Day 6 of ZSR, it is painless now, I don't feel pain at all except for when I am having an unwanted erection, it hurts a lot, my skin is also tearing and creating wounds near the zsr ring line, I managed to seal the other wounds using brotoclot, this is the last major wound left, after this is completed, I don't think I will have pain anymore, Till them I have to endure the bullet ant bite like feeling everytime I have an erection, yes my shaft looks dirty cause I clicked it right after I woke up due to an erection
Day 6 of ZSR surgery, trying to seal ... - Men's Health Foru...
Day 6 of ZSR surgery, trying to seal all cuts I am having during nocturnal erection

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Information on how to stop new wounds from generating on my shaft due to nocturnal erections.
Technically there are new wounds that are created and you bleed from the stitched areas and incision site. Small amount of blood due to nocturnal erections is common and for the first 2 weeks quite normal. Only way which helps is to completely empty the bladder before sleeping and sleeping on your sides with your legs pulled up towards the chest . Also fluid restriction beyond 6pm will help . There are meds to help out to prevent erections as such but I would highly advise against it . If you need more help , best to contact your doc.
Phew! So it is indeed normal! I was freaking out, no blood comes out just new somewhat deep wounds which burns when the erection pulls it. Even I think I would rather let it come and dry than take erection prevention meds cause I doubt their safety in general
Yeah it is normal to bleed a little in the first 2 weeks or so. And all of it will subside. Although there is no adequate literature to back it , erections may be beneficial in some as it can tighen the recovery incision line giving rise to better apposition of the loose cut ends leading to better healing and cleaner scar formation . Also if you feel like you are getting a painful erection sit up and bend forward towards your feet. It should subside quickly. All the best !