I am on day 9 of being circumcised, most of the stitches have came out and the wound looks like it has opened up I’m not sure if this is suppose to happen this way. Worried it is not healing properly. I did visit the doctor the other day to have it checked for infection he did give me a course of antibiotics just incase.
need advice please: I am on day 9 of... - Men's Health Foru...
need advice please

Some of the stitches do come out, especially when you have night time erections. I had two places where I thought the skin had come away and wouldn't heal but it healed fine. Give it 4 or 5 weeks and it will look better. If you're still concerned see your GP.
Thanks for the reply, yeah night time erections have been a nightmare for me for the first week so I’m guessing that’s why it’s went like this. It was just a bit worrying seeing it go this way after the last few days. I’ll give it a few weeks to heal properly.
I always go to the toilet before I go to bed because its normally when you're dying for a pee that you get erections in bed at night. Didn't always help but its worth doing. Good luck!
Hey. I had what I thought was a failed stitch and the wound opening after some strong overnight erections. I had it checked and the doc said it was a 'stitch reaction' not a failed stitch. It's since healed. You might have the same. Hard to tell without seeing.