adult circumcision in a week - Men's Health Foru...

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adult circumcision in a week

rafan profile image
12 Replies

Hi All,

I have been having a condition of my foreskin to not be able to be pulled back over the head of the penis all my life, commonly called Phimosis. It does go back when its flaccid but not when erect. Recently for few months I have also been facing a problem of balanitis and it stays controlled till the time I apply the antifungal cream (clotrimazole). it causes rashes, itching and serious discomfort.

After reading some posts here, I have decided to go through circumcision after consulting my doctor which is going to be next week. Hoping to hear some recent/past experiences and how it affects your life in terms of going to work after the procedure, having sex/mastrubation and the overall healing process.

Any advise is greatly appreciated.

Thank you.

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rafan profile image
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12 Replies
user22 profile image

Hey man, I had the same condition, unable to pull back once erect. Had mine done almost 5 weeks ago now and healing is going well.

The first few days/couple of weeks may look a bit grim but it does better better!

Unless advised by your doc, get the bandage off after 24-48hrs to allow faster healing and to start getting used to the exposed glans being very sensitive. It may hurt for a while but you will get used to it. I found that wearing supportive boxers to hold him in place worked super well. After a couple weeks I also started to soak him in cooled boiled salt water to help keep clean. Also cleaned using cotton wool dipped in the water.

Mine was quite swollen, which is normal. This went down 80% by week 4, but again, may take much longer and it’s nothing to worry about. Hoping the rest will go down soon.

Haven’t tried sex yet, but they say about 5-6 weeks is OK. But for others, may take longer as everyone is different. You’ll know 👍🏻

All of what I have said worked well for me but may not necessarily for others! Hope it helps man.

rafan profile image
rafan in reply to user22

thank you so much man. Appreciate your response.

Etierrez profile image

Got circumcised because the same reasons about a year and a half ago.

It is hell, but it’s worth it, so, before reading this answer, I wanted to make that very clear.

I didn’t got laser, I got the traditional way and it’s not that different. I took my bandages off on day 3, but had to wear a “homemade protector” (wich was basically a piece of cotton fabric I wrapped around it wich of course had to be clean when I wore it) for about 4 more days (if you think this can help you to, try to change it every 3-5 hours, so it doesn’t get stuck) To be honest the first days are not that painful as you may think, for me at least it was my mind and seeing everything swollen what got to my nerves, but it wasn’t that bad, once you learn how to hold it to pee, everything’s ok (btw, always unbutton your pants all the way, you may think this is logic, but the mind can be tricky and sometimes make you believe “just the zipper” is alright. It’s not.)

Once I took the bandages off (on the third day) My doctor told me just to clean the stitches with microdacyn, wich was very helpful and effective at least for me. That and with the help of a Qtip (buy the most expensive Qtips you can find, otherwise the cotton might get stuck on the stitches and that’s not fun), it was not that hard.

Of course your gonna have to be patient to learn how to sit without being uncomfortable, how to walk without moving that much, and how to be comfortable while showering, you should be god to do all this task unconsciously around day 4-5.

Now, on day 7 (more or less, it depends on your “horniness”) comes the real struggle. When you’re awake there’s no problem… but when you’re asleep, your body starts to realize that you have not ejaculated in a few days, so you start to get the night erections. That is, and I can’t stress this enough, HARD (no pun intended).

It was helpful to sleep on my side, on a “fetus-like” position, that was kind of a relief. Prepared a cooler, wich will be your friend during those nights, once you’re awake take a bag of ice and put it over it, and think about whatever makes you not-horny. For me it happened about twice a night from day 7 to 11, on day 12 I had the worst night ever, I didn’t sleep because I got woken up about 4 times and that was enough. You have to be creative and open minded to get rid of that erection, trust me, there is another way to cum without JO, but once again, might not be fit for all. When I got peace again on day 13, everything went smooth and better. Don’t be afraid of how swollen it is, or if you get stitches, they are supposed to fall by themselves, don’t worry even if the doctor told you they will all fall on day 7, it’s a lie, it depends on your healing process and it takes different times for everyone.

I got to JO around week 4, and again, you’ll have to learn how to do it. Just make sure you don’t pull the skin under the scar, and don’t be afraid of the lube, is your new best friend now. Take your time, it’s gonna be frustrating because you’re probably not used to stimulate only your glans, but let me tell you, IT’S WORTH IT.

Oh, almost forgot, your glans might get dry and you might thinks it’s an infection, it’s not. Try to have it out and free as much as you can, at least on the first couple of days, that helps a lot. And with that also comes the sensitivity, cause you’re not used to have it exposed all the time… try not to think about it, and go with a more fitted underwear (if you have to wear any) to prevent movement.

I didn’t had sex until week 8 I think, mostly because I was afraid, but I’d probably be fine on week 6 wearing a condom and lots of lube. You’re gonna feel really tight and might not be able to finish on the first time you have sex, but you’ll get used to it.

I’d said you’ll feel completely heal on the third month, and there will be swollen bits still, but nothing to worry about. Even after all this time, I still have one tiny spot still swollen where the last stitch fell.

Buy Bio Oil, it does help with the healing and the dry-ness on the glans, I started using it around week 3, but it depends on how fast your stitches close and fall. It’s also a great lube so you have a win-win hahaha.

I think that’s it, sorry if I went for to long, but when I had my circumcision done, I was hopping to read something detailed and helpful, so I feel responsable to share my experience as detailed as it can be.

