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Inflamed foreskin tip and external urethra

Hyogga profile image
41 Replies

Hi guys my problem started off with burning while urinating around middle of May, i didn't think much of it because it only stung mildly but in the beginning of June it started to get worse then i went to a doctor and he said "yeast infection" and prescribed me Clotrimazole 1% to be used twice daily. I used it for a week (started June 11) and felt no relief it also made my penis red and irritated then i did a penis culture and it was negative for yeast and bacteria possibly from 1 week prior use of clotrimazole (false negative). 2 weeks passed and on July 1 - 4 i used 0.5% hydrocortisone, i didn't feel much benefit with this either, i don't know if because of low potency or didn't use long enough. My problem now has got much worse, more pain and inflammation i saw a urologist and he examined me and said not a yeast infection because the glans would be all red and diagnosed me with prostatitis after doing a DRE and said it was tender but normal size. I didn't believe him because my problem can be seen externally. Prostatitis does not cause inflamed foreskin and glans. I feel stuck i don't know what this is and what to do, no doctors can diagnose this and everyone gives me different diagnosis. If i get swabbed now it will be negative again because i used clotrimazole for 2 days again on July 5 - July 7.

What could my problem be? i dont know if this is candida, bacterial or inflammation from something else. I only wash with warm water, i use sea salt sitz baths twice daily to soothe the inflammation. I am in pain daily with this inflammation. I was prescribed and offered many creams including combo creams but am afraid to use it that it will make it worse. What should i do?.

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Hyogga profile image
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41 Replies

You many need to undergo a circumcision. It’s supposed to be a permanent solution. You may have Phimosis where the foreskin is irritated and inflamed due to a fungal infection. A circumcision maybe the only solution. I was suffering from the same thing and got the procedure done 35 days ago.

Research Phimosis, you’re not alone. Putting all of those creams that may have harsh chemicals in it can actually irritate the area even worse. I wouldn’t spend anymore money on doctor visits. You’re just wasting your money. Schedule a consultation with a Urologist about the procedure. My advice is to ask him as many questions as possible about what to expect from the procedure.

in reply to

There is no suggestion at all that this is phimosis. The poster has made no mention of it and has not mentioned any tightness. This sounds more like balanitis. That said, circumcision *may* become an option. It is necessary to get the diagnosis of the problem right so as to avoid an unnecessary surgery. The OP may find that using a Sexual Health Clinic is a good route

in reply to

Phimosis doesn’t always mean tight foreskin. I was going based off of the information provided and his condition seemed similar to mine especially since he’s getting recurrent infections and nothing is helping.

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jimfromcalif profile image
jimfromcalif in reply to

Phimosis always means tight foreskin.

S2BC profile image

Is it possible to try to keep your foreskin retracted for a couple of weeks? It may help, cause the head will be drier then.

in reply toS2BC

I do this regularly and it usually keeps anything from flaring up on the glans or foreskin. Foreskin retraction only works with some penises though, always hard explaining that to some guys unfortunately

S2BC profile image
S2BC in reply to

If that is hard to someone. He may use some skin adhesive tape on shaft skin to keep foreskin retracted.

Hyogga profile image

I have balanitis but i dont know if yeast or something else. The tip is mildly inflamed and it hurts. There is no phimosis. What are the chances it could be a bacterial infection?. Yeast is more common so that could be the cause or it may be some general inflammation. I read baking soda sitz baths can reduce inflammation and kill candida infections better than any creams. Is this true?. I used an ice pack for about 5 mins on 5 mins off, it was wrapped in a towel, do you think i could have caused frostbite?. I am worried.

S2BC profile image
S2BC in reply toHyogga

I haven't heard about baking soda thing earlier:

What is the reason for ice pack treatment? Pain relief? It won't heal the inflammation itself. Like I already wrote changes of moist environment to drier may help. Have you used any antibiotics on this year or your partner had yeast earlier?

Hyogga profile image
Hyogga in reply toS2BC

Sodium bicarbonate can heal all types of balanitis

I used the ice pack to relive infamation on my foreskin tip and glans, its red inflamed and painful, i only used a short time 5 mins on and off. I didn't use any antibiotics but i had GERD in Jan which weakened my immune system. Took me months to cure it naturally. I wish i knew what where this inflammation on my penis came from but nobody knows. I got referred to a dermatologist today hopefully i can see him soon. Saw a doctor today ad says my balanitis is mild. Its mild but painful and it bothers me. Its visibly inflamed and that inflammation is causing the pain. I have a high suspicion it could be candida but i may be wrong because its only red at the tip not the whole glans.

Akshay4 profile image

Wash your penis twice a day with Lukewarm water.

