Circumsion yesterday bit swollen zero pain , no pain killers taken at mo . Bit worried as penis still number no sensation at all . Will the pain start in couple days .. no blood this morning glaze fell as soon as got home . No erection night time bit worried .
Circumsion yesterday: Circumsion... - Men's Health Foru...
Circumsion yesterday

Don't worry it will be fine in 2-4 dàys after the incisionU will feel the sensation
And alittle pain wen u have erections so avoid having them
don’t worry it will settle down we are all different mine was quite painful once the anaesthetic wore off and was very swollen and painful for first 3 to 4 days so your lucky not to be on pain killers just take one day at a time good luck 👍
I never had any pain for a couple of days but after that it became quite uncomfortable when some sensation came back ie when the head of the penis rubs on your clothes I had mine done on January the fifth and still can be a little uncomfortable when having sex
I was circ in October. Don't worry. Doesn't really hurt. More like just uncomfortable. Just be careful and gentle with it. And don't submerge it til cut is healed! Shower is ok after 2-3 days. I took bandage off in shower bcuze gauze will kind of get caught and pull on stitches. I also re wrapped my bandage after every morning shower with fresh neosporin and bandaging afor 1-2 weeks. Left unwrapped after 5-7 days at night but still put neosporin
you can always call your doctor too and ask them if this is normal. I think after surgery the nerve block has to wear off, swelling and pain can be worse after 2-3 days
I got a emergency dorsal slit done in Dec and had no pain afterwards. But did have bleeding.