I have had a really tough day today, felt really tearful and wanting to hurt myself, but I didn't. Have had a very stressful week at work and know next week won't be much better. Everyone looking to me (as the manager) to cope and carry on and sort out all the problems and I am finding the stress intolerable.
Have tried to be more open about how I feel with my husband, bless him he does try but I think I scare him and so end up not really saying much. I feel like I have to carry on because everyone is relying on me, but really don't feel strong enough and then I start worrying I will let everyone down, especially my friend whose business it is and is in hospital.
It seems such a struggle and some of me just wishes I could turn my back on everyone and stay home, not bother and never return to work, which I know I can't do as need the money if nothing else.
Feel like I need to hang on for everyone, and myself, but finding my emotions all over the place. Wish it was me in hospital as that feels easier than coping at work on my own. When I went to hospital with my husband this week they gave him some sleeping tablets and I had already worked out a plan to use them before we had walked out of the room.
Find weekends quite difficult as don't have the support from my friend or my CPN and though both of them would tell me to talk to the crisis team about how I feel I won't because I feel like they are judging me, like I am an attention seeker, and perhaps I am, I really don't know. I try not to look forward too much or at the bigger picture because I find it scary and I am not sure I can face the thought of still being here. I look back over the last couple of years and this illness does not seem to have got much better, I don't feel like me anymore and think I have lost that person forever and that makes me feel sad.