Am i expecting to much i posted earlier on action on depression i was a bit disappointed at getting no replies i know people have busy lives but it used to be a lot busier weres everyone gone ! Take care david
Hello : Am i expecting to much i posted... - Mental Health Sup...

Aw bless you. Sorry I missed your post, I'm not on here very often. Hope you are OK.
Hi David,
It was busier on here but I think alot of people are struggling at the moment. I know I am.
Sorry to hear about your anxiety, hopefully your pyschiatrist and neurologist appointments will help next week
take care of yourself,
Sarah x
Hi David yes it's much much quieter here lately. I will be on here later tonight.
If there's anything you want to have a chat about.
It's amazing how busy I am now that I don't have a job and my children are grown. My mental health sometimes feels like a full time job.... I get lost reading posts sometimes. Thank you for your comment... and reminding me to participate more often. Hope all is well with you. Best, Tamra
David can I ask did you suffer from Anxiety and Depression before your brain
Try and stop worrying, tension and worry can cause headaches, I used to get awful
Tension headaches, now I am more relaxed.
Stop worrying, try and distract yourself by doing something nice for yourself, or
Read something or listen to music. I don't know enough about you to give more
Advice at the moment. Good luck with Drs anyway, are you on any Meds for Depression?
Hello David
Depending on the day and time things can go peaceful here. So it is nothing to do with you and your needs, we all shout out and sometimes our shouts are not heard for a time. Many people have lives to live and this does cause period when no one is around.
If you feel you need a chat go onto the private lines and call us sometimes this may make for a sooner call.
Sometimes I will get e mails and these appear on my email posts if I have put on a post to site. Use my blog name borderriever
I do a lot of Voluntary work and meetings sometimes I may not be on site for a few days. I will get back to you

Hi bob i do realise that people cant always be on here im sorry if i came across as ungrateful because that was not my intention ! I value this forum / group a lot the people aee great and make you welcome thank you from the bottom of my heart david
Hello David,
Sorry I have not got back to you I have had problems with my Laptop and I have lost a great deal of stuff.
I hope you are now feeling a little more settled than you were before

Hi bob its nice to here from you im a bit more upbeat lately the neurosurgeon discharged me saying if i get further problems to go to my doctor i can also fly if i want ! Regards my depression my meds have been changed to try and help so far its working ! Take care bob and hope you stay well david
Hello David
Depending on the day and time things can go peaceful here. So it is nothing to do with you and your needs, we all shout out and sometimes our shouts are not heard for a time. Many people have lives to live and this does cause period when no one is around.
If you feel you need a chat go onto the private lines and call us sometimes this may make for a sooner call.
Sometimes I will get e mails and these appear on my email posts if I have put on a post to site. Use my blog name borderriever
I do a lot of Voluntary work and meetings sometimes I may not be on site for a few days. I will get back to you
So sorry David. I have been busy today and haven't been on since this morning. It has been quiet here recently though. Bev xx

Hi coughalot hope youre keeping well my friend ?
Ish thank you David. I have COPD (lung disease) and today have been trying to sort out my bedroom (lots of dust and exertion). My neighbour was having a bonfire too. So my poor lungs are really feeling it now and feel a bit sore and inflamed.
How are you now? Feeling a bit better I hope? Sorry about no replies sweetie. Bev xx

Hi there bev thanks for.your.message i was nice to hear from you hope your keeping well.! David
David you're absolutely not expecting too much. I'm so sorry I didn't reply, I looked in this morning and there were no new posts. Things have been a bit crazy today. Mum has taken a bit of a turn for the worse and is being re admitted to hospital. Spent the day helping to sort that out and haven't been online
Sorry x
Hi lucy youve not got anything to be sorry ! My mums back in hospital too get a care package together for come back soon ! Its been a while since we crossed paths take care and best of luck david
I guess we are still here. I've been really down so guess I could only think of myself.
Hi annie im sorry if i sounded.harsh it wasnt meant to be ! Im just having a rough time just now.having crying fits.a lot ! I hope my phyciatrist can help on tuesday ! Take care david
No, you didn't sound harsh. Sorry to hear you are having a rough time. Seems we are all on the cycle of good and bad days. Hope Tuesday helps you. I'll be thinking of you. x
Thanks for your reply Annie im hoping tuesday.goes well too ! David
Good luck today and I hope it helps. Let me know how you get on. Sometimes just getting to someone who can start the process of recovery helps. Take care, x
Hello David
I agree we all lead busy lives. I do read the comments on hear but they all appear negative!
Last week I watched a gardening programme with Monty Donn, I do not know your age but Monty has suffered with depression too as I have and really the only cure is focusing on something you can enjoy.
This man was on who said he was inside a dark tunnel for over four years, he finally got out of it by gardening, if you like drawing, painting, walking, swimming, anything to take you out of yourself.
My son who is 35 yrs old has depression too, he is now self employed with a mortgage but he has a dog and I know that has helped him.
Hope this helps you. Take care you are not alone you will get better.
Thank you for tak8ng the time to reply ! Its really getting me down espescially the headaches which i get upset about ! Dont know what to do ! David
Think you should try to get outside in the fresh air. I get a headache too I try not to take tablets, otherwise lie in a unit dark room a while.
All symptoms of depression, be strong
Hi David,
I'm new to the site, but i try to comment on posts that relate to me or when I can help people for their posts, I read your last post, I hope the neurologist can put your mind at rest about your head, I suffered something similar, I suffered a brain injury after falling nearly 20ft on to my head and an eye witness thought I was dead, but we are both here and that's the main thing.
I have problems because of the head injury, I also suffer with my legs and to a certain extent my back but I find that if I help other people I get a warm feeling inside of me which makes me feel a little bit happier.
I really hope it's good news at your neurologist appointment and with your other appointment but I honestly can't remember what that is for and I'm sorry about that, just not got the best memory anymore.
Take care David and I hope things start to improve in the future for you,