I'm due for my snip consult with NHS.
Can I choose what method is used? Open or closed, scalpel or no scalpel?
I'm due for my snip consult with NHS.
Can I choose what method is used? Open or closed, scalpel or no scalpel?
Id recommend dont go for it. I know mates had it done and had nothing but bother down there. I wouldnt play about way nature thats me personally
It will depend on the surgeon. Most often it will be closed using the scalpel method. Usually one incision in the middle from which both tubes are reached (often tugged). The statistically least problematical method is the no scalpel approach which heals quicker and leads to less complications following the surgery. Open or closed? There are arguments for both, but overall I would tend towards closed. This can however lead to pressure build up in the epididymis in the first year or so as the body readjusts to reabsorb the sperm produced with nowhere to go. The open in the other hand can lead to a granuloma - where the escaping sperm collects and forms a lump, sometimes needing surgery to remove. Read into it in some detail, and be aware of the 10% risk of PVP - post vasectomy pain syndrome. I'm not seeking to alarm you but think many men sign up too easily without understanding all the facts. Good luck.
I and three family members have had it done no problem what so ever sex even better now
A work colleague said that he read up on the snip and was able to ask for open ended and closed on the penis side. Suggested he had no back pressure issues and was happy with the result.
After reading all the replies so far, I have this to say -
The only CERTAIN answer for a MAN is to be castrated.
But I too was faced with the dilemma of a vasectomy or not. After producing three children, my wife and I agreed that we wanted no more. I immediately said, "Then I must have a vasectomy."
She replied: "No way will I let you do that! And in any event, it's not a sure-fire solution - because you could still produce sperm. I will have a hysterectomy, and that WILL be permanent." Or words to that effect.
So AndyTops, do you really need a vasectomy??
And my friend, after three children, had a vasectomy. Just over a year later - twins, then a few more years and another child!!! All of this after he was cleared as no more sperm in his ejaculate.