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[Help] Desperate need advice now post circumcision 7 weeks suicidal

Edxzc profile image
35 Replies

Hi guys, i need urgent advice as i am suicidal post circumcision, i am 29, my phimosis is pinhole and i have no choice to get circumcised, i am regretting getting circumcised every single day.

my glans is ultra super sensitive even a slightest gauze moves or a cotton bud friction i am screaming in pain and i cant even touch it without the electrified feeling , i am staying naked at home for 52 days already, but my sensitivity has not 1% reduced

i just want to know will sensitivity improved over time as i am losing faith and thinking of killing myself yesterday.

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Edxzc profile image
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35 Replies
SetteeSofa profile image

Hi Edxzc,

Very sorry indeed to read your experience - it must be dreadful for you. I don't know where you live, so cannot advise on the best services for you to call upon.

From what you have written it sounds to me as though you may live on your own?

Seven weeks is certainly a long time to have that high degree of sensitivity, and I can only imagine how you must be feeling.

I assume that even with that degree of pain, the wound has healed well? If so my immediate instinct is to try to wear some tight-fitting underpants. I know that must sound like potential torture, but it ought to hold your penis tightly against your body and prevent friction as you move about. You clearly can't remain naked indefinitely.

If you can get yourself dressed and able to move about, get yourself to a GP or ideally the urologist who performed your procedure and get some professional and practical advice, and don't be embarrassed to let them know how you are feeling - it's important that they know.

From your words it sounds as though you had severe phimosis if only the meatus was exposed. It may be that having been almost totally covered for all of your life, the glans is unusually sensitive? I don't pretend to know, but do your utmost to get professional advice and assistance as soon as possible.

I wish all the very best and hope you can get a resolution with the minimum of delay.

SetteeSofa :)

Edxzc profile image
Edxzc in reply to SetteeSofa

My wound still have stitches on it yet dissolved , i have a short penis and sometimes my meatus hit the penis glans i am in immerse pain, thanks for replying, i am really in severe depression, i tried kill myself multiple times but unsuccessful as i love my family too much cant bear to leave them.

SetteeSofa profile image
SetteeSofa in reply to Edxzc

Thank you for replying.

The meatus is the 'pee hole' in the glans through which urine leaves your body, so it can't actually hit the glans; rather it is part of it.

I am truly sorry I cannot be of greater help to you, but may I say I am delighted to know that you have a family who I am sure will assist you through these difficult days far better than I am able to do.

I would though encourage you to avail yourself of any services in your area which may be able to counsel you through your depression until you are able to access real help for your condition.

With my kindest thoughts and every good wish to you.

Settee Sofa :)

Edxzc profile image
Edxzc in reply to SetteeSofa

Sorry for my bad english, i thought meatus is ball sacks, thanks for your kind words settee

SetteeSofa profile image
SetteeSofa in reply to Edxzc

You are very, very welcome, and there is absolutely no need to apologise, I assure you. But please do take xsevenx's advice and contact your doctor or whatever service is available in your home town/city. I completely underline his plea for you not to harm yourself.

xsevenx profile image

I am not circumcised, so cannot help with that issue.

Contact your doctor or mental health service urgently to discuss your suicidal feelings situation. Please do not harm yourself.

Jasper71 profile image

Hi Edxzc - I really agree with the other comments here and you need to talk to your surgeon or a Dr for advice. It must be awful feeling like that.

I was cut almost exactly 5 months ago. The first few weeks were tough. But once the stitches go it became so much better for me very quickly. I had phimosis and Balanitis- for me the relief of that problem being gone and new benefits like being able to pee straight and the most intense orgasms definitely outweighed any downsides.

The first few weeks the sensitivity was high - but it does reduce. Sadly for some guys slower than others. I recall those early days where if I tried to wear underwear, I almost had to rip them off within a couple of hours the pain and buildup of pain was so intense…

But I’m living proof this goes and life gets better - now, just 5 months on, I look back at that and think of it as a short period of difficulty. I hope in a few weeks you can begin to feel the same way as me.

Many people on this wonderful group offered advice on how to reduce the sensitivity - a favourite was vaseline coated gauze in your underwear and this certainly worked a little.

However I was given advice that to desensitise I’d need to tough it out and experience some of the pain and discomfort so each day I’d get a little use to it and it would reduce. It sounds to me like you’re doing that too much and need a break. So try the gauze - try to give yourself a holiday from the pain and sensitivity for a few days. Then try to build back up to allowing the feeling so you get use to it… but start small.

I’m really hoping my reply and the others here help you a little buddy. I went through this process and was terrified - but am now so glad it was done and wish I’d done it years ago. I’m truly hoping you can feel as good about this as I do within the next few weeks and months.

Sending my best thoughts to you buddy!!

njgwm profile image


Edxzc profile image

Thank you all for your advice, but my suicidal thoughts still lingering today, too much factors in play firstly is the extreme sensivity on glans, secondly i had no idea which part is painful, When my glans below keep touch my scrotum i am in immerse pain due to having a short dick, is the painful part the frenulum i had no idea also. i really want to live on as i love my family too much, but the pain is agonising, at least daily i think of ending it twice, i am so sick of this pain, i really hope i can live through this, but the pain making me suicidal every minute

skaj84 profile image

Where in the world are you?

Have you taken the advice of the others to speak to a health professional urgently? If not, why not?

