
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6 Replies
Chris76 profile image

Hi Bea21

Well done on writing your first post!!

Most definitely is the answer to your question and I'm sure plenty of people will tell you the same. I went to work yesterday feeling really really positive and it was the best I've felt for ages but as the day went on I felt pretty low and let things get on top of me too much.

You will have up's and down's and we will be here to help along the way.

WantToChange profile image

Hi and welcome, more people feel like this than you realise.

A good rule in life that my dad taught me is, you take 5 steps forward and theh 3 steps back. And sometimes it feels like you are always stepping back every day. But at times like this you need to remember the accomplishments you have made (because these small things are always there).

For example - you may have managed to save money this month even though you are on a budget, you may have seized an opportunity at work, you may have manged to lose a bit of weight, you made a new friend, you patched up an old friendship, you were able to buy the thing you were saving up or, an old friend got in touch, you were able to help someone out.... The list goes on. I'm sure you have made an accomplishment :).

Sit back and think over the last few weeks, what have you accomplished?

All the best x

welly10 profile image

hi ive been diagnosed with low mood and anxiety i am on citalopram have been for 8 weeks now has made me feel better but still have those days where you feel back to square 1.have read books on self help and i get cbt once every 2 off work right now and its the motivation that i find the hardest at times.ive found it verygood to talk and open up as i never did before.i have a four year old daughter that i tink the world of but when i first got my depression i felt numb no feelings for anything or anbody.this got me down alot.i have apps on my phone now for cbt and relaxing im trying anything and will get bad days but try and stay focussed when you feel anything stop........take a deep breath dont react automatically and ask yourself what are you reacting will work and does get easier over i hope this helps you and keep fighting this disease..good luck for the future

Izumi profile image

I was diagnosed when I was 30 and it was severe. It took awhile but I forced myself to go to a gym. I am shy but I also like to do things on my own so found the quiet times. I bought books on stretching at first then simple exercises and concentrated on what muscles I was working and checking I felt it in the right place. I gradually increased in my knowledge and felt oblivious to who was around me. It was the concentration and realising how much I had learned, my posture became straighter and confident. I found it a good basis for dealing with social situations. I am older now and do less but found yoga and it works as well. Good Luck!

Since late sixties I have suffered depression from attitudes at school, stress at College and later a very depressive work situation. Eventually in the early 80s I was missed diagnosed with a chronic conditon and that caused a Reactive depression that I still suffer from today, I was also medically retired from work because of an unsympathetic employer.

Been stuck in a rut is power to the course. You will need to fight this problem as hard as you can

You have not said if you have discussed this with your GP, so if not you will need to discuss your problem in surgery so the GP will be able to begin some form of treatment plan


bea21 profile image

Thank you so much for all your kind words it's so nice to know that I'm not the only person who feels that way. Sometimes it's so hard to even get our of bad.. People don't seem to understand how hard it is to shake the dark cloud above you away.. You always feel like you are baking your head against a brick wall. I find it hard even walking down the street or getting a bus without thinking people are staying at me. I find myself lying in bed wide awake at 3am (as I am now) wondering how I got like this. I feel selfish.. I have a job my own place I'm in uni doing a good degree I have family friends a supportive boyfriend who I live with... Yet I feel like the world is against me and I can't be happy.. It took me so long to open up about it as I felt like a selfish cow but I dunno... I just want to be 'normal' again whatever that is....

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