Circumcision and sexual pleasure "sur... - Men's Health Foru...

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Circumcision and sexual pleasure "survey"

CuriousQ profile image
56 Replies

I was just curious for those who have undergone a circumcision what your experience of sex is like after the SURGERY? Please answer throughly and not one liners like; it's great! (because everyone's idea of great is vastly different).

Please state WHY you had your circumcision, what STYLE you have, if you kept your FRENELUM or not and how you experience sex before and after. Are you much less SENSITIVE or about the same? Do you last longer? Negatives and positives?

This is not me trying to hate on circumcision I'm only doing this so people thinking about having a circumcision can read this thread and get ideas of what to expect because everyone's expectations are different. Some like lasting longer and others like me hate it.

** By the way how can I add tags to make my post come up on searches?

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CuriousQ profile image
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56 Replies
LSpatient profile image

Hi there! I think this is a great idea! There isn't enough solid info about this out there! I got circumcised 2 weeks ago now and I had sex on day 12 (very risky but I'm healing extremely well and I used a condom) and I had the best orgasm of my life. Hands down.

I got circumcised due to phimosis and Lichen sclerosus which worsened my phimosis. Everything was painful before hand - I constantly tore my foreskin, especially during sex and while washing. When retracted (with difficulty), there was a very tight ring below my glans which affected blood flow, and I have now learnt that it also affected my size when erect. Sex was painful, along with almost any other activity for a long time.

I tried everything under the sun: 20 different creams and ointments, 5 different specialists etc, to sort out my conditions but with no positive result. The Lichen sclerosus was making my foreskin tighter and thinner and subsequently making my life hell! I've always been against circumcision as I believe that the foreskin is meant to be there - however, in cases where it needs to be removed, I 100% think it is a great procedure! Due to my mindset, I held off from the op for a very long time and suffered for years and had painful sex for a solid 8 months. When I was being deterred from having sex and scared to wash my penis due to pain, I knew I had to get the op!

I ended up getting a low and loose cut, with my frenulum in tact! Ideally, I wanted a high and loose cut but this is what the doc gave me and I am very happy with it! Whilst I'm not fully recovered yet, I am able to masturbate (just stroking the shaft) and my orgasms have been insanely intense! Probably 2x intense as before! I'm not trying to make it seem like being circumcised will make masturbation better for everyone - it often has the opposite effect - but for me, not being restricted while orgasming or masturbating I think has made it immensely more pleasurable.

As for sex itself - I had sex after day 12 with a condom and I didn't last long at all! I had the most intense orgasm of my life - so intense that my girlfriend was laughing underneath me because of how ridiculous I looked and sounded! The build up was much longer than before and the intensity when I came was tenfold. I was so shocked! I almost passed out! I was so pleased not having any pain during sex and cumming freely!

Prior, due to the tight ring causing bad blood circulation and uncomfortabilty, my erections were never rock hard and my size was never where I guess it should have been. Now, however, I am noticeably longer and my girlfriend said that I felt significantly bigger inside of her. Just looking at it erect now, its evident that it's bigger!

We will both have a much better sex life after my circumcision as she won't have to worry about hurting me, and I won't have to worry about hurting myself, tearing and bleeding! So on all levels for me, sex is - and I'm positive will be better for me and my partner after my circumcision! No doubt!

It is still early days and my penis still needs to finish keratinization which will strip away some sensitivity but I'm sure it will still be very pleasurable! I'll be back in a few weeks to update!

CuriousQ profile image
CuriousQ in reply toLSpatient

How did they save your frenelum? They told me they would save mine but they still cut most of it off and just reattached it so I have no feeling there at all. I never imagined sex to become 70 percent less pleasurable. I imagined a slight decrease in sensitivity.

LSpatient profile image
LSpatient in reply toCuriousQ

I'm not sure on exactly how they saved it, I just know that they did haha! My doc explained to me that it's case to case and based on each different person's anatomy, and fortunately in my case they could preserve it! I dont have any stitches there or anything and it's still sensitive! Not as sensitive as before, but sensitive nonetheless! I think maybe the re-attachment in your case caused the complete loss in sensitivity! I think it's also got a lot to do with the doc's knowledge, skill, preferred methods and experience! I'm sorry that that had to happen to you!

Sieb12 profile image
Sieb12 in reply toLSpatient

They saved my frenulum too even though I had a low and tight cut. The underside was cut in a v shape but the frenulum was left. After time it became smooth but the sensitivity is still there.

At1012 profile image
At1012 in reply toCuriousQ

It’s important to differentiate between pleasure and sensitivity.

Pleasure during orgasm is the key component.