And as the friend who already answer, I have to be clear and share this as my personal experience, it might not work for everyone, but if it does, I’m glad I could help

Hope it helps, and don’t hesitate on asking any further questions.

rafan profile image
rafan in reply to Etierrez

thanks a lot for sharing your experience. I wanted to ask you how was the work situation for you. Did you have to take leaves from work? I work in IT so I am going to ask my manager to allow me to work from home for couple of weeks. when did you start going out and how was it?

Etierrez profile image
Etierrez in reply to rafan

I was on vacations when I did it 😅 cause I didn’t know how hard would it be. But I do recommend to take at least 7 days, maybe not off, but working from home. If you can get up to 3 weeks working from home, that would be way better. Maybe the first 2 days can be off, so you can get used to it. I started to go out on the beginning of week 2, but just small trips. On week 3 I was ok with doing mostly everything.

KOTFrank profile image

Best to keep the penis pointing upwards to lessen swelling by gravity. Having the penis pointing downward increases swelling which increases pain. Read all the posts in this Forum.

P_I_M_P profile image

Good luck with the op, make sure you explain doctor what you want and how you want, before he start cutting you. When u gonna be there ask him to show you the marker lines on ur d to ensure all good.

As I explained what I wanted to my doc, but on a table he did something diffrent.

Make sure you get sterlie gauzes and bandages, some vaseline and medical grade honey ointment that will improve your healing. Also do alot of vitamine C like 1000/3000mg per day. If you get wee bit of diarrhea reduce the amount of vit C.

As for sleeping, sleep on ur side with ur legs kind 90 degree to ur top body, that kind helps with night bonners, also have some frozen peas cos u gonna wake up at night with pain and run to the frezzer for those, also do a bit of walking for 5/10 mints to move the blood around ur body, so when u get back to bed u aint getting bonner so quickly, it worked for me.

rafan profile image
rafan in reply to P_I_M_P

Thanks for the advise. Did you go through a general anesthesia or was it just in the area?

P_I_M_P profile image

Just the area, shaft and surroundings

Jasper71 profile image

You’ve got some really good replies of just what is like here already! I’m celebrating two weeks today since my op…. And mostly good.

Mine was done because of tight foreskin (or as I prefer do describe - my cock was too big for my foreskin) and recurring balanitis.

I took years to ask for medical help as scared and embarrassed… but when I did was super easy and should have done it years ago!! I’m terrified of needles and not great at idea of surgery… so was rather nervous coming up to then op - and had a general anaesthetic.

Came out of surgery “ok” and was home by 2pm. Day one was quite ok, though I think was a mix of adrenaline and whatever drugs they gave me!! Bandage fell off that afternoon and had been told to keep on for up to 48 hours if hadn’t fallen off yet. I was overly cautious and put a bandage back on made of gauze and Vaseline with micropore tape for first two days. I distinctly remember being over the moon that I could actually pee straight for the first time in years!!!

The next couple of days were downhill. Having been pleased with how it looked day one… day two the bruising and swelling started! It really looked like there had been a full on car crash or war zone in my pants!! I couldn’t believe the level of swelling and bruising! Someone before my surgery said “rooster potato” - they were about right!!

The first few days after surgery I slept a lot… very tired, couldn’t do much. Mostly all was good for the first 4 days and nights.

You’ve already been warned about night time boners. Mine hit on the fifth night and just wow! Nothing will prepare you for this!! I was taking pain killers before bed but it didn’t even get close. I think I first woke at about 2am in pain… leapt up having been told walking around would help reduce a boner… but no…. I headed for the freezer!! You have no idea how good a pack of frozen peas can feel until you’ve just been circumcised!! I sat there with a bag of frozen peas on my cock for half an hour!!! I had to get up and reach for the peas another 3 or 4 times that night. And this continued every night.

The good news, each night the pain got a little more bearable, and the amount of frozen peas I needed was a little less. I had 4 or 5 bad nights. I was super grumpy and tired and sleep deprived for a few days.

I can’t tell you how good it is to get past this and have your first night without having to get up with boner pain. Don’t get me wrong - the boners still happen and they still hurt - but are manageable. I guess I’m now about a week into “OK” sleep again!

At 11 days, I started to dress normally. I had in the early days tried wearing tight briefs and pointing my chap north as recommended… but could never manage more than an hour or two. Now I can wear boxer briefs and dress normally - and have managed whole days!!

I’m still moving cautiously and slowly… but can do most normal things again and am generally off pain killers.

Can only take you to 14 days buddy… but I hope this helps.

Good luck with yours, and enjoy your new cock!!

rafan profile image
rafan in reply to Jasper71

Thank you so much for sharing your experience. I had my pre-op today and was briefed by my doctor about some precautions but these experiences are really helpful and any doctor won't tell you some of the unpredictable things that only recent experiences can tell. My doctor said the night time erections should be okay and not too painful, I was like aah I doubt it lol!

Jasper71 profile image
Jasper71 in reply to rafan

The doctor clearly hasn’t been through this!! 🤣🤣🤣

My experience was they were hell! But (and it doesn’t seem like it at the time) only for a few nights. I had 4 or so really bad nights… but each one got a little better and then after 4 or 5 they are bearable.

Now, at 16 days… boners are uncomfortable. But they are quite manageable.

Good look buddy - you’ll be fine. But there is a tough week or two to get through before you find your new happy cock place!!

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