Day after: I got cut yesterday and today... - Men's Health Forum

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Day after

Guyguy132 profile image
27 Replies

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I got cut yesterday and today I took my bandage off. It’s a bit swollen under the area where the bandage was but it feels great! It’s a bit sensitive and can be sore at times but nothing too bad, I already know I’ve made the right decision. My nurse gave me extra bandages and a steroid numbing gel so I reapplied the bandage like she told me and all seems great!

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Guyguy132 profile image
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27 Replies
Fookidooki profile image

Well done.. welcome to the club

Operation was good

Fookidooki profile image

And for some it's a "why did I listen to the crazy inactivist nut jobs and suffer 20 years of pain and anguish when one simple op can fix it all" kinda club. I wish I'd been as sensible as Guyguy at 18 and had the circ I was offered.

Guyguy132 profile image

Look fair enough it isn’t what you would’ve done, but I did and I’m happy with my decision. If I regret it then that’s on me, but PLEASE stop bashing me and others for our choice on all my posts. You’ve explained why you’re against it and fair enough for you, but that’s not for everyone!

Fookidooki profile image

Look at the b4 pic ... a blind man down a coal mine can see the why. And please do NOT start on about creams and stretching exercises.

You have your opinions but please stop trying to force them on others who disagree, particularly those from outside the U S of A. Did you ever consider the harm you might be doing in discouraging those who reakly need this procedure from going ahead with it?

Broadbandbill profile image
Broadbandbill in reply to Fookidooki

Spot on. The before pic said it all. Common sense prevails. Right decision. Looks a great op. Reckon it was done with a cutting ring and glue. Will look great

Hi, I’m not circumcised and am not really in favour of it, but fully respect and understand your decision. In your circumstance, having looked at your before pictures, I think I would have come to the same decision. I admire your mature outlook and decision to post your ‘after’ pictures too in a bid to help others going through this process too. Your picture above looks fantastic for one day after and I wish you all the best for a full and successful outcome.

Guyguy132 profile image
Guyguy132 in reply to

Hey, thank you so much! I’m really happy with everything so far so just gotta look after it now, and yeah I needed it done plus I think it looks way nicer! But each to their own I guess :)

jimfromcalif profile image
jimfromcalif in reply to Guyguy132

Did you request the low cut you received? Considering the generous foreskin you had, an extreme high cut could have bee dine to preserve the nerves of the inner foreskin. Were you offered options?

Guyguy132 profile image
Guyguy132 in reply to jimfromcalif

Never discussed it but I’m happy with it

jimfromcalif profile image
jimfromcalif in reply to Guyguy132

Good. How a out an update? Any pain

Guyguy132 profile image
Guyguy132 in reply to jimfromcalif

Nope it’s felt fine to be honest!

jimfromcalif profile image
jimfromcalif in reply to Guyguy132

As I suspected. I suspect the talk about terrible pain is overstated.

Broadbandbill profile image

Looks great well done. Did they use glue? No sign of stitching. You will be so much better for this .

Guyguy132 profile image
Guyguy132 in reply to Broadbandbill

No they used the dissolvable stitches! Think they still left a bit of extra skin tho to allow for growth from erections etc, so they’re slightly hidden!

Broadbandbill profile image
Broadbandbill in reply to Guyguy132

Well great result. Don’t listen to the doom mongers. If it was that bad a procedure no one would have it done. It’s popularity is rising again. It’s cleaner, healthier and great looking.

BexyBoy profile image

I'd feel more supportive of your decision to have a circumcision if I had heard that you tried non-surgical methods first. Of course I respect your decision, it's your life and your body, but I get the impression you are wanting to influence others to do the same and / or to get support to confirm you are doing the right thing. The Shakespearian quotation comes to mind (Methinks thou doth protest too much). It hasn't surprised me that you have had some opposite reactions to the ones you hoped for.

I still wish you well and a happy, non-regretful recovery.

Guyguy132 profile image
Guyguy132 in reply to BexyBoy

Actually I did try stretching methods first🙂 I’m just sick of people being absolutely horrible about the decision I’ve made, and if someone doesn’t agree with it fair enough, don’t do it. But for someone that wants it/ needs it done I don’t think people should be rude or degrading when trying to talk them out of it.

BexyBoy profile image
BexyBoy in reply to Guyguy132

Yes, hotly taking sides and becoming argumentative just escalates our divisions rather than gaining information and understanding. I get angry if I’m defensive and scared and I’m sure I’m not unique in this!

I’m reassured that circumcision wasn’t your first try at resolving your problem. Had I known that at the start I wouln’t have been concerned that other contributors would think it’s the only option.

Broadbandbill profile image

No harm done. Vast improvement. I can talk from both sides. I was done at 38. Ever since then sex is better, my wife loves it. Slight loss of sensation, but the benefit and look is great.

Broadbandbill profile image

Don’t listen I o the anti guys. You have made a great decision. Looks great. Take it easy for a while. You will be proud of yourself. My lovemaking is brilliant now. My girth improved as well as a bonus

Guyguy132 profile image
Guyguy132 in reply to Broadbandbill


Guyguy132 profile image

I did it for health and cosmetic. I tried stretching methods before and it didn’t work, so I knew I had to do this. Plus, I think it looks a lot better. Nobody’s forcing you to do it so stop being rude, fair enough tell people if they ask what pros/ cons are but don’t be bashing people when they already know the decision they’re going for!

Amazingguy_68 profile image

Congrats man! You are gonna heal wonderfully, i wish i could say the same about mines. Im pretty sure im gonna be a human "her pleasure ribbed" lol, my stitches came apart i hope it heals flat but im fine with a ribbed penis too.

Guyguy132 profile image
Guyguy132 in reply to Amazingguy_68

Thanks- hope you heal alright!

Pineapples101 profile image

Just about any guy who did not have phimosis before the procedure will say that it’s a lot worse, phimosis usually hinders sexual pleasure more than circumcision, although phimosis can be cured in much better ways.

Personally I wouldn’t be down to lose all that sensitivity, plus it wouldn’t feel like sex without foreskin to me. Also I don’t want a scar or a callousing on my glans or any of that.

I know some people don’t mind, hope you made the right decision! Good luck!

JD98 profile image

The guy who posted this pic had the luck of having a great surgeon lol .thats as clean a job as you can get done .congrats .and on the argument going on here .Circumcision is great .however it is a fact that many docs dont give proper advise or aftercare info . Hence you find most of us here sharing experiences from peeps who have gone through circumcision successfully. The only deal with it is that you have to look after it very carefully for a few weeks for infection etc .but after that its complete pleasure .Ive had a case of phimosis where I could barely masturbate properly let alone having sex .my foreskin would feel like it would tear every single time it moves and I would have to stop .Stretching never helped .resulted in huge pain for almost no results at all and it made my dick look like shit .so thankful I got it done and Im already having a good time gently masturbating with no pain whatsoever and my dick looks great haha

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