Hello. I’ve had moderate sensitivity to my glans (for all my life) that has always caused me trouble in masturbation and sex. Now I’m 25 and I finally decided to get a circumcision in order to try lowering the sensitivity. I didn’t have a real phimosis but I still had issues retracting the foreskin. The op went well, it’s been a month, now; I still got a little patch of foreskin, though. As far as the sensitivity goes, however, things have not improved, so far. Is there any chance that the op hasn’t been effective? Do I need time and patience or a revision? Please, help me through this by giving answers and experience, I’d really appreciate it.
Is my glans ever going to feel normal? - Men's Health Foru...
Is my glans ever going to feel normal?

What problem did you have retracting your foreskin?

I could retract it but it kept returning covering the glans again, so the glans would be always covered, even with erected penis
You might want to give it time. Sensitivity after circumcision happens differently fir all. It might take longer for some and the amount of sensitivity list varies too. Nothing about circumcision is guaranteed other than the loss of some foreskin.
Same here, I am confident you will be quite satisfied with your result
You definitely need more time, my sensitivity lowered about 3 months post-op, and even now I have cases where I feel discomfort and I’m 5 months in. It needs time, don’t worry, I was concerned as well
We all were, it varies as we heal differently. 5 months is still scar healing & that in itself for me is a sensitive area
Everyone heals differently. The process of keratinization ( cells growing over now exposed glans) occurs gradually at least for me. There was a very small loss of sensitivity. No you do not need a revision, you need time-best of heath on your healing