Diagnosis of phimosis: Got diagnosed... - Men's Health Foru...

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Diagnosis of phimosis

Wheresmyboots99 profile image
27 Replies

Got diagnosed with a condition called phimosis last month and GP told me my options. Coz it's a big deal and may need operation, I want to know from anyone who has been there how they got info to decide what to do and anything that helps someone like me in my 20s. Never had operation before so nervous. Thanks.

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Wheresmyboots99 profile image
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27 Replies
WgH420 profile image

I just had a circumcision done for the same reason and don’t regret it at all.

The operation was simple, the recovery quick. Really weird for the first 2 weeks but soon becomes a new, improved normal.

You have other options though if that’s not what you want to do. Look into stretching if that’s possible for you? There’s multiple aids like phimorings (I think that’s what they’re called) and glansie which is a stretching tool.

Everyone’s experience is different after circumcision and I really feared the worst but it’s been a breeze compared to how I’d built it up. Everywhere you look, it’ll say it’s a “minor” procedure - because it is.

Good luck and feel free to ask any questions :)

Wheresmyboots99 profile image
Wheresmyboots99 in reply to WgH420

Thanks man. Really helpful. One thing to get medical options laid out. Another thing to have to make decision that affects you and everyone round you for months.Am leaning towards surgery as it is drastic but will fix things, right?

Did you take much time off work after the surgery?

WgH420 profile image
WgH420 in reply to Wheresmyboots99

I took 2 days off but am lucky enough to be able to work from home, if not I think I would have needed around 2 weeks. Sounds drastic but I walked like a moron until then 😅

Surgery absolutely will fix it. Do you suffer from hypersensitivity, if you don’t mind me asking?

Gotta say there’s a lot of people out there who seem to be quite against circumcision as a fix for phimosis but it worked for me :)

NIMan38 profile image
NIMan38 in reply to WgH420

Two weeks is good going. I was so glad I was off for a few days and then able to work from home. Like you say, walking funny (and learning how to aim at the loo again) is definitely something that happens. I was told I looked like I had just gotten off a 3 day horse ride.

Wheresmyboots99 profile image
Wheresmyboots99 in reply to WgH420

Yeah Man. Painful sensitivity that is affecting my mental health and stuffing up relationship. Just want my life back and be like my mates who have no probs and get to enjoy what I can't!

Carrerjet profile image
Carrerjet in reply to Wheresmyboots99

Sensitivity takes long to get normal, it reduces when glans gets keratinized.

I made a post to reduce it, try finding it.

NIMan38 profile image
NIMan38 in reply to Wheresmyboots99

My only regret is not getting it done sooner. As I was embarrassed I kept putting off going to the GP, but then eventually I just got the courage and went.

WgH420 profile image
WgH420 in reply to Wheresmyboots99

I honestly can’t believe I’m on this side of it saying it’ll be okay, my head was a mess, my relationship in tatters and I had the same feelings as you in terms of just not being a normal bloke. It’s changed so quickly and whilst it’s still a bit weird, it’s a million times easier than I thought it would be.

The sensitivity was my biggest fear and it’s still there but easily manageable!

This forum was what convinced me in the end to go ahead with it - not my fiancé, or my own embarrassment or feelings of inferiority. It was only seeing other guys’ experiences who’d been through the same thing and were so much happier.

It’s not for everyone and as most posts on here will mention - all of this should be done with guidance from a practitioner but sounds like you’re already there.

NIMan38 profile image

I was cut over 2 years ago for the same reason. I definitely don't regret it. I had it done with local anaesthetic at 9am and was home again by 12noon.

Wheresmyboots99 profile image
Wheresmyboots99 in reply to NIMan38

Wow Man. That's amazing. Suppose local is easier in some ways as you up in your feet fast.Did you feel nothing during the op or did the movenent in your groin freak you out?

WgH420 profile image
WgH420 in reply to Wheresmyboots99

I attempted local first and the movement certainly freaked me out. They refunded half of what I paid and sent me home with my tail between my legs (pun intended).

NIMan38 profile image
NIMan38 in reply to Wheresmyboots99

I felt absolutely nothing. The Dr talked to me the whole way through the procedure and really put me at ease.

Devon-uk profile image

Hey man. I had Phimosis. Got worse after a yeast infection. I had cut 4 months ago. Local anaesthetic. Up and about after 2 weeks. Keeping it from moving (wearing tight underwear) was key for me. It's now healed really well and I'm so pleased how it looks now. My advice at your age is go for it! Happy to answer questions if you need mate.

SteveR12 profile image
SteveR12 in reply to Devon-uk

Hi Devon, I had assumed that when you get a local anaesthetic for a circumsion, that meant they just injected you in your thigh/buttocks or somewhere around there, and that would numb the bottom half of your body, or that there are other options than via a needle for local anaesthetics, but, on reading various circumsion websites, one of them, who said they were a clinic, actually said that how they do the local anaesthetic (I have no idea if all clinics/hospitals would do exactly the same thing for a local anaesthetic?) is - "A local anaesthetic is administered at the base and shaft of the penis", just wondering if that was your experience?, just the idea of sticking syringe needles in "there", is quite/very offputting. Thanks Devon.