Vro46 profile image
Vro46 in reply toLSpatient

Had sex for the first time last night 3 weeks post op, Jesus Christ did it feel nice!! The sensitivity was amazing and my wife really seemed to like the cut version.

LSpatient profile image
LSpatient in reply toVro46

Right?? I'm glad you've also had a good experience man! My girlfriend really likes it!

At1012 profile image
At1012 in reply toLSpatient

How did the tight ring effect your size?

Vro46 profile image

Had mine 3 weeks ago due to phimosis, kept my frenelum despite it getting a slight tear post op,the urologist has said that’s nothing to worry about.

Unsure of the style tbh (just put a pic up in a separate post if you want to have a look) but I was extremely worried after the op as my penis seemed to have disappeared, now I’ve been given the all clear and had sex for the first time last night, my wife really seems to enjoy the cut version, says it feels like there’s more girth but that may still be due a bit of swelling, the length is returning and my orgasms seem to be a lot more intense (had 3 so far post op) so despite my initial worries everything seems to be tuning out ok.

CuriousQ profile image
CuriousQ in reply toVro46

Phimosis so your head is probably very sensitive still. Please update after 6 months or so. Yours seems to be low and tight but not as low as mine. How's sensitivity from your inner foreskin? And frenelum?

Vro46 profile image
Vro46 in reply toCuriousQ

Sensitivity is ok mate, frenulum feels quite tight still but seems to be adapting with erections, urologist examines it and was happy with it all so happy days.

Vro46 profile image

In fact the sensitivity is quite extreme at the minute, getting erect quite a lot with rubbing on my pants but nothing I’m overly worried about

CuriousQ profile image
CuriousQ in reply toVro46

How is it now?

Vro46 profile image
Vro46 in reply toCuriousQ

All brilliant now mate, erections spot on, sensitivity is great, wife loves the new look and feel so happy days

CuriousQ profile image

No one else? Would be interesting to get a lot of replies in the same thread. Much easier for people to search as well instead of having everything scattered around the web.

8thfloorben profile image

Why? To marry a girl whose religion demands it. Was always neutral though hated my long foreskin anyway and had had very slight phimosis issues which I cured with stretching. Not against it but had always resisted doctors advice in the past so not pro either. Tight frenulum but it had never snapped. Had to have a revision, not enough taken off and some still covered the head, but now medium high and tight, frenulum removed and about a year ago. So, the result. Probably lost around 50% of sensation, mainly because I didn't realise how much of it came from the foreskin going backwards and forwards. No feeling at all where frenulum was except incredible tightness that is uncomfortable. Takes forever to come now. I'm happy I sacrificed it for the lady but in terms of sexual pleasure disaster.

CuriousQ profile image
CuriousQ in reply to8thfloorben

For religion? If my lady demanded that I'd do that I would dump her. That's incredibly selfish.

8thfloorben profile image
8thfloorben in reply toCuriousQ

She didn't demand it mate, she'd have married me anyway, but I knew it was important to her and wanted to make her happy, love is a strange thing (and I enjoy getting head!!!)

Sojoguy profile image

I had mine low and tight mainly cosmetic reason and make straight from curve but I must admit that I wouldn’t know circumcision actually can create multiple organism in female partners until it is done due to improved sex and long lasting in bed. The appearance and size also noticeably changed mainly the head of the penis. It’s for sure.

CuriousQ profile image
CuriousQ in reply toSojoguy

You last longer which means your pleasure is decreased because you don't feel as much. How much sensation did you lose? And it's not the circumcision making woman orgasm it's your lack of pleasure. You can learn how to control your orgasm by doing kegels and edging. Circumcision is just removing the man's pleasure.

Also I look smaller than before because my urologist removed too much skin.

MtBlanco profile image
MtBlanco in reply toSojoguy

Hi did the circ make your penis straight? Is it uncomfortable? Mine's bend to the left. Got circ days ago, but the doctor made the bending worse i guess.

kevin222 profile image

It's true that doctor like low cut and loose skin. I wanted to get circumcised for personal reasons and I asked about high style and he said things like that don't exist.. I should have cancelled the surgery after hearing that. So I tried to tell him that I want to preserve more of the inner skin.. he agreed to it. Next day on operation table.. he told me he would remove this much skin.. confused me.. pointed towards my penis.. said: I want to cut to this point.. he agreed. 3 days later.. it was low and tight. With frenulum removed. Now I am depressed cause this isn't what I expected. About the sensitivity.. it's good.. and nerve endings are below the frenulum so you won't loose sensitivity if it isn't a botched circumcision. He talked to me when doing the operation that sexual function should not be compromised and just said hmm yeah. My inner foreskin wasn't sensitive anyway.. i never had enough skin to cover my glans so it's already numb.. I love that numb feeling. It allows me to go no for like forever but still feel the pleasure. It's good to have the urge to cum but it don't come out easily. i just wanted to have some inner skin for that two tone effect.

