I had a traditional circumcision on 06.10.24 that's 5 days back. My bandage was removed 3 days after the surgery and since then I have a swelling at the stitch line. Is this normal ?
Is this normal swelling?: I had a... - Men's Health Foru...
Is this normal swelling?

You're likely to have swelling for a few weeks yet. Mine was badly swollen for weeks
Thanks Man7Cut - I have donut type swelling, little burning sensation too. Nocturnal erections are extremely painful. Penis looks so dead at the moment. Any
tips for faster recovery!
Hey first couple of weeks are the worst. Everything feels very tight swollen and sore. I hated the nighttime erections. What helps is lie on your side and pull your legs up to your chest in the foetal position. Either that or get up and stand on the cold floor till it goes away. You can ask me anything but a good guy to read up is Arclight1979. He's detailed his entire experience and explains stuff really well. Another couple of weeks and things will be different
Hwills gautamratz Just replying here to welcome you both to the forum and to the Circ Bros. Sounds like you're both at the early stages. The first two weeks are definitely the worst, but you'll be surprised how good things begin to feel in a few weeks. Swelling is a part of this, it hangs about, it can be uncomfortable and feel like it'll never leave, but it will. Also, erections will be tight and sore until the stitches lose their tensile strength, then everything will feel looser and more comfortable.
Have a read through my posts and ask questions. There's a lot of people on here with lots of good experiences to share. You both got this. 👍
Day 8- Thanks Guys! really appreciate the effort and guidance. I am feeling much better mentally now.
I had to get the circumcision done due to short frenulum, my doc advised traditional rather than the stapler one. I have hypersensitive glans and i use a gauze to cover it which makes it little bearable.
Last evening i applied an antibacterial ointment and gently wrapped the gauze around the penis, in the morning the gauze was badly stuck with the sutures and the wound. The gauze had some pieces of sutures, blood and yellow discharge on it. Any recommendations on this ??
I had a scheduled appointment with my surgeon today. He says healing is fine and sutures can be removed on day 11. He also advised me to use coconut oil on the glans and wound area to avoid gauze sticking to the sutures or wound.
Has anyone used coconut oil on the wound or glans for faster recovery ?
Yes I did use coconut oil to soften and heal the scar area after the stitches came out, but while the cut was still open I tended to stick to Vaseline
Yes, used a bit of coconut oil after the wound had healed closed. But I always found Vaseline to be the best coating until about 8 weeks when I stopped using anything. I found my penis felt less irritated after the 8-week mark, so stopping coating it with stuff was a relief, and I noticed over the next month that my sensitivity dropped hugely and I never really suffered from any odd feelings from then on beyond a twinge now and then.
Hi, and welcome to the Circ forum. Your swelling will be there for a good couple of weeks, I'm now nearly 6 weeks post op, and everything is getting there now, I have no swelling, just some tough skin around my frenulum area and the tip. This will get more subtle as time passes . The first 2 weeks are the worst, by week 3 my swelling had massively subsided.
If you look through the forum, there are many many post’s regarding circumcision, if I was you, I would be visiting my Doctor, who can give you professional advice and guidance to put your mind at rest
early stages of healing, my surgeon made it sound like I’d be ready for work and my love life within the first 4 weeks but unfortunately that wasn’t the case. I was super sensitive in that area for about 2 months and I had bad donut swelling for almost 4 months. I’m at the 6 month mark now and I am starting to see the light at the end of the tunnel, I’m not sore anymore love life has started back up and I can look at it without thinking it’ll never be normal again. The hardest part of the healing process is the mental anguish you suffer while it’s healing. Just stay positive and keep going in for your check ups with the doctor.
Also look into bio oil, it won’t be to useful now but around the month and a half mark when you are able to touch it, it will be a life saver. It helps loosen up and hide scars, so it’ll be very helpful later on in the healing process. Also makes it look more normal quicker
Really agree with your point about the mental endurance this recovery demands. Happy 6 months. I'm at 7 months now and feeling great. Happy times ahead. The best bit is the harder bits on my scarline have completely softened up now - still using lube for sex, but only cos it feels super nice to do so.
Yes bio oil is really good only thing it's very perfumed. Vitamin E oil is a good alternative and helps healing
Day 8- Thanks Guys! really appreciate the effort and guidance. I am feeling much better mentally now.
I had to get the circumcision done due to short frenulum, my doc advised traditional rather than the stapler one. I have hypersensitive glans and i use a gauze to cover it which makes it little bearable.
Last evening i applied an antibacterial ointment and gently wrapped the gauze around the penis, in the morning the gauze was badly stuck with the sutures and the wound. The gauze had some pieces of sutures, blood and yellow discharge on it. Any recommendations on this ??
I had a scheduled appointment with my surgeon today. He says healing is fine and sutures can be removed on day 11. He also advised me to use coconut oil on the glans and wound area to avoid gauze sticking to the sutures or wound.
Has anyone used coconut oil on the wound or glans for faster recovery ?
Lot of people are suggesting salt water for faster healing of wound. Do we need to dip the Penis in salt water for few minutes or just pour salt water over the wound ? There are places where smegma has also hardened and not coming out. Any suggestions on that!
Yes it's best to use a mug or similar filled with warm salt water and soak your penis in it for a few minutes. Without seeing it, I don't think it's smegma but lymph fluid but you could check that with your doctor. As soon as you can bear it I would stop covering up, the air will help it heal better and get you used to the sensation of not having your glans covered by your foreskin
is there a way to post a photo on the forum for a better advice ?
Today I have completed 2 weeks of circumcision- Statures have started falling, Night erections are not a pain anymore, Swelling is reducing. One issue i am facing from a couple of days is that my foreskin becomes too tight when erected and does not move down further, seems it require some kind of lubrication. Is it a part of healing ?
I remember everything felt tight while the sutures fell out and healing progressed. If the cut is closed up use vitamin E oil or coconut oil to soften the skin and help it stretch. At 2 weeks it's still early and there will also be healing going on inside that you can't see.
I have been applying coconut oil, it does help a bit but when erected gives a feeling of a rubber band tied on the glans. Can that be due to the swelling which is still there around the cut area.