Devon-uk profile image
Devon-uk in reply to SteveR12

Hey. It was no worse than the injections you get at the dentist (only not in your gums!) my surgeon did about 5 injections starting at the base but then all around the head. I only felt the first one. To be honest, what stung more was the alcohol wipe the nurse used to clean around the area. My balls were on fire for 20 seconds or so!! So it's really just the though of where they are going rather than the discomfort don't be put off it really wasn't a big deal mate

Trystem profile image

so there are some things you might try before the surgery option. If your phimosis is congenital (ie, not the result of a split or other injury) stretching may help. You can find information about that online or at various forums. The application of a steroid can really help that process. Talk to your doctor about those options and don't be afraid to seek a second opinion.

If the phimosis is the result of an injury or splitting you may never be able to stretch enough without the split reoccurring. Steroids may actually make the split even more likely to occur. In that case you might end up going down the circumcision route. Personally, I'd investigate your options and try other options before opting for the circumcision.

Wheresmyboots99 profile image
Wheresmyboots99 in reply to Trystem

Thanks Man. GP spoke about options out there but left him with idea of surgery stuck in my head as solving it once and for all. Will check out what you say about other ways and success rates and time to work kinda questions.

Gsanta profile image

Helo buddy I use to get balanitis and ofcourse phimosis , circumcision is a very normal procedure , especially ZSR, I got Circumcised recently about four months ago took me two weeks to get used to it and 6 weeks to completely heal, .Trust me compared to phimosis and balanitis pain this is much better and life time relief ..Imagine I lived 46 years with foreskin yet now I am feeling so much relief that I can't express in words !! Go for it with a experienced surgeon the silicon ring falls off in 3-5 week .You just have to avoid Masturbation and sex for 6 week !! I am glad In went for it , I am kinda few years late , better late than never .Don't worry at all !! You just have to take good care for 3-4 weeks

SnipperSniffer profile image

Don't let anyone tell you that there is no option but circumcision. If it relates to lichen sclerosus it may respond to a potent topical steroid. Also plastic surgical corrections are possible.

Uwansan profile image

It's a very simple procedure. Please get it done.I was suffering from phimosis for years till I make up my mind to get it done. Initially you will have hypersensitivity. But later it will get resolved. But you have to be patient. After the initial recovery period you will feel a 1000 times better look,healthy and powerful tool.It's amazing.

Tractors123 profile image

I had same thing ! , have it done its best thing ever! I went back to work the following day,

GreatBallsOfFire profile image

I had the op done for exactly the same reason, in my case at 58. Whilst there is discomfort afterward for a varying duration I have only ONE regret - Not getting it done years ago. Please be mindful that recovery takes an unmeasurable duration and it affects us all differently that being said I still truly believe it was the right thing to do.

renegade70 profile image
renegade70 in reply to GreatBallsOfFire

i really feel that circumcision as an infant is best. so much easier to keep things clean. if there is any discomfort as an infant, it is certainly something you have no memory of.

GreatBallsOfFire profile image
GreatBallsOfFire in reply to renegade70

I 1000% Agree. Both my older brothers were but for some reason I wasn’t. I recently asked my mother the reason . Apparently I “did not need it” .

jaglad profile image

Stretching and steroids may help but a permanent fix will be Surgery.

It is not something to be taken lightly, once it's gone it's gone. We all heal at different rates so do your research first.

Some will say it is the best thing ever, others say you will regret it. Only you can decide.

Good luck.

twisterziggy profile image

Is it true there are 20 thousand nerve endings in the foreskin and that all gets removed?

So you have to assume that orgasms will be drastically reduced?

Arclight1979 profile image

Hey buddy, I had the operation (full circ, scalpel, dissolvable stitches) about 2 months ago and even with the first few weeks being as mad as you'd imagine, it all gets better over time. I'm 40 years old, so my healing time is probably going to be a bit slower than younger men, but I can see and feel progress every day.

I didn't really have an option - surgery was the only way considering I had phimosis (lifelong) and preputial adhesions on one side of the head (basically denser skin bridges where the inside of the foreskin sticks to the head). My urologist said if I only had one or the other that I could have had minor surgery for the adhesions or used steroid creams to (maybe) soften my foreskin to deal with the phimosis, but that ultimately a circumcision could solve both. If there are other options you can try before surgery, I'd personally say to try them first. However, knowing that in a few months I'll have a nicely healed circumcised penis to enjoy with my wife for the rest of my life without worrying. I've never had a proper blow job, always felt a bit nervous being more adventurous in bed with different positions (they were all possible, but the foreskin would feel tight and sometimes the condom would get caught in my foreskin) and generally just felt a bit held back. It's never stopped me having a fulfilling sex life or fathering children, but it's been a lifelong source of shame and awareness that just shouldn't be saddled to your manhood. Just my feelings on it.

I had never had an operation before either and I was so focused on the op that I neglected to give any thought to the actual recovery process - my biggest mistake. It's good that you're reaching out for more info from men who've gone through it before you - I found this forum after the op and wish I'd found it sooner. I would say that around the 6-week mark is when I had the golden erection that showed me how my penis has changed and what it will look like from now to the end, and I'm really excited about the future.

Just remember, healing takes time and is different for everyone. If you choose to have the op, just stay calm, reach out to people on this forum and you'll find the people here are a wealth of comfort and knowledge.

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