What should I do. Foreskin suddenly tightened up to wear a cant pull back to expose penis head to wash and dry properly. Also skin dries and when erected cracks and sometimes bleeds and swells up. What’s going on what can I do or should.
Foreskin tighten and swelling with cr... - Men's Health Foru...
Foreskin tighten and swelling with cracking of skin

Hi, it sounds like you have balanitis or yeast infection causing phimosis you should try some antifungal creams first. probably best to visit your GP to have it properly assessed ASAP you don't want your foreskin being scared with the little cuts. how long have you had it? You probably will have to try some stretching to return it to normal. And you may need a short course of steroid cream to help.
I’m 37 and it’s happened 3 times with this one this one being the worst is gotten. Before it’s was only minor and it would go away on its own. This time it’s been like a month and in my head I’ve been thinking it’s gonna go away. But nothing so I been trying to get info on this to avoid going to the gp.
It can be really annoying and quite painful and stressful do you have any discoloration painless whiteness to your foreskin? Have you tried any of the antifungal creams you can get at the chemist? Do you think you did anything that would have caused it? Sorry for all the questions
Discomfort only when it cracks and I try pulling back but other then that none. But now since skin very tight I can expose the head that concerned because first wouldn’t know what cream to buy or any of these stretches to get skin back to normal.
Color seems normal just only I guess when the peeling starts it’s white idk if it’s dead skin or what. What might have caused it not sure. I think from what I recall maybe a reaction to something. I can only imagine it was this. It was at work and I was really too far away from the bathroom so I used my Gatorade bottle to pee in it. Idk if I might of had a allergic to reaction to the Gatorade maybe getting on the skin
The over-the-counter antifungal creams to use would be Canesten or Daktarin 2% the stretching can be very slow if you can insert two fingers and just pull outwards and hold it a couple of minutes try and increases over time do this several times a day if you can you will need to use some lube coconut oil maybe.
can you retract when you are flaccid if you can't you probably should see your GP in case you have an underlying condition.
I just seen one very recomendable called Terrasil. Not sure if anyone has used it yet but it seems to be what pops up when google what to use.
When erected no I still can’t I mean I would have to pull to get it to stretch a little. Maybe I’m thinking I should either go to see my GP or get the cream and start with the exercises.
Before doing any stretching you should use some cream you could do more harm if you don't treat it first. maybe it's time to see your GP I think. It is a very sensitive area down there soaps can be a problem and even over washing but I think you said you can't retract to do this properly.
I was about the same age as you when I started having problems similar to yours only thing I had an underlying cause LS I tried all the creams and stretching as well in the end I just had the circumcision I haven't looked back since. it's not as bad as some guys make it out to be.
I would say a reaction from soap rather than the Gatorade.

Oh ok. Yeah I’ve read that there’s certain soaps I can’t use.
The key with any soap is you have to make sure you rinse it off very well.
Even the mildest fo soaps can cause a problem if not rinsed off right.
We're actually not supposed to use anything other than water to wash but like most guys your going to use soap anyway. It makes you smell better longer.

Got it..
Hey man, I had the exact same thing, I know how painful and annoying it is. It was impossible for me to stretch it because the slightest movement would cause cracks and it would bleed and scar. I tried different creams on it for nearly a year but nothing worked. I got circumcised in the end.
That’s what I’m coming down to is just get circumcised and about it all completely. Obviously God willing it’s all goes well.
Honestly, I'm so glad I did it. All them problems go away, I could finally see my bellend again, it feels great as well. Yeah, the healing process isn't the most fun thing in the world but it really wasn't as bad as I thought it would be and definitely worth it in the long run.
That’s great something to look forward to, I’ll learn to deal with the healing process
Last question. Did you experience in penis size? Did it change maybe longer or lost length
No, not at all. It's got nothing to do with the length of your dick lol. All they do is remove part of the outer foreskin where you have the issue. Your dick will be the same length.
Size remains the same,,just the sex sensation is so different from what your proberbly used to as an adult!!!! It's a weapon of last choice,don't use it before exploring other options!
Have these episodes coincided with being on courses of antibiotics?
Looks like you are going to have a dance with Mr. Gomco
Oh p-lease, this guy’s got a health concern that isn’t funny
Hi. Just regarding penis size after circumcision: if you are a grower and have a tight circumcision there might not be enough shaft skin to cover your penis when erect. So the penis might be drawn into the body, making it appear to be shorter.
Sounds like a yeast infection.