Guys, is this normal to not have erections right after I did my circumcision. It was an open surgery so, stitches are there. I have seen so many posts regarding night erections and do's and don'ts but it's been 3 days since OP and I haven't had a single erection. Not even in night. I drink lots of water before going to sleep.. is it normal?
No erections after circumcision - Men's Health Foru...
No erections after circumcision

You are fortunate. If it is still like that once you are healed then that is the time to worry. If you are, however, worried, see your doctor or surgeon.

Thanks, I guess its too early as it's been only 3 days and there is a lot of swelling in frenulum area .. I belive I'll give it a week or 2..
3 days following I wouldn't worry. If its the same in 4 weeks then I would see a doctor or surgeon. But you will most likely start waking at night with erection or semi and it being sore or painful. You'll need to get up and go the toilet until its gone.
I got my circumcision done two weeks ago and I had no erections for the first few days. I felt the same way as you did. Your penis just went through some trauma and it's going to take a few days before it feels comfortable again getting erect. I just started getting erections again a few nights ago. Feels very restrictive and uncomfortable when it does happen. But it's given me a lot of mental energy to NOT think about sex for a while, LOL. I wake up in the middle of the night because I feel my penis wanting to be fully erect but the stitches are holding it back, so I think about something non-sexual and then I'm flaccid again in a few minutes. And I'm able to sleep well again. Give us an update in another month or so.
I think everyone's really different on this. It's a bit of a shock to the system to begin with! My trouble was erections messing with my stitches and causing bleeding, I even used to get erections when I was laid in hospital with a catheter in... I'd have preferred to do without an erection for a couple of days to be honest!
Just try and be patient, and when your body's got used to the shock they'll probably come steaming back.
Hey, how’s it going now?
I didn’t have erections for first 3days.I am on day 6 now.
On day 4 and 5, I had horrible erections. I woke up almost 4-5times during sleep.
But, sometimes I am able to sense it when it half erect and able to control complete erection.
How are you doing with erections now?
I have been having them after 4 days . I guess after the surgery penis is in a state of shock so I didn't felt that intense erections..but I can't handle the erections well.
I guess we both got circumcized around same time. How are you doing now ?
It's going good I guess. The swelling has gone down. But no stitches have still dissolved. I have started showering since 2 days so I'll wait for some time.. what about you?
Same. Stitches haven’t dissolved. Its still hyper sensitive. No good progress yet
Are you applying some ointment down therr?
Nope. Are you applying ? I am having a nurse change my dressing everyday
Yes.. after my op nurse changed the dressing in the first day itself and the doc said it's better to keep it open and apply some ointment , i believe it's anti fungel or infection ointment.. so from that day no dressing
It's too early bro. Don't worry you'll be fine
Could you get an erection if you tried at least? I’m almost at week 2 post op now and can’t get erections, when I’m close there’s internal pain, not at the wound but at the start of the shaft
Your body's adjusting to the changes, especially with stitches involved. Don't stress if you haven't had erections yet – it's a process. Drinking water is great for recovery, but give it time. As for , it's cool to explore adult content, but focus on healing for now.