Edxzc profile image

Yes i have requested help on local hospital, probably tomorrow they will call me back

skaj84 profile image

I'm very glad to hear that. In that case, hold on. Wait for that. You always have the option of ending it later so if there is a glimmer of hope, you hold on. Can you do that?

Edxzc profile image
Edxzc in reply to skaj84

Yes i will hang on for now, but the depressiong mood comes daily without me noticing, i will try hang on

skaj84 profile image
skaj84 in reply to Edxzc

I'm glad. Please update us tomorrow? We want to hear from you.

Edxzc profile image
Edxzc in reply to skaj84

thanks mate i will update when i visit the doc, i will hang on

KOTFrank profile image
KOTFrank in reply to Edxzc

I had severe depression that was 10 years of like sleep walking. During quiet moments of showering and sitting on toilet, depressing thoughts “without me noticing” would slip in until I found myself crying. This happened so often that I would wait to shower until I was happier. But then against my free will, I found myself still crying anyway. This is because I had unthinkingly brainwashed myself through constant repetitious depressing thoughts, which physically ruts the brain to always take the same pathway. It takes about a year of conscious thought to think differently. Recommend setting aside time periods to proactively concentrate on depression as well as time periods without depressing thoughts.

SetteeSofa profile image

Been following the conversation. Do hang on until you can speak to your doctor; we're all here for you wishing you the very best outcome.

Edxzc profile image
Edxzc in reply to SetteeSofa

Thank you settee as for tonight i start taking painkillers, it does have a minor antidepressant effect, thanks all for your support and encouraging words i starting to believe the world is better

SetteeSofa profile image
SetteeSofa in reply to Edxzc

That's excellent news!!! So pleased that you've made such a positive start. Do please let us know how you get on. I know it's easy for me to say, sitting here at home, but try to believe there is light at the end of the tunnel, and that you can and will get through this nightmare with the right help and assistance.

Best wishes and strength to you.


Enantiodromia77 profile image

Hang in there man and keep talking or chatting where you feel comfortable. Hopefully going forward you pain will be less and there are people here to help in the dark times.

Kalyango profile image

Hi dear, I hope you're feeling better now. Don't regret though. Deal with the situation at hand then you will be delighted in the results. Then again I have a friend who is still treating that thing for almost three months now. But once you persist, it gets better with time.

You can't give up yet. The world needs you. And you need yourself most.

Kind regards

Jasper71 profile image

how you doing today?

Edxzc profile image

sorry guys never update today as today is saturday the hospital never call me back, probably monday they will call me up, thanks all my mood is slightly better.

SetteeSofa profile image
SetteeSofa in reply to Edxzc

Obviously I'm sorry to hear the hospital failed to call you back, but am relieved to read that your mood is slightly elevated; all improvement is welcome - and help is on its way!!

Take care.

SetteeSofa :)

Jasper71 profile image
Jasper71 in reply to Edxzc

good to hear your feeling slightly better today buddy!! Hang on in there and all will be fine! It just takes a little time!

Edxzc profile image

Thanks everyone for your kind comments, i am still suffering extreme pain/sensitivity as of today, what i can do is try to be not suicidal but depressed feelings is always there, i know its good to be positive but once the pains kick in my whole happy face is instant change to sad.

Knd229 profile image

So sorry to hear this! I had similar issues for about 4-5 weeks. I took salt baths daily which helped massively, particularly in removing gauze dressings in the early stages post-op. In terms of the glans, after 4 weeks I discovered a secondary issue which was leaving blisters on the glans and delaying healing. Once I got medication for that secondary condition it has healed and is fine. There is still some sense of extra sensitivity on the tip of the glans but life has almost returned to normal now. Why not check with your GP or surgeon if there is a secondary issue which is delaying healing and enabling less sensitivity. It will improve so do trust that you are not alone and you will turn the corner.

Edxzc profile image
Edxzc in reply to Knd229

Thanks mate for your advice, but my sensitivity is extreme, i cant even point the shower head on the glans, i can only let water flow from my stomach down when showering daily, so i had no idea how to do a salt bath

graler profile image

I bought micromesh pants at kalvin kline but make sure they are tight it's been over a year for me and I'm still a little sensitive there but believe you me those pants are a god send!!

jaglad profile image

Lots of good advice here. I like others suffered hyper sensitivity. It does get better and you must move forward.

Paracetamol and Ibuprofen will help with the pain. Tight pants to keep things still reduced pain and following advice on here slowly introducing a gentle spray from the shower helps you become accustomed to touch, and the slow process of desensitizing will start.

One thing to be wary of is pre-emptive pain. Yes apparently it exists. Because your Brain expects pain to result from certain movements it prepares your body in advance. So you think there is going to be pain and you react to it before it happens ?

God luck

SetteeSofa profile image

Hi there!

Have you been contacted by your hospital?


Edxzc profile image
Edxzc in reply to SetteeSofa

Yes they contacted me today, but i am unable to leave house so i ask my parents help me to go instead and consults, thanks once again

SetteeSofa profile image
SetteeSofa in reply to Edxzc

I hope you managed to keep your appointment and it was reassuring and helpful for you.

With thoughts and all good wishes,

SetteeSofa :)

Edxzc profile image

Thanks everyone for your advice

Lex559 profile image

It'll get better with time. Just be patient, relax. Maybe use some lidocaine gel which will numb u. Also keep it wrapped and change wrap daily after every shower

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