Hi, it’s been already 7-8 months now after circumcision. I still have a bit sensitive problems but not a big deal, the worst part is that I still have this swelling ring and I think it’s actually extra skin. The extra skin is red and i think it’s the inner skin, anyways it’s very uncomfortable during masturbation and sometimes the stretching gets painful as well. It’s been a long time and I don’t see the swelling area going away at all, the inner skin is also still sensitive and causes pain and discomfort during masturbation or in general. I am going to to doctor tomorrow and I most likely will need to do another surgery, hopefully I can get back to my normal sex life because I am very worried.
Do I need another circumcision? - Men's Health Foru...
Do I need another circumcision?
Good you're seeing the doc bro. Nothing he can't sort out for you. Good luck
Hi I was circumcised last year had the same problem and went to a dermatologist who helped me massively. I had a lot of extra skin because I got a crap circumcision. I then developed lichen sclerosis because of the op. I had to have a second circumcision today which will hopefully fix the problem.
Ye so basically after my first surgery I still had forskin going ¾ down the head of my penis. Surgeon said it was a full circumcision he just left way too much skin so when the skin came back to the incision line it was bright red and would bleed even if touched it with a tissue that went on for 8 months until I finally got referred to the dermatologist. Thanks man feel good after surgery. The ointment I was prescribed is called dermovate and it done a good job.
Some might say you have already had one circ too many.