Hi guys I'm fairly new on healthy locked so please bare with, this is one topic I've never had to talk about before, I'll try keep it short, bout a week ago I suddenly noticed a I'd call it a bit of flappy skin more than a lump or spot right on the tip of my p@#is, didn't think anything of it but since then I now have a rather small spot/lump on outside of foreskin, no pain whatsoever and no difficulty going to toilet, spoke to doc no idea what but asked about my sexual history, I was with the same girlfriend for 21 years we have kids together, we split up over two year ago, then I met someone last August and absolutely love her to bits, she doesn't know about this, yet, and she feels fine I'm just really scared what happens now.
I've never been here before and rather scared.
Any advice/help is hugely appreciated