Hi all - looking for some advice on what to do.
I've been suffering from recurrent balanitis since March. Same pattern as others: treatments offer relief, but it eventually comes back once stopping them (sometimes even while treatment is ongoing).
Symptoms in my case seem milder than what I've read online: redness, red dots (sometimes), soreness/discomfort, NO discharge, NO white substance.
Have been seen by 3 urologists:
Uro #1: Cream with miconazol + steroid + topical antibiotic. Use once a day for 1 week. Worked after a few days, but one/two weeks later it was back.
Uro #2: Cream with steroid + topical antibiotic + nystatin. Use twice a day 2 weeks, once a day week 3, once every 2 days week 4. Worked, but two weeks later back to square 1 + after this the cream didn't even seem to be having effect. Also tested for STDs just in case, all negative.
Uro 1 had cautioned me that this seemed fungal and that meant it would be hard to shake off. Uro 2 was very cavalier.
Uro #3 (much more competent than the prior ones) - first time we seemed to make real progress. Told me 3 things:
a. Try fluconazol 150mg one dose b. Do the equivalent of sitz baths daily with dissolved sodium perborate (Ie. Hydrogen Peroxide) c. Try to keep skin retracted.
He said he does NOT like creams to treats balanitis (think they're more harm than good). He also said that skin retraction is key and that if not the way to end this is circumcision.
I've done this course twice. The Hydrogen Peroxide bath seems to be a game changer (second time I did it much more thoroughly and also for roughly 20 days). No issues, feeling better than ever. But once I halt the baths, roughly one week later the problem restarts. At this stage (I think) it is milder than before, but I'm psychologically very tired of it.
Will see uro #3 again to understand what are my options. Not keen on circumcision but won't discard it.
1) Any thoughts on hydrogen peroxide as an ongoing approach (Not very keen on it but not sure if it would be harmful to this as a 2-3 month bridge to circ).
2) Any other treatment? (read about fucidin)
3) Any retraction techniques? (My foreskin always goes back. Have tried taping but not practical).