Hi all, just thought I would write a post here to share a condition I've had for many years now, before I finally visit a doctor I would just like to get a better understanding or idea of what these may be. I know I should and will be seeing a doctor for proper diagnosis but I suffer from extreme health anxiety and need to know what I should be expecting here, so to speak. Im a 26yo male and have had these (Fordyce Spots?) Since I was about 15 but a few years ago I noticed I had what looks like the same spots on the very tip of my penis, right next to my Meatus/Frenulum, so just checking to see if it is possible to have Fordyce Spots there as well. Also, I know Fordyce Spots are harmless but is there any way to remove them? I'm fed up of having an unsightly penis, it's making my life a misery..
Thank you all in advance for taking the time to read my post! Much appreciated.