constantly anxious: i'm so sick of... - Mental Health Sup...

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constantly anxious

eden412 profile image
22 Replies

i'm so sick of anxiety leading my life but i cant seem to do anything about it!! i can't even leave the house anymore :(

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eden412 profile image
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22 Replies
Suzie40 profile image

Have you talked to anyone about this Eden? X

eden412 profile image
eden412 in reply to Suzie40

i have yeah, i'm on medication and i see a doctor but its just not helping i'm waiting for cbt now

Suzie40 profile image
Suzie40 in reply to eden412

CBT has been really effective for me. Actually it's not strictly CBT, it's counselling, but the guy who delivers it is a trained CBT therapist, so that tends to be his approach. How recently did your doctor review your medication? X

eden412 profile image
eden412 in reply to Suzie40

i'm on propranolol and have been since november it gets reviewed this week i'm hoping the cbt works but i feel like a massive failure!! i've gained so much weight because of it to which doesn't help x

Photogeek profile image
Photogeek in reply to eden412

Hi Eden just getting to your Post now. If it's any

Consolation .... I used to suffer from horrendous

Anxiety. My Dr. Always said that it was part of my

Depression, and that the right antidepressant

Would sort it out.

One day the anxiety vanished like a puff of smoke,

I couldn't believe it, I think I just got lucky and

Got the right antidepressant. Of course I'm not

Pollyanna now or all happy happy, I do get anxious

Sometime but nothing like the constant anxiety

I used to suffer with.

Eden don't give up and keep trying different things.

Hannah x

eden412 profile image
eden412 in reply to Photogeek

Hi hannah, thank you for your reply, I'm so glad for you that you managed to get to a good place that's fantastic :) I'm hoping I'll be able to beat mine one day and stop letting it beat me! It's hard especially when I have a baby to care for but we're starting to get out a little more and lucky for me my partner is great with us both xx

Photogeek profile image
Photogeek in reply to eden412

Hi Eden and yes that must be hard as well

As coping with a baby. It's great that you have

A supportive partner.

Eden I felt eating well and plenty of sleep ( not

Easy with a baby) or try and make a bit of

Time to do something nice for yourself

When baby is napping.

Eden stay around here and you will

Lots of support. That's very important.

Warm hugs


eden412 profile image
eden412 in reply to Photogeek

thank you hannah your replies are very comforting! i think a change of diet is definitely something i should try hopefully loosing some weight will make me feel more confident to get out more :) xx

in reply to eden412

I used to have panic attacks and would not get off my couch. I was put on Xanax when I was 21 years old, I am now 57. There were studies back then that [roved Xanax blocked the chemical that caused my issues. I kept thinking I was not breathing, thank God for my Mom. Now Xanax has a bad name due to the abuse of them. It helped me tremendously, I am still on them if I feel anxious I take one. But I am not on the high dose I was on before. I think it is adrenaline related. I was told by a specialist who had a great name for this problem that we get anxious and it pours out and does not know how to stop. Adrenaline is for the fear and flight mode if we were to see let;s say a bear. So I went through hell for a long time, but I say Xanax works and I do not abuse them nor have I ever. I hope you find a specialist who knows this.

eden412 profile image
eden412 in reply to

hi there, i will definitly run this by my GP then and see if it is something they can prescribe, yes the adreniline is the worst it gives me stomach ache i've even been sick and passed out form panic attacks its just awful xx

in reply to eden412

Here is one link and reviews on how Xanax helped many with anxiety and panic attacks. GP are not wanting to prescribed them because of the abuse by druggie's. But I would read this and I am sure there are other data and back up to the fact it helps.

Suzie40 profile image

That sounds like something you strip paint with! You sure you didn't take your prescription to B&Q by mistake? I've piled on the pounds with my meds too. Trying to make an effort to cut back on eating so much crap, but carbs are all I crave in this weather!

in reply to Suzie40

Carbs can be very comforting Lucy! That's why I am such a fat cow :d x

Photogeek profile image
Photogeek in reply to

I love carbs and am convinced that antidepressants make

You crave carbs. Mind you I always loved carbs. Yum yum. Oh

Give me carbs and I'm happy. Give me wine too. Lol

Hannah xx

in reply to Photogeek

So what's the secret to remaining slim then Hannah? And if you say it's your genes I will scream and scream the place down :d

Bev x

Photogeek profile image
Photogeek in reply to

Bev to be honest it's not my genes as Mum was a bit

Plump and my father slim.

I was always slim and I know Im lucky.

I eat a bit of everything and don't believe there is

A good or a bad food.

Now I am a vegetarian ,

Breakfast. Porridge and two slices toast.

Lunch. Baked potato with cheese beans and half an avocado

Supper. Scrambled eggs on Toast.

Snacks. I Orange some Nuts.

I packet Maltesers and I Crunchy.

Bev I have a really sweet tooth.

Bev I think I eat a lot, but I. A real snacker and I

Eat when I'm Hungry and never deprive myself.

Bev I hope this gives you some idea of a daily diet

For me.

in reply to Photogeek

Ok you eat a lot less junk than I do so will let you off :d x

Photogeek profile image

Lucy you have me roaring laughing now. B&Q . Lol.

Hannah xx

Hi Eden nice to meet you and welcome to the site. I am sorry you are going through such a hard time at the moment but you are getting help so I hope it gets better for you very soon. Stick with us here as we know all about depression and anxiety and will help and support you all we can. x

Photogeek profile image

I think Fay is gone to bed. I'm going soon myself Bev as I'm starving

Now again.

Luv n hugs coming atcha

Hannah x

AbiPanda profile image

Counseling really helped me, so hopefully that'll work out for you. People act like I'm 'insulting' them when I suggest counseling, been trying to get my boyfriend to see a counselor for years! Because it really does help.

All the best xx

eden412 profile image
eden412 in reply to AbiPanda

hopefully it helps me then :D i start next week now xxx

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