Do most men have a nerve or artery that appears above the penis during an erection, I don't have that? Is this normal?
Nerve above the penis: Do most men have... - Men's Health Foru...
Nerve above the penis

How to do it
Okay, I will do it, thank you for your interest
yes I have a strong erection, but I haven't seen the nerve yet
Not having it doesn't mean you have something wrong. If you are able to function normally and have everything in order , I don't think there is any problem since without blood supply or nerve innervation , you would have encountered many many problems by now . You probably have a thicker skin which might be one of the reasons. As it is , best to meet a docotor to clear it completely from your mind but in my opinion there's nothing to be worrying about . All the best !
thank you
Yeah you’re worried about nothing, stop comparing your penis is to what you see on the internet. No one in the world has the same penis as you. Don’t stress yourself over it. Go live your life.
thanks ken