Now it's like Jewish people Pepe. I am fine with that but regretting for getting it done. It still healing and it's been like 50 days and this stresses me more. I also had PPP and they are gone now.. I also had some scars.. they are reduced now. Glans is dry.. nothing new but because of occasional ride up of the foreskin before the circumcision.. I had these two issues. Now it can never go up and it solved the problem. Excitement comes from the mind. Find inner piece and get creative.. use lube. Your isn't the only low n tight. Most Jew people and adult are cut like that. Not only that.. most European and Canadian adults are cut in a similar fashion.

Am I happy with mine? No. What can I do now? Nothing. Should I have the done in the first place.. prolly not but these two issues affected my confidence.

CuriousQ profile image
CuriousQ in reply tokevin222

What a terrible doctor. You should complain at the very least. You specifically asked for a style and he lied to you.

So you had it done for cosmetical reasons basically? How much sensitivity did you lose?

As far as I know Jewish people don't get a low cut. They are cut as babies. Isn't a Jewish cut a biblical cut where they only cut the tip?

I had minor issues. My doctor messed mine up and gave me more issues than I originally had. I know my results are bad because of him. I was told everyone was very skilled at that hospital which isn't true. I want them to recognize their fault and bad practices. I'm now very insecure about my penis which I never was before.

kevin222 profile image
kevin222 in reply toCuriousQ

No mate. Biblical circ. is a thing of past since Jew started to restore foreskin. Pierah I think is the word for new method.. most commonly practice in Israel and very orthodox community of Jew around the world.. I even read some Jew opinion and they say the same .Not ot all are but most are circ like that. It was a cosmetic circs. It still look good but not what I wanted. I never had sensitivity on the gland and it still the same. We are on the same boat.. full of holes in the water full of insecurity.

I have also talked to a guy cut high and tight and he too suggest it loose sensitivity and he loved that.. weird. My boy friend is cut high and tight and he say that tip is the most sensitive part of his penis. I guess everyone is built different. I can't sue him cause he did what he did and I don't have any proof of the style I wanted.. it's just I can see myself suffer. If you wish.. I can share some hot guy cut low and tight lol

About masturbation.. movement is mostly missing but idc since my masturbation techniques are different. I feels ok in an evil way that you wanna cum but it don't cum that easily but you have the urge to cum . Honestly I sometimes forgot it's gone. I can teach you how to masturbate if you like. I never liked gliding action. It's good to proceed what you have now . You are not alone.. I am not alone. One more thing.. low cut is fairly popular in Saudi and turkey culture since Muslim don't have any set age to circumcised a boy.. so some do before marriage because of religion and doctor do it and doctor always favour low cut with loose skin since high cut swells alot. So it isn't that bad but yea.. it isn't what most pornstars hai.

CuriousQ profile image
CuriousQ in reply tokevin222

It really does suck and it's so strange that people have completely different reactions. Some variation is to be expected but it varies wildly. Of course some like to not feel very much because they can go on forever but many seem to say it still feels very good and have no issues.

It doesn't help that doctors really have no clue about the sexual side effects and only want to do surgery. Also the circumcision they do at public hospitals really is bad. They let young doctors without experience do their first surgeries unguided by a more experienced doctor on our private parts with a mixed result as is evident by looking at the circumcision posts here. It's crazy. Also there needs to be more studies done on circumcision in general.

kevin222 profile image
kevin222 in reply toCuriousQ

I agree that doctor try to give patients whatever they want and keep their motherfucking ideas up their ass. My doctor said.. out goal is to remove enough foreskin that the tip remains exposed all the time.. so he did that. Not gonna lie...long before I knew about all different styles.. I imagined circumcised guys penis just like mine is looking right now.. low cut but loose skin. I am bother to know that doctor had the option to do a very little extra work and cut the way I wanted... But seems like they got their noses shoved into the books for too long that killed sex for them and so taking revenge on others.. but giving them total circumcision.

I am sorry that you loose so much sensitivity but trust me.. a guy with a high and tight cut of quota suggests high and tight cut to punish men who cheat or rape. He says that high and tight removes all the pleasure. He himself is cut high and tight in adulthood and he says that after keratinization.. it lets numb. Idk what's the truth is here.. but what I do know is.. my sensitivity isn't affected much ... It's just not up to the expectations I had in my mind that's bugging me alot lately.

apeters profile image
apeters in reply toCuriousQ

The so-called 'Biblical' cut to remove only the very tip of the foreskin is a fantasy of the anti-circumcision brigade. There is absolutely no evidence to support it.

