As the new year approaches...... - Mental Health Sup...

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As the new year approaches......

59 Replies

What do you hope for in 2014?

59 Replies


Getting two country cottages knocked into one then having all the adaptations carried out so I can manage all the jobs that the able bodied can do in their own properties. Also getting rid of my old semi detached where I had to live upstairs because of my disability. Having a disabled bathroom where I can use everything and need minimal assistance from my wife

Nothing much really

What about you???.


Photogeek profile image
Photogeek in reply to

Bob that sounds good. All the best for 2014.

in reply to Photogeek

Hello Hannah

What do you wish for has to be something good to strive for

Have a Healthy,Happy and wealthy New Year


Photogeek profile image
Photogeek in reply to

I wish for more balance in my life.i hope that I concentrate on my Photograpy and painting things I love. I also want to make the best of every day.

in reply to Photogeek


You wish for it hard enough, you will do it


gardengnome profile image
gardengnome in reply to

anyone out there with a spare sledgehammer take up the challenge?

Jamie186 profile image
Jamie186 in reply to gardengnome

Ii Gardengnome I've got the biggest shiniest tool set you can think of, what challenge are you talking about.? I hope it does,en't include me welding it . Perhaps after the Op, if it works.

Happy new year, old mate


in reply to

Bob, your hopes all sound positive.

in reply to

Hello Viktor

Never let the devils squash you down


gardengnome profile image

just wishing all will go as well as it possibly can for my parents, my sister and brothers and my lovely nieces. and my friends i have made. I'm not religious, but may the gods look after them all. I know it sounds corny but that is all I really wish for. If only there were a magic wand to make all our wishes come true. But then would we just get unsatisfied if we didn't get even more?

Should we be like jiminy cricket and wish upon a star, or should we be like baloo rest at ease with the bare necessitates of life ? Perhaps Disney knew a thing or two about philosophy?

gardengnome profile image
gardengnome in reply to gardengnome for baloos' view....

Photogeek profile image
Photogeek in reply to gardengnome

Ah yes that's cute. We can learn a lot from this.


Adorable1 profile image

I'm kind of excited for a new year and working on the basis it has to be a better year than this one....

Health and contentment are high on my list of hopes...who knows though, I hope I'm surprised with a great year :)


in reply to Adorable1

I hope so too. May I say I find your posts are so positive to read. May 2014 be a happy one Adorable 1. Viktor

Adorable1 profile image
Adorable1 in reply to

Hi Viktor

I'm pleased you find my posts positive.

This has been one hell of a year for me....I've learnt a lot about myself.....I still have low days, now I know what it is and do my best to manage it so that it causes the least impact possible. Some times easier said than done :)

I guess I am lucky, I still have this determination that this thing will not beat me :)

I hope the new year is a good year for's the little things that matter.

I'm grateful for the people on this site, sometimes a few kind words can help that determination and the people on here have helped me this year, more than they could possibly know....

Sue x

Jamie186 profile image
Jamie186 in reply to

Hi Victor, make sure your posts are positive, as well, and we will keep each other happy and going forward, as you alway's do.

in reply to Jamie186

Question: Are my posts negative Jamie186?

Jamie186 profile image
Jamie186 in reply to

Certainly not Vic, I think I may have chosen a very simplistic and short reply to your question which may have given you the wrong impression, if you read the history of your posting's you will see any thoughts you may have along these lines will be quickly dispelled.

I ended my posting with we will keep each other happy and going forward, could I have written that if I considered your postings were negative, in any way?.

I sincerely hope I have,n't upset you in any way because I feel down at the thought I could have done that accidently.

My best wishes


in reply to Jamie186

I thought my posts were negative to you, hence why I asked.

I am a tad sensitive today, because I feel totally alone in my home. The only sound I hear is the TV. You haven't upset me. V

Jamie186 profile image
Jamie186 in reply to

Hi Victor, I can understand your felling a tad sensitive if your home alone watching TV no wonder your feeling down, I never seem to watch much TV other than Sport (Rugby) Documentry's

Current affairs, Politics. Have you got the play back facility on your set, they are good you can call up shows you've missed and watch them, at any time. Try it, to ward off the lonely times,


in reply to Jamie186

I appreciate you understand my sensitivity, most don't. I don't watch TV, it's more of a companion, background noise. I hope 2014 doesn't begin with these lonely times.

