I thought I would just share my experience as others might find this useful.
I had my circumsision on the 5th or December, the reason is due to phimosis never been able to reveal my glands since birth (I’m 28)and was not enjoying sex etc.
so my operation appeared to go well but I caught an infection which was cleared up after a couple of weeks. The stitches also feel out all good after 3/4 weeks. What I’ve been struggling with is the sensitivity, I even made a post here. I was unable and still can’t touch the glands I’ve tried everything loose boxers, tight boxers large trackie bottoms but no luck.
I couldn’t even put on vasaline due to the hypersensitivity. Everyone kept saying you have to ride out the pain. I called the hospital and spoke to my surgeon who advised using emla cream to numb the glands so I could use vasaline. I tried over a week using cotton wool buds ear buds my fingers but could not hack the pain due to sensitivity. I called the hospital back up and they basically said nothing they could do. My mental health not something as a typical man I like speaking about was in bits not leaving the house in 5 weeks, not taking the dog out, going for my runs or missing Christmas/ new years.
I thought something wasn’t right so I had a telephone call with my doctor who has now diagnosed me with Allodynia - which is nerve sensation. I have to train both my glands of my penis and my mind touch is ok and won’t be painful. Hopefully this works but she said it’s will probably be another month or 2 before I can be back to normal.
While this is not what I wanted to hear at least I know what I need to do now to get back to normal. I’ve experienced so many emotions the past 6 weeks, especially anger with my consultant for not telling me the risks but I’ve come to accept I have to move forward with this.
Appreciate this is a long post but thought I would share this if anyone else goes through something similar