Has been 2 days since I got this. Got fever yesterday but I think that is because my inflamed throat. Is it ingrown fingernail? I'm a nail biting, by the way, but don't remember letting anything there to get inflamed.
EDIT: Updated the image
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Has been 2 days since I got this. Got fever yesterday but I think that is because my inflamed throat. Is it ingrown fingernail? I'm a nail biting, by the way, but don't remember letting anything there to get inflamed.
EDIT: Updated the image
Maybe there was a little piece of nail that you pulled out hardly. Now it has become inflamed because finger biting is a bad habit. I say it is not a thing to worry about but consulting a doctor is a better idea
Updated the pic. I slept and it got more inflamed so far.
Okay. Sorry asking again, but does it hurt to get rid of it? Or do they just blow it quickly? Thank you and sorry again.
that looks like an acute bacterial infection. herpetic whitlow is rare