Apply Betadine Powder twice a day on infected area with buff.

BETADINE microbicides kill bacteria (both gram-positive and gram-negative), fungi, viruses, protozoa and yeasts.

One month no masturbation.

Even I also suffered from balanitis where I applied all creams and taken medicines nothing works well. 3rd doctor suggested me circumcision where I was not ready. Again My 4th doctor recommended above treatment with some antibiotics.all my red spots cleared.

But still I had frequent Unitarian and pain during masturbation.

Finally I decided to circumcise with 3rd doctor.after my circumcision surgery, doctor said "you were not having any issue". Regret!!

After 2 days bandage opened again Regret!! Cosmetic issue - where penile raphe not aligned correctly.

So circumcision is not needed for Balanitis.

Hyogga profile image
Hyogga in reply toAkshay4

I would never get circumcision. This problem can be healed with the right therapy.

Hyogga profile image

My penis feels so sensitive and painful, just as it touches my underwear or a towel i feel pain. Even if air blows on it it hurts. Anyone else have this?. The foreskin is inflamed and sensitive. If you have the same problem what do you use for relief?. Could this be caused by Candida infection?

Akshay4 profile image
Akshay4 in reply toHyogga

Apply Coconut oil, aloe vera or Vaseline for mild relief.

Treatment is antibacterial cream (Mupirocin, Neomycin Sulphate) during morning.

Antifungal cream (Clotrimazole) at night.

Hyogga profile image
Hyogga in reply toAkshay4

Clotrimazole reddened my penis and irritated it more but maybe i need to try another type like nystatin or miconazole and then add an antibacterial like fucidin or mupirocin?. I thought both need to be used twice a day?

S2BC profile image
S2BC in reply toHyogga

Maybe you should ask dermatologist and not use antifungal creams randomly. Like you said test will show false negative if you recently spread some ointment on glans.

Hyogga profile image
Hyogga in reply toS2BC

I got a referral to one, hopefully they call soon. My glans is inflamed by the urethral opening area and distal foreskin. It could be urethritis and not even candida or bacterial. I can't believe not even a urologist was able to diagnose this. I was possibly getting some benefit with baking soda sitz baths but i stopped because i felt it was burning my anus.

S2BC profile image
S2BC in reply toHyogga

The baking soda thing. Why don't you just soak your penis in a bowl or teacup.

Hyogga profile image
Hyogga in reply toS2BC

I could but need to get the right dosage of baking soda

S2BC profile image
S2BC in reply toHyogga

And it doesn't matter you felt like it was burning your anus. ;)

Hyogga profile image
Hyogga in reply toS2BC

As long as it doesnt cause damage that's my fear.

Akshay4 profile image
Akshay4 in reply toHyogga

Same here. Clotrimazole spoiled even my penis. So doctor said to apply only antibacterial cream Mupirocin. After 2 days all my infection,red spots,irritation cleared.

But whitish inflammation was still there. So I decided to circumcise.

Apply only Mupirocin twice.

West257 profile image

1. Does the pain start during or after ejaculation - whether sex or masturbation? Or there's no correlation with ejaculation at all?

2. Do you have a constant low grade fever?

3. Where exactly does the pain start? Does it radiate from the rental area into the tip of the penis, or from the base of the penis or is it only on the penis head?

4. What kind of pain is it? Is it itching, stinging, burning? How would you describe?

5. Any possible correlation with recent sexual activity?

6. Any probiotic supplements you've been taking - whether bacteria or yeast?

In the meantime, take proper care while wiping - carefully wipe front to back. Wash the area everytime as much as possible after taking a dump. At least until the issue is identified.

Also read about cystitis, Trichomoniasis and see if any of the symptoms correlate.

Hyogga profile image
Hyogga in reply toWest257

Last time i masturbated was 2 months ago, it got worse the last time i did it. I have no fever, My pain is constant its the tip of the urethral opening and foreskin it's red and inflamed. It's a burning pain. I take probiotics by capsules. I have inflammation.

West257 profile image
West257 in reply toHyogga

It's unclear to me why the doctors aren't able to properly diagnose this. If a family practitioner can't help, a urologist should be able to. However I don't know what your personal circumstances are. But doctors should be the first point of contact in general for these things.

If you live in an area where STD Test panels are available you can generally order a test yourself. What part of the world do you live?

Did you try stopping the probiotics for a week or two and see if symptoms improve? If you have immunity issues probiotics can very rarely cause infections.

Do you have or have you in the past months had multiple sexual partners? That could be an indication it's possibly related to an STD in which case, actual diagnostic tests are the best to diagnose and treat this.

