Tell me what yu think guys my stiches at cover under the head
Day 9 post op pic: Tell me what yu think... - Men's Health Forum
Day 9 post op pic

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Looks awesome to me. Really nice dick, you should be proud! Healing is happening even if it is slow. I’ll post an updated post this weekend!!
Looks good buddy... Ur surgeon did a good job
Great result... no scare line ... lucky u!
So strange!!! the dick is black and tthe glans are white
It’s weird I don’t understand why my dick is dark because it was never that dark before and I’m thinking because of the unstretched skin
you are lucky. be happy
How are you doing since yours? I went back on your posts you got a nice dick, you should also be happy
Getting a lot of drainage from the underside I feel as if it’s not healing like the other spots
You guys are really taking care of yourselves your dicks looks very good an healthy toon blast an traviee
Ure getting a lot of compliments on it... Dats wssup
I think u proud of your dick or you lovin all these compliments lol
Looks amazing
It looks great, man. What was the hardest part for you after the 9 days? And how is it a month later?
It’s going great it’s all healed up and back to normal little sensitive when some abrasive rub against it but other than that it’s fine I’m able to wear underwear all kind

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