So 3 days ago I had unprotected sex with a girl who claims she really takes care of herself sexually wise, she claimed she doesn’t have a diseases. However lately I’ve gotten a weird rash on the head of my penis. I’m getting scared because I don’t know what it is.
I got a rash after having unprotected... - Men's Health Foru...
I got a rash after having unprotected sex, I need to know what this is.

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Please look up a urologist to get this checked out. Internet advice may be good, but you need an immediate response.
It’s maybe nothing, but the only way to know is for you to get checked out at your nearest sexual health clinic. Don’t delay!
Hey mate, i had unprotected sex a week ago and i had a similar thing as yours. Its could be nothing but a yeast infection and i am still having it and it will take around 10 days to cure. I ll advice you to take an appointment with your urologist ASAP
It happened sometimes, when I was younger. A vagina is acidic and you may not be accustomed to direct contact in that PH environment.
I was about to say the same thing.
Really appreciate the help, I will get checked when I can. The responses definitely helped me.
Best wishes to you.
Please don't take risks. This may be nothing serious, but next time???
I haven’t gotten any treatments or gone to a professional because I’ve been really busy with work and I don’t have a car either. I don’t know where to go because of the pandemic or how much the check up will cost.
U should go with dermatologist....wise advice dont take too much antibiotics as it will ruin good bacteria in your body...
May be best to go to your local GUM clinic . They would know and that in itself is a relief.
They would also give advice on being checked for STIs , as I believe people may have an STI with no symptoms, not realising they may be potentially infectious.
There should be no shame about going to a clinic , in fact it’s the responsible and sensible thing to do in my view. Makes sure you are ok and gives you confidence when you meet other partners.
Making the call to them , or walking into the clinic is the hardest thing , once you get there you will be fine.
Hope it goes well
Good luck
Id have confidence in saying it's what Devool & Clay say as I used to experience this a lot when I was younger and got told at the GUM clinic it's just caused by hormones in the females vagina usually when they are under 30.
This MAY be something minor but it’s not worth taking a chance with self diagnosis. There are various infections and it’s best to visit a clinic ASAP.
looks like a yeast infection or a fungal infection. show it to a doc and you might get prescribed a cream
I’m really grateful for everyone’s advice, it really means a lot that you guys are helping me
Looks like thrush, if you can’t get to see a medic soon try Canestan (Clotrimazole) cream or just keeping it dry and exposed until it clears.
PS. It’s over the counter cream that doesn’t need a prescription
So sorry, MetalGuy, for your pain and trouble. I would suggest that you see a doc really soon and then change your monicker to LatexGuy.
Likely a yeast infection. Still check it out nonetheless.