hey guys i finally got it done and i urinated 8 times already with no issues but its already looking swollen.. doc told me to keep bandage on for 3 days then take it off and take a regular shower...no pain as of right now.. ill admit im scared to take the bandage off not knowing what to expect
just got circumcised today.. - Men's Health Foru...
just got circumcised today..

Well done on getting it done. It's a very brave thing to take the plunge and have the surgery. My advice is to follow your doc's advice to the letter. It will feel uncomfortable wearing the bandage, but keep it on for the amount of days you've been told to. It will swell once you take it off, but trust me when I say that for a few weeks it will look how you expect and will get better and better with each passing week. Did the doc say anything about Vaseline, etc? Don't forget to reach out here and DM me if you want to talk cock - I'm 9 weeks healed (nearly), so it's fresh in my memory, but the other more experience cocksmiths around here will no doubt weigh in with their advice. You got this, fella, we're all rooting for you.
thanx for the reply... believe me i was scared beyond belief going into this it took everything out of me mentally...doc didnt tell me anything about vaseline or any other creams... he just gave me antibiotics incase of infection and he told me when i take bandage off not to put a new one on just leave it open... my biggest fear is seeing my cock for the first come sunday i hope i dont faint
I completely understand. I was scared too. To be honest, I was ready for how it looked, my doc had me prepared. I was way more worried about the physical removal of the bandage and if it would be stuck to me - I just sat in a bath that only just covered my groin and soaked it off. Just ride out these first few days with the bandage on. The next phase is adjusting to life without the bandage. I spent the first two weeks without any pants on at all - full-on Donald The Duck. Don't try to rush your healing, just trust that it will get better over time. You got this.
Well done and congratulations. Be prepared for a long recovery, but it is worth it! Best advice: salt water rinsing daily once bandage is off to prevent infection and promote healing, then try and restrict movement as much as possible. Tight pants. Expect some bleeding from overnight erections. It won't harm recovery. Don't even think about touching it for pleasure for 6~8 weeks! What was your need for getting done? and what method? I had Phimosis and mine was freehand under local anaesthetic with dissolving stitches. I', 6 months post-op now.
hey im currently taking antibiotics just in case of infection i had my first erections last night and it didn't hurt that much since i still have bandage on.... i suffered from bacterial strep balanitis for a long time and i had no choice but to get cut (inner part of skin was removed), i have no idea what cut i got the doctor just told me its gonna be a regular circumcision with dissolvable stitches. i got lucky i was put under with general anesthesia.... how are u doing after 6 months? how does it feel to masterbate?
Hey. Wow, sounds nasty. It will be a big relief. I had phimosis. I was told it was a 'standard freehand' cut, also with dissolving stitches. All fully healed at 6 months. I'm really pleased with the neatness of the cut line No scarring. Masturbation is great, oral is even better than before! Keep up a strict hygiene routine and keep your mind off thoughts about masturbation... Once bandage is off, If the head is sensitive, use some Vaseline, if the stitches react or irritate, use Savlon - all what my urologist told me.
wow thats awesome man happy for u.. one more question...when u took ur first shower did u use shampoo or anything? i also got saline water but not sure when i should start dipping my dick in it lol
Definitely no soap as it can irritate. If you do use a very mild ph one and thoroughly rinse. Soak the bandage in water and gently ease it off. I started dipping in salt water almost straight away. Helps clean off blood residue which would otherwise go crusty. I used 4 teaspoons of salt in a pint glass. Dip your dick, swill it around for a good few minutes then gently pat or air dry- you won't want to rub it with a towel. Salt dips were also good at removing the last bits of dissolved stitches without picking at them. But you do t need to worry about that right now.
Don’t forget don’t be tempted to have any kind of sex for at least six weeks….give it time to heal inside & out😎👍
We were circumcised the same day xD. It's not hurting that bad, it looks still quite swollen but I can live with it. Biggest problem for me is that I can't masturbate and I used to masturbate on a daily basis... I reaaaaaaaaaaaaaaally don't think I can wait for 6 weeks before masturbating.