If it's clearly post ejaculation burning sensation without a specific cause, one frequently recommended remedy is to apply castor oil in your belly button. Pure castor oil can be found in ethic stores such as Indian Stores. That version is recommended over the cold pressed ones available in grocery stores or Amazon. Allow a few droplets into your belly button and press your belly button a few times with a finger. Repeat 2-3 times. And then wait to see if the pain subsides. If it really works, the pain should entirely go away within 30-45 minutes. Your description doesn't entirely overlap the post ejaculation burn but this might be worth trying. If you try this in a couple of occasions and it doesn't work, you should probably stop using castor oil and look for other things. DO NOT eat or drink castor oil, it's a powerful laxative, you'll end up with diarrhea. Keep it away from pets and children. Use only on the skin and don't ingest.

Also any substance with a perfume or an oil in it can attract germs specifically bacteria. If you use moisturizer on the penis or around the area, make sure to try stopping it and checking the results. Anything that has perfume properties (nice smell) that you apply might attract bacteria.

Hyogga profile image
Hyogga in reply toWest257

Does candida always have a red appearance?, i have smegma on my glans but seems like a normal thing, its hard to differentiate between this and candida. The only redness i see is at the opening of the urethra. Maybe urthritis?, it started when i pee it burned. Does probiotics cause these balanitis symptoms? i thought it would strengthen the immune system and defeat candida.

jimfromcalif profile image

It may sound crazy, but according to old wives's tales, yogurt is often effective in fighting yeast. The millions of bacteria in natural yogurt rebuild the colony of essential bacteria you should have inside your foreskin. Try a small amount a couple of times per day. Be sure it contains live cultures.

Cortisone can contribute to yeast infection, so unless there is some valid reason for it, it might be exacerbating the problem.

Hyogga profile image

Just got back from the doctor, he gave me an antibiotic/hydrocortisone mixed cream and the antifungal lamisil. Dont know if i should use it or not. I dont even know if i have a yeast infection, he mentioned something like non specific urethritis. I have no problem using the creams i'm just afraid if it can cause permanent damage.

guitar22 profile image

Most standard doctors don't have a clue with these problems. My advice as mentioned somewhere above is to visit a sexual health clinic. They see far more dicks than doc's do and have seen just about everything. Ask to see a top specialist at the clinic and mention no other clinician has been be able to help with your problems. They usually take swabs etc. May also be worth asking if you have lichen Sclerosus. Don't rush into circumcision until you've exhausted all other avenue's. Best of luck to you..

Hyogga profile image
Hyogga in reply toguitar22

I have some type of inflammation but could be lichen sclerosis i hope not. But probably not as there is no white ring on the foreskin tip. I seen so many doctors they give me creams as experiments. What if the creams cause harm and more damage to the skin?. I need the correct diagnosis. I had a swab test done no infections but this was after 1 week of using Clotrimazole. False negative?

guitar22 profile image

With respect... you're repeating the same things time and again.. You need to take action.! Get to an STI clinic - I can't make it any clearer. Lichen Sclerosus doesn't have to start with a sclerotic white ring, it sometimes starts with red soreness. I'm not at all saying you have it, but worth mentioning at your appointment. Sexual health clinics will usually see you far quicker than Doc's, Dermo's and Uro's particularly if you're in pain and symptoms are bad. I would suggest you call one tomorrow. Don't waste any more time.... give yourself the best chance.

Hyogga profile image
Hyogga in reply toguitar22

My problem is not related to STI's but can they still see me?. All swab urine analysis and culture tests came out negative.

guitar22 profile image
guitar22 in reply toHyogga

You don't have to have an STI to go to a S H Clinic... however they often have more experience with your issues. Up to you and just trying to help.

Hyogga profile image

I'll check it out and see if they have some specialists that can diagnose my condition. I been running around to so many doctors and get so many different diagnosis. Thanks for your help.

Maverick_ profile image

Indian? Which city are you from?

JohnDB profile image

Hi Hyogga...

I have the same thing - Balanitis - and also don’t know if it’s bacterial or yeast, but I think yeast caused it originally from overly cavalier sexy with my GF knowing she had a yeast infection - I thought I was immune like 99.99999% of dudes. The Docs have been useless, except for my long time Derm who is about to retire and willing to experiment with me. There’s very little knowledge of this. A Derm I saw completely dismissed it and would only give me Lidocaine to numb the pain, not treat the underlying issue despite me nearly dropping to my knees pleading my case. Despite sharing several pics of lesions on my foreskin as well as my inflamed, red meatus, she told me — together, in partnership with a urologist on my patient care team at a highly reputable, nationally recognized hospital in Boston (I went there for a 2nd opinion thinking they’ll get it right) she and he told me they didn’t recognize anything to be wrong - I even had an MRI. It was as shocking and disappointing as it gets. I mentioned Balanitis to both of them several times because I’ve done a ton of research. They didn’t really even acknowledge it as being a thing or remote possibility.

