In january i was at an escort and she gave me at first unprotected oral sex for 10 or 15 seconds, and i tested for std's but at that time i was on antibiotics, and only the hiv test was good. So after i finished the antibiotics i waited 3 weeks.... In 3 weeks the antibiotics were gone from the body?. I tested and all were negative (syphilis, gonorrhea and chlamydhia), but my questions are: 1)If i treated my acne with liquid antibiotics on the pimples of my face this can affect the std test? 2)The vitamins supplements affect the std test? 3)If i didnt wash on my penis when i made the urine test for gonorrhea and chlamydhia and i touched a little bit the recipient with the head of the penis, these can affect the std test? 4)The Hiv test 4th generation is conclusive after 4 months? Also 2 months back i had balanitis or some sort of redness and tiny red spots on my head of the penis. Now my skin of the penis head is peeling and i have a redness on the head. I dont know if the tests that i made are conclusive or not.. I am anxious and i dont know what to do... Please help me..
Please help me i am very scared. Shou... - Men's Health Foru...
Please help me i am very scared. Should i believe my tests or i should retest?

If you are worried, get screened again and that will put your mind at rest.

But what is your opinion? The clinic nurse said that i am ok. I am being paranoid?
I am not a doctor or a nurse. You really have 2 choices to get rid of your worry - believe the nurse or get tested again.

The people from other forums said that i am ok but i don't know.. What would you do in my situation?
I'd re-test!
Agree. Retest.

You say that i need to retest because the tests that i made are probably not conclusive even if the nurse said that i am ok with the tests and nothing affected the tests or because i am scared?
Because you are scared. Retest then move on.

Yes I agree
Best to go back to clinic. Explain your concerns.
They are the experts and hopefully will put your mind at ease, possibly by retesting. They would know best plan of action.
Good luck
You need to go see a doctor as it may be something other than an STI.
I'm not medical expert but how can u get STD from oral sex? I agree nurse I think your fine.
You can get a sexually transmitted disease from oral sex. And HPV is a major risk with unprotected oral. Trust me, I know.

I won't to emphasize not medical profession but balanitis I had it and it was bc couldn't pull back my foreskin. So just on that part by itself u should see doctor so u can see if they can make sure nothing wrong. At that pt you can tell him or her situation in Jan and he can advice you. So overall recommendation get balanitis and redness checked out no matter way and let doctor tell u what do from there
Can i get multiple strains of hpv at once? I mean it is a risk that i will develop cancer in future? I am 17 years...
Get another battery of tests and put these questions to professionals. And to be harsh, you’d have been best to think of all of this before you took the risk.

But now i thinked about it and i was speaking to myself and i guess that the nurse from that analysis recolting clinic knows about std's. Also i was speaking on medhelp too and those guys said that i am ok. I think i will move on because the nurse said that i am ok, the guys from medhelp, i should believe them i think. What do you say?
You’re just wasting time questioning the guys who are trying to help you. Nobody in an online forum can give you a definitive answer. See and doctor and explain the situation. Go from there.
I would offer the following and also consider whether the "Escort" was a Street Walker, Massage Girl or Professional Escort. If the Girl (Boy) provided a condom for regular sex and worked from a decent premises you might conclude that she is fairly health concious. If it was a drugged up street walker .. get my point.
No guarantee - but if you don't have any other HIV symptoms after several weeks and considering that Oral sex is not considered a highly efficient way of getting HIV you should be reassured. But ... if there is no drama about a retest (and you ARE going to do one, regardless of what anyone says LOL .. go ahead and test.
My concern is the Balanitis - not only does it make you more at risk (broken/irritated skin) but peeling etc is not to be ignored. Avoid adding hydrocortisone/steroid/anti fungal creams until you fully understand the implications (research steroid damage on glans penis).
The other points you raised would not affect the test. HIV is not a bacteria and whether you washed your dick or not also wont influence it.
Let us all know whan you are doing the retest and the results of the Balanitis check. Cheers John
1) r
In all the transmission, oral sex has least risk of transmitted. Good luck to you.
Agree. But transmission is still possible I think.
Firstly, antibiotics can affect the results of a STD test. Wait for a month once youve stopped taking antibiotics. Secondly, The HIV test is conclusive after 90 days since the exposure. So be rest assured. The urine test will get contaminated if you didnt do it properly and will give erratic positive results. A negative result on the test is good, not to worry there. Regarding your balanitis, you should describe it more, are your penile glans and foreskin inflamed? Trouble in pulling your foreskin back? Soreness? Balanitis can be caused by chlamydia/gonorhhea. Are you having any other symptoms? For peace of mind I recommend waiting for a month once youve stopped taking antibiotics and get a retest. Also, I hope you learnt your lesson, dont ever have sexual contact with escorts/call girls, the risk is too high and so is the price you pay. Take it from me , I know.
I kinda had a similar situation so will
Share my lil journey while am HIGH 😎
I had oral unprotected in Brazil with a local. Regretted it as soon as she put her mouth on my dick. But yano lads be lads
I’ve been screened 4 times now and all negative for everything, I was even so agitated I paid 150 for a private test on top of NHS ones I had.
Symptoms I had was fairly the same, spotty penile head, red and glossy. But also had testicle pain I was sure I had something hence all the tests.
But turns out I do not, well I have a hernia in the groin according to a scan I had today which tells me why I have testicular pain .... but most of it was all in my head. The more I washed my dick the more my dick was getting agitated the more I messed with it by putting cream on that It didn’t need also made it worse, was a viscous cycle I was stuck in plus I had a GF so I was terrified if I passed her something which made things ten times worse for my stress levels which Oviz didn’t help mini me down there
worrying is like a rocking chair gives you something to do but gets you know where.
Best advice get your second test done put ya mind at ease, stress alone can cause all kinds of skin issues so chill
Out and go smoke a fat joint, find a nice girl.
Stay away from the brasses.
They will ruin you, health and financially.
Peace 😎
I think you are being very paranoid and you should stop making harm to your mental health by thinking of something bad if you already made the tests and everything is ok. I had a similar situation to yours after I had sex with multiple escort models from and all the tests were negative and doctors told me that I am healthy and to remove red dots they gave a special cream and after 3 days of using cream, all the dots disappeared. Stop worrying and better buy a cream to remove bacterias from your thing. Anyways if you are so paranoid you should probably go and take a medical test once again.