I’m 22 and a virgin so I know it’s not sexually transmitted. I’ve had these two patches of red rough rash on my foreskin for what feels like years now. It’s probably been on my foreskin for something like 4-5 years maybe. My foreskin sometimes itches but not necessarily the rash itself a lot of times it’s at the tip of my foreskin. My penis seems swollen on the left side for maybe a year and a half to 2 years. When I grab the left side of my shaft it feels like what ever is inside the left side is thinking. Whereas on the right side of my shaft it feels normal. Just under the head of my penis there’s this white wart like growth on top of this hard lump that I can grab which I am in the pic. It’s been there for almost about 3 months now, I’ve been clipping it off but it slowly grows back I think. When I clip it nothing comes out. The white bit that I’ve clipped off just feels kinda hard. Also, when I pull my foreskin back it feels tight against my penis and creates this ring like tightening around my penis. When I’m hard it’d not that easy to pull my foreskin all the way back.
What the hell is wrong with my penis?... - Men's Health Foru...
What the hell is wrong with my penis? Swollen on one side, red rash on foreskin, white wart like growth, lump inside shaft.

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Hi if i was you i would go to the docters do not be afraid they see willys and pussy every day its the norm you need to be checked out i dont think its anything serois but its better to be,safe than sorry good luck
How can it be paraphimosis?

It’s not para-phimosis at all because he can pull his foreskin back just fine, but the frenulum looks tight and short and the foreskin is on the tight side. I think they should just cut off the overhang to get rid of the tight part. Also it looks like an infection because I see skin shedding. There are little white pieces of skin. Or maybe that’s normal?
I guess as there is swelling on foreskin , may be some infection inside also

posthitis Would be the term, which is known as inflammation of the foreskin.
Hi Man, you definitely have something going on. I think it's time you paid a visit to your GP to have it diagnosed, you may need to have a referral to a dermatologist. You have left this long enough now and from what you have described it's not improving if anything it is gradually getting worse. you really should go to your GP soon don't be embarrassed or worried about going. sometimes we all have to go to the doctor's even when it's uncomfortable discussing personal issues. tell them everything that you have described here. You said it was not that easy to pull your foreskin down and you had a ring tightening around it is this ring pale in colour?
Visit doctor u already did wait way to long u can talk to ur father about this issue he have a penis and he know what to do in such case if u feel awkward talking to ur dad so simply register a visit to doctor
Try coconut oil all over your foreskin and penis
Never mind coconut oil. He needs a diagnosis.

Coconut oil is very helpful.
At doing what?

Anti-inflammatory, anti-fungal,anti microbial, and much more:
If he has cysts then it is unlikely to help as the capsule around the cyst looks as it may have already formed - containing puss etc. While the oil is unlikely to do any harm, I would not delay diagnosis for it. It’s use is more for skin surface problems.

Good point
Have your doctor take a look. The lump may be a cyst which can be easily removed in the office. A slit about 1/8-1/4" can be made to pop it out. 1-2 stitches would close it up.
The rash may be yeast, but could also be Lichen Schlerosus which is treated with specific powerful prescripted steroids.
Get checked now to save your foreskin.
Please see a urologist! It could be something serious. Don't take your health for granted and get a professional diagnosis.