I went back to my original Derm and he has been giving me options...

- Cortisone 1% - no results

- Cortisone 2.5% - seems to help if you can tolerate the burning. I definitely am still getting used to it.

- Pimecrolimus - a topical calcineurin inhibitor (TCI) - brand name is Elidel. I would say this helps the most. It also burns on application especially at the beginning, but it does improve. I’m still in the process of sticking with it because it’s safer than steroids for extended use.

I originally took antibiotics because I was also diagnosed with Prostatitis. They helped the internal pins and needles from the Prostatitis, but I think made the foreskin and meatus worse. I have taken a regimen of 150mg Fluconazole and it definitely seems to knock it down but not completely out.

I’m afraid of using the topics steroids too much - they do help but the 2.5% is really harsh. Anyway, I think I’m moving completely away from them at this point because of the skin-thinning risk.

Right now I’m experimenting with the following...

- Primary: Elidel 2x per day.

(ELIDEL Cream, 1% is a prescription medicine used on the skin (topical) to treat mild to moderate eczema (atopic dermatitis). ELIDEL Cream, 1% is for adults and children age 2 years and older who do not have a weakened immune system.)

- Supplementing with equal applications of Clotrimazole 2x/day to hopefully finally knock out the fungus/yeast. You gotta try and stay celibate as hard as that is.

- At some point I think I’ll switch to Bacitracin or Aquaphor to hopefully heal it back to where it needs to be once and for all. Bacitracin/Zinc seems to soothe more than Neosporin, which irritates.

Dude, this shit sucks, but know that you’re not alone! Stick with it. Fight through the pain of the Elidel if you can. Definitely make sure your junk is cleaned with the mildest soap if any at all and dried completely before application. I sit in front of a fan. It definitely has helped the inflammation of my glans and seems to be improving the lesions, albeit very slowly. I’m about to start my 3rd week of it.

Anyway, I hope this helps. Good luck!! 🍀🍀🍀

Hyogga profile image

Hey guys i saw another urologist he says he couldn't see anything wrong, but the GP doctor saw the inflammation and acknowledged it. Urologist said he couldn't do anything for me and said he saw no evidence of infection. I also got another swab was negative. If no infection what could this be?. Urologists said not BXO and not zoons. I dont know what to do there is visible inflammation on my foreskin and front of glans even my GP said he could see it. Been doing sitz baths for months and using vaseline and it's still there. It's painful and it burns. I cant believe this is not going away. I am doing everything right. I even got a blood test no inflammation on CRP, and tests perfect including urine analysis and cultures. Could it be the creams i used?. Last cream i used was for only 3 days and stopped July 31.

Any suggestions what this could be and what i should do?

Akshay4 profile image
Akshay4 in reply toHyogga

Gently pull back your foreskin. Use a mild soap and warm water to wash your penis. Thoroughly rinse off all the soap and then gently pat the area dry. Sit in front of a fan by rectracting foreskin. Apply powder (Ponds powder or Povidone Iodine power) on glans and foreskin of your penis. Pull your foreskin back over the tip of your penis. Repeat this daily until the infection disappears.

karloroberts profile image

I’ve read your initial message and all of your replies, im experiencing almost the exact same thing, i’m circumcised, my story is that i had unprotected sex and the morning after i noticed an unusual swelling of the tip of my penis and the urethra, whenever i get an erection, the opening of it opens up wider than usual and it’s very uncomfortable, it feels like my urethra is opening too wide and the glands in the head of my penis feel like they’re swollen, i’ve had this since january and i’ve had 3 STD tests, multiple antibiotics for NSU, chlamydia and a cream called timodine cream, this morning i had an appointment with a urologist who i thought would know exactly what it was, im currently sat on my bed at a loss, he said to me there is nothing there and he can’t see anything there but I KNOW there is i can tell, if you’ve already cured yourself please let me know what helped you, if not i’d like to talk to you more about it possibly

Well like I tell all my friends for whatever reason, you do have the right for a second opinion- and your insurance will usually, (actually SHOULD), cover it. Important thing is that you get a copy of your first doctor's work when you make the appointment so the second opinion Doc can review it and see if there was something HE/SHE would have done differently. This will help your second opinion doctor start thinking on new ways to check you out when you do present to the appointment.

AND you want to make a copy for yourself, (as with any medical documentation), so that you are not beholding to any doctor's office for documentation of your total care. -S

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