Hi all. Random ques but I've had some ball ache and some whitish spots in my cock thinking about seeing someone about it. Only prob is I'm sure as soon as I see them I will get a boner, I'm no good at all at control in those situs...! Any advice or can anyone shed light maybe on what the spots are? Ive not had any partners if that helps.
Spots on penis and ball ache - Men's Health Foru...
Spots on penis and ball ache
Do not bother about you getting an erection. You will not be the first. See your GP before that ball ache gets worse. Assuming you are young, testicular cancer can be a problem.
You should see your GP if you are worried about spots. And ball ache is common but should be investigated. Don’t worry about getting an erection, any medical encounters I have had ended up that way. I saw my doctor about sore balls and he examined me I had an erection as soon as I dropped my pants. I apologised and he said “don’t worry it actually makes it easier for me to examine your testicles as you penis isn’t in the way”.
Thanks for that, just feels a bit embarrassing cos I don't want to appear pervy! Good point tho
If the spots don't hurt it's likely Fordyce spots or something, especially if they have been there forever.
Thanks for that, they seem to come and go a bit but yes I have had them forever. Might see if I can get a pic on
Does it look a bit like plucked chicken? If so they're Fordyce spots, I've had them since puberty, completely normal. Ache in balls can be a number of things and should be checked. Are you ejaculating regularly? Getting to the point of coming and then stopping can cause your balls to ache but definitely get checked out.
As to getting it out in front of a medical professional, don't worry. They've seen it all before and they're used to it. Go to a sexual health clinic, they're used to seeing everything on people aged from their teens to their '90s. You might also find that you don't get an erection. I got swabbed for an STI check by this gorgeous mid-20s nurse once, and I had a female GP do a prostate exam. Neither were remotely erotic, despite what you might have seen in porn