The Jews most probably learnt about circumcision from the Egyptians during their captivity. Many ancient Mummies have been X-rayed or scanned with CT or MRI and most have been found to be circumcised. If only the tip had been removed, the glans would still be covered and an X-ray or scan would not be able to distinguish between a 'Biblical' circumcision and uncircumcised.

Jewish circumcision has always intended to remove all of the foreskin to leave the glans permanently bared. This is how it was done in practice, but not explicitly documented as required. It is true though that during the Greek ascendancy, with its hatred of the exposed glans, some Jews tried to 'restore' their foreskin by pulling the remnant forward and tying it there. The authorities rightly saw that as wrong and the total destruction of the foreskin was made an absolute requirement - although that was effectively what the majority did anyway.

kevin222 profile image
kevin222 in reply toapeters

So all circumcision done by mohel to date are radical circumcision?

apeters profile image
apeters in reply tokevin222

Well, not necessarily. There is still a fair amount of leeway within the official Jewish requirements.

Again, it depends on your personal definition of 'radical'.

kevin222 profile image
kevin222 in reply toapeters

I mean.. even now do they remove most on the inner foreskin.. putting the scar line slow to head?

CuriousQ profile image
CuriousQ in reply tokevin222

It seems to be fairly common to put the scar line close to the head because of minimal swelling and trying to hide the scar. However, it seems like doing this removes alot of sensation and increases the risk of getting a so called turkey neck and hair pulling up on the shaft but doctors are not yet aware of this and think it doesn't matter where you put the scar line. People online are of the opposite mindset.

kevin222 profile image
kevin222 in reply toCuriousQ

True. Well my hair doesn't pull up much.. it is where it is.. seems like your is brutal cut. Now what I am not happy about is the swelling. Because of it.. I am stucked thinking about it. Prolly the worst decision I have ever made.

CuriousQ profile image
CuriousQ in reply tokevin222

Mines 5mm from the head. They told me they were going to save my frenelum but still cut half of it off. Now have zero sensation there. Doctors are idiots.

kevin222 profile image
kevin222 in reply toCuriousQ

So how are you coping with what you have. I am stressed and luckily my parents support my bad decision.. they understand what I am going through and understand very well why i get this done.

CuriousQ profile image
CuriousQ in reply tokevin222

Sex went from a 10/10 to a 3/10. My scrotum pulls forward, hair on my shaft, ugly scar and penis looks smaller. I have not been dealing with this well at all especially since my prior issues were far better than now. I just made it worse. Doctors are just saying Ops that's too bad but you gotta live with it, good bye!

It's crazy they let junior doctors perform this surgery without supervision claiming it's an easy surgery.

kevin222 profile image
kevin222 in reply toCuriousQ

I am so sorry that you are dealing with something like this. You can opt for skin grafting to gain the lost length. I mean you got nothing to loose. But if you do.. opt for a plastic surgeon. You won't believe.. some morons out there want more tight than the one the have and for that.. they undergo 2-3 revision. My dick looks good other than the scar placement is too close to the head. It solved my problems but I still have swelling and it swells even more after I masturbate. How long did it take for your swelling to go down? It's been 52 days

CuriousQ profile image
CuriousQ in reply tokevin222

I didn't have much swelling because they basically removed all inner foreskin... I'd say it took me around 3 months to see the result I now have. Haven't changed much for 3 months really. Yes, urologist at general hospitals are not good surgeons. They obviously do the cheapest way possible and that shows. Best would be to go to a plastic surgeon that's very good at circumcisions with the glue method I'd reckon. Didn't know that at the time though.

Forgot to mention is also got 7 stitch marks because they refused to remove the stitches at around 2 weeks.

kevin222 profile image
kevin222 in reply toCuriousQ

You are wrong there.. even most plastic surgeon do low cut. I have seen videos.. doctors in general don't listen much and that's the problem. I self removed almost all the stitches.. even cut a minor adhesion. I am extremely sad with mine and I can understand how you are feeling right now. How your girlfriend or wife reacted to all this?

