Hi, I've had this issue since I remember but I've never had it checked by a doctor since it doesn't cause any pain, but still it causes some minor problems.
I don't have tight foreskin in that I can't pull it back and forth, it slides well and doesn't cause any pain to do so. However my foreskin has like a tighter 'ring' in the upper part. Also the upper most part of the foreskin right behind the glans gets sort of swollen and gets irritated very easily. There also seem to be little stretch marks under the tighter section. I also feel like this tighter part makes my erection not 100% strong. I've always thought these issues are caused because my glans expands a lot when uncovered but I'm not sure.
Anyway, do you think this might be case of tight foreskin or is it something else? Should I consult this issue with a specialist and is there something that can be done other than circumcision? I'm adding a link to pic to better illustrate the issue if it's not against the rules
Thanks for help.