Gambit62 profile image
Gambit62 in reply to

Victor - and Jamie, just wanted to say how glad I am that you managed to sort out the misunderstanding.

Victor, really sorry that you are feeling so isolated at the moment. Hope that things improve for you.

in reply to Gambit62

Thanks Gambit62. Viktor

Jamie186 profile image
Jamie186 in reply to Gambit62

Gambit62 What misunderstanding?

in reply to Jamie186

Hi Jamie.

From reading the thread, I think that Gambit meant the misunderstanding above where Viktor said he 'thought his posts were a big negative towards you', but you reassured him that that wasn't the case and that may have chosen a very simplistic and short reply to your question which may have given you the wrong impression.

Sounds like you are both cool :)

Jamie186 profile image
Jamie186 in reply to Adorable1

Hi Adorable, how was your trip? Your wishes are admiral and should be easy to attain for someone like you, so go for it.


Adorable1 profile image
Adorable1 in reply to Jamie186

Hi Jamie thank you for the reply :)

I'm away until 8jan 2014 , so popping on here when I get chance

Hope you have a good new year

Sue x

Jamie186 profile image
Jamie186 in reply to Adorable1

Thanks my Adorable1 my best wishes go to you as well have a nice break until the 8th Jan. my little globe trotter.


Suzie40 profile image

I hope ...

to complete the NHS couch to 5K challenge

to save enough money to get a new bathroom

to take the children on holiday

that my mums gets to live or die, whichever she wants more

that my Dad finds a cure for his illness

to be more organised in work

that my children continue to be successful in everything they do

And VERY importantly, that I stay in touch with some of the absolutely lovely people on this forum x

Photogeek profile image
Photogeek in reply to Suzie40

Ah Lucy I teared up when I read yours

I feel I am boring! You have a lot to live for and I hope that

All your wishes come true. My battery in my MacBook is kaput and new one is E 129 so I hope I win Lottery too.

Lucy when I go to Church I will light a few candles for everyone's


Hannah x

Suzie40 profile image
Suzie40 in reply to Photogeek

That's a lovely thing to do. I wish I had more time to go to Church. I went on Christmas Eve for the first time in ages and it was beautiful x

Photogeek profile image
Photogeek in reply to Suzie40

Lucy it's impossible to do everything especially being

A Mum and working. You are doing great. You can say a

Little prayer anytime. Xmas is a nice time in Church. X

Adorable1 profile image
Adorable1 in reply to Photogeek

Hannah, just had to are far from boring...

Love hearing from you, and may all your dreams and wishes for 2014 come true :)

Sue xxx

Jamie186 profile image
Jamie186 in reply to Photogeek

Hi Hannah a kaput battery in your Macbook!!! sounds very painful, and expensive.

I don't know if it's of any use to you but my wonderful son bought me a KINDLE FIRE HD 7" for Xmas.

As I,m confined to home, and I have my PC, I wont need it until the 17th feb 2014 when I go into hospital for the Op. Which was the reason my son bought it for me to use.

I don't know how I'd get it to you but I'm sure there's a way, so if your interested let me know.


Jamie186 profile image
Jamie186 in reply to Suzie40

Hi Lucy34, don't want much do you? cant help with regards to your wishes for your family, but we will all prey for them. As a retired Building Surveyor, I may be able to help with your new bathroom, depends how far you are from me.Your children are bound to continue to be successful in all they do, with you to inspire them.

A very happy new year to you, and all my other friends on the forum


jules2105 profile image

I'm hoping that I start feeling more like myself again and that I learn to deal with my anxiety

Jules x

Photogeek profile image
Photogeek in reply to jules2105

That's a good wish Jules x

I would like to be in a good place in my mind and in my heart. Forgive those who've wronged me and move on.

During Spring of this year I was in a positive place. I had talking therapy, which I enjoyed. I was about to go on a restful holiday, I had met someone I actually liked and I embarked in a couple of new friendships. Sadly, it all seemed to have gone to pot! I've done enough self analysis as to why nothing has worked out for me. No more, will I beat myself up about the past.