CuriousQ profile image
CuriousQ in reply tokevin222

Don't have anyone. Had one night stands but they never noticed as it was dark but I just didn't feel anything at all. No sensation. Before I could climax even if I was super drunk and wearing a condom. Now I have to have sex really hard...

kevin222 profile image
kevin222 in reply toCuriousQ

That's the whole idea some doctors are excited about. I imagine they picture you fucking your partner for long hours and that's what they try to achieve. Just this morning.. I met a guy who is excited to cut low and tight. Insane world. My trust me.. sensation are below the frenulum but I think you doctor covered it with the outer foreskin. Mine is I guess buried in somewhere but it's smooth there. My doctor focused on maintaining sexual function.. that's what he said. I guess he even gave me a hand job right after putting in numbing injection but before it get completely numb .. to measure how much to remove.. whatever.. it's low n tight.

apeters profile image
apeters in reply tokevin222

I've not actually seen a Jewish Bris (ritual circumcision) being performed but what I've read and been told by a Jewish doctor/mohel is as follows:

The baby's foreskin is pulled as far forwards as possible and a traditional shield (or Mogen Camp) placed across it immediately in front of the glans, and parallel to the rim of the glans.

The knife/scalpel is run across the face of the shield away from the glans to remove the majority of the foreskin.

The remaining skin of the inner layer is picked up and torn for its whole length. This torn skin is folded back and the penis is bandaged.

Note that part of the inner foreskin will have been removed with the initial cut (including the so-called ridged band). The remainder is not actually removed but is prevented by the tearing from ever covering the glans again. The frenulum is not deliberately removed, although some of it will get cut through with the initial cut.

The final effect would depend to some extent on the length of the baby's foreskin, but leaves him with what most of us would call a moderately low cut.

Aasp profile image
Aasp in reply toapeters

When you say moderately low cut how much innerforeskin is leftover

Ire_cali profile image

Feels great. Honestly no different.

CuriousQ profile image

Hoping to hear from more guys.

in reply toCuriousQ

Sorry to hear all the sad tales. I’m lucky, my 62 year old foreskin has served me well. Covers the glans when I am flaccid and fully retracts when erect. It’s the best of both worlds really - cut and uncut.

in reply to

Same here, I love my foreskin as it’s an integral part of my penis. The trouble with a lot of studies is that most guys that get circed as an adult have penis problems in the first place, so there answers are always going to be skewed towards it feeling better after.

in reply to

Yup. My foreskin is the same as “hidden “

Used to have a long foreskin which I always had to retract manually before sex. Condoms were a fiddle, always trying to position my foreskin. Frenulum used to resist retraction and inner skin would tear. Cut low and loose I guess, about 5mm from the glans with the frenulum completely removed. Wasn’t given a choice over style. Scalpel and stitches. Some glans coverage flaccid. Very happy with the performance though. I can last much longer but experience far more sensation on both the in and out stroke. Previously my glans would be inside my foreskin on the out stroke. My glans is less sensitive, but that’s fine. I don’t miss my frenulum as it was sensitive but not pleasurable. The inside of my eyelid is sensitive but I wouldn’t want anyone touching that! Masturbation is good, I don’t need lube due to the loose cut. I have to move the skin up towards the glans rather than back down from it. Women don’t realise I’m circumcised though as they seem to be less familiar with loose cuts. Overall I’d say sex was much improved, oral pretty much the same and masturbation maybe different but no less pleasurable.

Sieb12 profile image

For me sex and sensitivity is better, I feel my penis looks better so it increases confidence. I had a low and tight cut but the sensitivity on the glans is still the same and if I want to masterbate I work close to the glans and the orgasm is the same or better. I am very happy with the decision and would not change anything although if I had it again I may go even tighter.

CuriousQ profile image
CuriousQ in reply toSieb12

Did you have phimosis?

Jmmt99 profile image

Im at 3 weeks after circumcision after having moderate phimosis (could retract about 50%) and had my frenulum re modeled but havent always touched my frenulum anyways. Ive been masturbating by only touching the glans and it feels great, I find that the corona next to the frenulum is the most sensitivo. Will update about a week or two from now after having stitches removed and having sex

Ppplll profile image

I'm at 6 weeks. I've tried it out. Its no where near as good as when I was uncircumcised. Huge loss of sensation and still some numbness.

CuriousQ profile image
CuriousQ in reply toPpplll

Some guys say it takes up to 6 months or a year to regain sensitivity. Haven't had sex in a while so can't say but masturbation is not as good. Not super bad but not as good. And constantly having to use lube sucks.

Ppplll profile image
Ppplll in reply toCuriousQ

I agree. I use coconut oil. There's no chance of spur of the moment tugging any more, must be planned with lubed nearby.

Moondog432 profile image
Moondog432 in reply toPpplll

Give it more time. Explore your new penis. Find new ways to stimulate your circumcised penis!

CuriousQ profile image
CuriousQ in reply toMoondog432

I'm over a year out and still not happy.

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