Why are so many men on here having circumcision surgery in adult life? If foreskin retracts for intercourse I can't see why, surely less sensitivity is not a good thing, I like to feel my partner to the fullest, particularly at the moment of vaginal penetration which is the most intimate act as far as I am concerned, why risk loosing anything from this wonderful moment which sets the tone for the joy and warmth to follow. It is as much a mystery is women shaving, this is sex not a gyno examination. Circumcision does not seem so prevalent in the UK, barring religious reasons.
Why: Why are so many men on here having... - Men's Health Foru...
Many guys have this done for several reasons. Lots can't retract the foreskin which can cause pain during sex, they can't wash properly and many get ongoing infections such as balanitis. That area should be kept clean and washed on a daily basis!!! If you can't retract the skin you can't wash!! Some guys foreskin gets tighter with age and they end up having it done when they are older! I'm Irish and had to have it done when I was 20 and I can think of at least 7 other guys that I know who had this operation done to resolve similar issues. Everyone doesn't have a perfectly functioning foreskin where the skin just glides back easily and if this can't be resolved through other means well circumcision is the only option left! I don't think guys are just getting this procedure done for no reason!!!
95% of people here are getting circumcised for Phimosis and Balanitis,so pretty much solely for medical reasons..most people wouldn’t voluntarily have their foreskins chopped off if everything worked ok.Sure there are some who want it for cosmetic reasons but they’re very few and far between compared to the majority here.
Me myself was having issues where 3 times a year the skin gets tight and ripped
Thank you for your comment. I read this thread and thought - gosh clearly I'm odd. But I'm getting circ for non retracted erect and hygiene due to this.Your comment is reassuring.
I had mine done cause it was too tight, stretching didnt help. Im guessing u are uncut with no issues?? How old are u ?
Ur lucky
I ripped mine during sex, during a BJ. And having a wank. Not nice experience
A mate of mine is going through the same thing now with his wife. Its more common than i thought im 36 hes 42
You have a valid observation and it shouldn't make anyone feel uncomfortable. All surgeries have pros and cons that should be considered carefully before an irreversible action is taken. I find nothing wrong with questioning the merits of circumcision when not medically necessary. Although some have no complications, others are not as lucky. Patients need to know recovery time lines, how much tissue will be removed, the circumcision method, the circumcision type (low, high, tightness), surgical proficiency, glans sensitivity outcomes, pain support management, infection indicators, etc. Only through questions, do we arrive at the proper sense-making to carry out the optimal individual choice.
It is a personal choice, and no one has to justify their personal choice to anyone. There is an old saying "Live and let live", and a man choosing to have his prepuce removed does not effect your life in any way. So leave him be.
Your assumption of the loss of sensitivity after circumcision, due to the glans continually exposed, is not really correct. The men who complain most about this are usually the ones who had a non retractable prepuce and had never experience sex with the glans exposed during the act of penetration and thrusting and find the sensations from penetration to be different. Likewise it is men like you who are not circumcised who make these statements. Mate, you don't know. Likewise I don't know how you perceive pain and pleasure, I can only assume based on my experience.
I pretty much follow and agree with all you say. I am one of the guys who doesn't experience gland exposure or gliding of the foreskin during sex. I'm awaiting a circ date. Do you think I'll benefit?
The medical term "keratinization" refers to the hardening of the glans that occurs when the glans is permanently exposed: cytoplasmic event that takes place in keratinocyts that move through the different layers of the epidermis to finally differentiate into corneocytes. Indeed, the surface of the glans because modified due to exposure, along with sensitivity factors. I don't believe anyone is questioning what you feel or don't feel after circumcision - the focus aims to bring light to the surgical consequences and how patients should be well informed before pursuing a surgical intervention. If you opt for cosmetic surgery, that's your prerogative.
Maybe 'so many men on here are having adult circumcision' is because you are on an adults only penis health sub? 🙄
So like my case. Done in my early 50s . Far better now in every way.