In 2014, I plan to work on me, possibly return to counselling and move into a better job. I also want to do things I enjoy, reach for my goals and come out of my comfort zone.

Where's there life there's hope that's my motto.

Bring on 2014, may it be a positive and happy year.

Photogeek profile image
Photogeek in reply to

Viktor that sounds so positive and strong. Sometimes relationships don't

Work out, but you know it might not have been the right one for you, so

Don't beat yourself up.

Do you have interests or hobbies apart from work? It's always good to have

Other interests other than work.

All the best health and happiness for 2014.

Photogeek profile image

Bev hope your wishes are granted. All the best in

2014 . Health and happiness .

Hannah x

Suzie40 profile image

That's usually my philosophy! X


Just been told by wife I have four hospital appointments in a row at local hospital, what a good way to start New Year.

Be positive ?, The Vampires will strike again LOLO


in reply to

Bob, these things are sent to try us. V

gardengnome profile image
gardengnome in reply to

what a new year present!!!! still your doing your bit for the economy, creating jobs in the health-sector.

in reply to gardengnome

I think they must be making black pudding. With all the bloods they are taking


gardengnome profile image
gardengnome in reply to

so that's where tesco gets it from. Not just horse burgers to be found there...

My hope is that I will be living in my own country at the turn of 2015.

Scary, because I have realised that something changing means me changing my workaholic script. Not going to beat the depression otherwise

Great thread!

I know this sounds cliched, but my hope really is to be happy and healthy (both physically and mentally) in 2014.

My hope is also for my business that I formed in 2013 to continue to thrive, and to have fun and enjoyable times, but as long as I am happy and healthy the rest is fine.

Hope you all have a great 2014!:)

in reply to

Why thank you administrator! I don't think it sounds cliched at all. When you have your health you have your wealth. Happiness can't be bought and I for one strive to be happy. Being happy is key to a good life.

in reply to

Hi Viktor. You can just call me Amanda :) And yes I agree completely.

in reply to

Okay Amanda.

ThemysciraDrive profile image

I hope that...

I carry on feeling inspired and finish the first book of my obviously amazing fantasy quadrilogy, and publish it through Amazon

I finish at least one stage of Counselling training

I run a half marathon (preferably the Royal Parks)

Peter Capaldi is as awesome as I anticipate in Doctor Who :D

in reply to ThemysciraDrive

Sounds awesome! Hope you get there in 2014.

Photogeek profile image
Photogeek in reply to ThemysciraDrive

Hi Themys you have lots of things going on. Now keep working on that

Quadrilogy ( no trilogy for you then ). . I will be first to buy and will expect

A signed copy of the first edition.

Good to hear from you.


Gambit62 profile image

To be able to live in the present as much as I can.

To get back into doing some creative writing each day.

Not to get so freaked out by the idea of being happy.

probe profile image

I hope for LIFE.............. (My ailments include 5 years of Prostate Cancer; 1 heart attack;' 1 TIA and now Arthritus of the spine, which required 2 spinal operations, and a stay of 8 months between 3 Hospitals this year. Oh.....................and Bi polar ) As the Surgeon said " your complicated".........................Really ?

I hope that some of the conflicts in the World, will be resolved amicably, especially the Arab/Israel situation, together with World leaders, especially the more wealthier Nations, respond to the cyclical lack of food in the Third World.

I'm also hoping that the nerve damage to my hands, arms and legs relents, together with the 24/7 pain. I might then get a bit better on my crutches.

Finally, I also hope that my mobility and fitness improves, so that I can do the Mcmillan bike ride to Paris in June. Any Sponsors ?

gardengnome profile image
gardengnome in reply to probe

wow, puts life in perspective.....

Working in a school it does make me wish that the curriculum could be totally changed, if only more time were spent on teaching children emotional intelligence, and how to be as healthy as possible,

Wishing you a less complicated 2014.

Jackie_M_Reid profile image

To use this as the inspiration for a journey of self growth

"The future depends on what you do today" Mahatma Gandhi

I hope to tie up loose ends, clear my debts, finish my degree and come to a conclusion.

Not what you're looking for?

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