Day 5 of ZSR surgery and I am woken up several times by erection. It feels like my shaft is being torn open and I can't do anything about it. Please help me this is like hell and nothing less than it. Tips on faster wound healing, less erections or a way which hurts less. The small part becomes red though blood doesn't come out
Erections feel like they are tearing ... - Men's Health Foru...
Erections feel like they are tearing my shaft away.

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Well , erections are in a way good and bad right now . Healing wise there is nothing much to be done as everyone heals differently and you definitely need a few weeks for optimal recovery although pain and swelling will reduce over the upcoming days .
Coming to erections , make sure to not consume any fluids beyond 6pm and completely void your bladder before going to sleep. If need be wake up during the night to void as well. At any time you feel like you have a painful erection coming up you might want to pull your legs up towards your chest (fetal Position) and this will subside the erection in a few secs-mins. Also you may choose to sleep on your sides for a few days and pull up the legs towards your chest when you feel an erection coming . Lastly one more thing is you can have a wet/cold cloth beside you which you can immediately drape over your penis which will also make the erection subside.Hold in there for a few more days as it only gets better . All the best !
Thank you will try the cold cloth and foetal position trick, I hope everything subsides
bandage your penis comfortably tight.
that's how I survived my first two weeks of zsr circ. I could sleep without worries.
You can take smartilon med to avoid erection. One in a day and one in a night. Avoid erection in the starting phase coz it will cause pain and bleeding.
You can always support incision site not to stretch on erection by using strips of skin adhesive tape on it by nights. Cheapest one is white coloured paper tape 'Micropore' by 3M. Flesh coloured version is more sticky, IMO. 'Steri-Strip's are ready to use out of the box, but they are more expensive.