I've just spent the whole afternoon in the garden cutting back shrubs and perennials, tying in roses, clearing debris and generally tidying up, and I feel so much better for it - the first day this year that I've managed to get out there. We've got a wonderful plant called Daphne Odora - well 3 of them actually - and the whole garden is perfumed, it's wonderful. I hope you are all enjoying the day and hope it is bright where you are. Suexx
Spring is here!: I've just spent the... - Mental Health Sup...
Spring is here!
sounds lovely. I can almost smell the flowers
Sue xxx
yes the perfume is absolutely gorgeous, intoxicating! x
Well done. I dont have the motivation this afternoon.
David x
Thanks David, I didn't either but made myself because otherwise things were getting so out of hand it would have been an even harder job as we do have a very full garden. Hope you have managed to have a reasonable day though. Suex
It's beautiful isn't it? Took the kids down the beach this morning and it was gorgeous there! I did venture out in to the garden to hang some washing out, but got saddened by all the storm damage and went back inside. Glad you've had such a productive day xx
Oh No!! Storm damage... we have been lucky, the very high winds wipped things around a lot and the rain beat some things to the ground but they seem to have come back. We are lucky enough to be in a fairly protected part of the country and our house is on a hill so thankfully no flooding - I hope you didn't get flooded out? How lovely though to live near enough to get to the beach, that was my absolute dream, to be able to easily see the sea, lucky you! Nice for the kids too. We've not had sun so much of the day but have had a warm enough day for me to be out in a stretchy t-shirt while I was working, and no jacket!! Have a good evening, I hope there's something reasonable on tonight. Right now I'm sorting paints for three paintings I hope to begin if only I can make myself start during the week, maybe even tomorrow. You take care and have a not too demanding week at school. Suexx

ive been lucky too.very windy yesterday but no rain.same here in part of the country that seems protected-surrounded by hills ,near to a beach.it has been so much better here in the NE than down south(kent)and the best move I ever made.
great to get outside and occupied with something physical, i spent a few hours on the Allotment today, there is something special about this time of year when the plants start waking up,,, and i look through the seeds, contemplating the summer tomatoes and cucumbers, fingers-crossed for a promising season,,, but something tells me lots of weeding out will need to be done both literally and figuratively..
Great, A friend of mine has an allotment and I would like to share one but there isn't one near where we live and we are hoping to move, maybe there will be one near enough as sharing it is fun. Do you have one to yourself? I have joint problems and would struggle to dig, etc, but I like planting up, tying in plants, pruning, etc. We have two plum trees - one Victoria and one a yellow plum - a young apple tree, raspberries, lots of blackcurrants and goodberries so we don't do too badly. My husband has end stage renal failure and is too tired now to grow veg although we used to grow beans, peas and potatoes, now it's more shrubs and perennials. It used to be lovely looking through all the catalogues during the winter and waiting for the seeds to arrive, then planting them up. Let's hope you get a warm but not too hot summer. Sue

when i bought my house it had a wrap- around garden with absolutely no plants and just a couple of shrubs.i have transformed it and planted trees and perennials and bulbs,difficult to manage now btu try and do a bit each day now spring is here weather permitting.oh and a veg patch -growing blackcurrants strawberries raspberries and rhubarb.teh veggies were unsuccessful .clay soil??

yes, got a whole allotment a few years ago, and is a great way to avoid doing the house-work, and all those other things i don't want to do.....I think if i keep one till i am older i will have to make it simpler, with lots of trees and bushes and herbs. --- Fresh tomatoes and cucumbers are lush, but the watering and weeding do take time, and energy., though by the time spring comes round i have usually forgotten how much work they are and get round to planting some more.. I put my sprouted summer seeds in compost last week, and the soil if close to passing that old-fashioned "Gardeners-Bottom Test" so the potatoes will go in soon. i think it is the planning and anticipating in gardening that has a special attraction, and can supply a momentum of it's own...
I hope you find a new house with the space for more trees and bushes, While it would be easier to find one with a mature garden, i suspect that would also be a bit disappointing because it took away the opportunity for creativity. ------ Hope the summer season brings some smiles, I am already imagining the taste a ripe early apple picked on a warm day----
hi I was in my garden yesterday mostly clearing up leaves from the flower beds its nice to see clear soil and all the new growth -aconites and snowdrops appearing ,plus tulips and daffs showing their heads.planted foxgloves ,hollyhocks and delphiniums last year,no delph's ,some hollyhocks and loads of new foxgloves which have self seeded.only managed it in stages cos of backpain.
Sounds lovely Sue .
Yes it does sound lovely Sue. Well done to you. Bet you feel really good now.