I have recently finished my GCSE's in school and during this period i got diagnosed with depression and binge eating... This has been going on for a while and i just don't know what to do anymore. I've tried going out, I've tried going for runs and exercising but it just won't help...
I've become bedroom bound and don't k... - Mental Health Sup...
I've become bedroom bound and don't know what to do about it...

Hi Chloe I am not sure if you are on Meds for the Depression! Two things that might help
Can you talk to your Mum about it and also go back to your GP and tell him exactly
How you are.
Chloe get help and there is lots of support here if you want to join us.
Hi Hannah, I'm not on medication but i do have to have sleeping pills as i have problems with sleeping. I also try hard to talk to my mother but she is in her last year of university therefore she is stressed just as much as i am and it just causes conflict which is another reason why i lock myself in my room :/
Hi Chloe, I know it's very very hard. My depression started around your age and I'm a lot older than you. My advise to you Chloe would be to seek out the help now otherwise often it goes with you through life as I'm now experiencing. As hard as it seems make a tiny move, like you have done coming on t he this forum. My advise would be to make be ring a help line if you can't leave your room, someone other than your parents to off load to really helps. There are a lot of helplines. I've been there stuck inside a bedroom for weeks with tea cups around me. I'm still there Chloe but trying to take tiny steps.... All the best Ava x
Thanks Ava and in alittle on edge about help lines as last time i did that social services got involved and i don't want that to happen again :/
Ok Chloe I'm not sure who you rang but there are lines that are anonymous whereby its just a voice to offload to. Yes a similar thing happened to me i can fully understand the social services thing. I will see if there any anonymous lines there should be. I had the number next to my bed as during the nights I felt very suicidal. Honestly Chloe I know how your feeling. X
Hello Chloe
Are you taking medications or having any form of therapy ?.
If this is not the case you need to talk options with your GP. Teens have problems after taking their exams
they feel down after all the studying and dwelling over examination periods.
Possibly you will also feel low as you future life will now be awaiting you, depending on your results.
All will seem a dead period until you get your results. When you think what is going on I used to have the same problems you are now relieved they are over, although you are afraid what your results are.
Good Luck

I'm not in meds and my GP is trying to get me counselling but i havnt heard back from them and its been over a couple of months ... But thank you fir the support, well appreciated
I'm so sorry you've had to wait so long for Counselling, which will help you . While waiting can I suggest you look at youthtalkonline.org which is a site helping people with many conditions by showing interviews with sufferers and getting their ideas. Go into Depression in the Index and you will find a great deal of information about help and self- help with lots of filmed interviews. Whether your illness is temporary in reaction to exam (or family) stress , or a tendency to depressive illness , there is lots of help available and you WILL feel better if you go for it, even if you don't feel like it. Keep chatting , meanwhile, so you don't feel alone. I wish you luck .
Hello I know how it feels, I've been feeling the same, I find taking care of myself help, just combing my hair makes me feel better, or soak in a bubble bath, try finding ways to make yourself feel good, I also have my favourite cuddly pillows. I also find listening to music helpful, physical activity usually very difficult on your own, try asking a best friend/ family member to go for a walk with you or play with pet dog/cat. Hope this help, don't worry too much, life will be easier soon x
What about seeing the doctor, and changing meds, or counselling?
Have just checked out the website that Canbury recommended and it is amazing! So much information not just for young people but for all ages ; interviews with real people talking about their experiences. There is loads about depression, going to the doctor about it and also other stuff like the whole range of other conditions as well.
and also
Thank you so much CanburyPG for recommending this. Gemmalouise
Thanks guys, first time ive smiled in a while, glad i joined and same to all you guys, hope life looks up for you all. I'm just glad i have.people who are in the same boat, at lrast i know I'm nit alone xxx
Hi Chloe
Great for you trying to get out and excercise. Supposed to be good for depression but I am too lazy. Agree with everyone else about taking antidepressants and getting help from your GP or councelling. Maybe when you get your exam results hopefully you will feel better. Good luck and keep on smiling