I circumcised 5 days ago and the stiches are coming out underneath and near the belly where I position my penis and it moves back and forth on its own , what should I do please help I cant loose this guy
Stitches coming out on day 5: I... - Men's Health Forum
Stitches coming out on day 5

Please Wait for few days. Naturally everything will take shape
Stitches coming out? Normal
It varies from body to body, ask your surgeon
R u sure?
I spoke to a surgeon and he said I should just clean the open area keep it clean and see because its 2 stitches out of 8 that came out and it was due to late night erections, thanx guys a lot
At this moment as long as its healed and the surgeon said I cant be stitched after 5 days and ryt now the thot of having an ugly penis is beta than not having it at all 😦
Had half of my stitches down on day 5, couldn't go back to my surgeon.
A friend of mine told me to use strip to keep the wound close, what I did.
It's now healing pretty well but I still advice you to go back to your surgeon
I don't think you should worry about it. Keep the wound clean and give it time to heal.
Can u take a pic of it for us, and upload it to a new post? Thanku! So we can visually see the intensity of your problem
hi i want to ask this question the stitches take hw long to come out cs its bean four weeks nw ?

You must take them out carefully now they shudv came out on from day 14