So I was circumcised exactly 8 days ago due to a normal case of phimosis. Even the frenulum was removed. Swelling has come down substantially but still scared of retracting skin to expose the glans and the stitches, completely. Just want to know if the healing is doing good in comparison to the normal healing processes. Pictures might help with response. Thanks
8th day after the OP: So I was... - Men's Health Foru...
8th day after the OP

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It looks like you had only a partial circumcision ,can you retract your 4skin? Don,t force it but check with doc
Hey, you probably have some swelling there still which is giving you some coverage still. I would be happier to see the glans exposed fully. you could ask your GP for advice because you can't see the wound.
Haven’t seen the wound, but i can see part of stitches. Bottom of penis is looking sketchy since my frenulum was removed. Don’t want to retract and mess anything up. Definitely swelling isn’t helping much on the case. I will speak with dr on Wednesday
Should the wound be exposed at all times? Im on my 9th day. Pain is gone, still sensitive
Hey, no it doesn't have to be exposed all of the time especially when there is some swelling it can be covered some times. When you have an erection doses it retract? it would be good if you could exposes and gently wash with some salted water. It's good you have a follow up on Wednesday see what your doctor says and advic that they give you. Don't worry too much I'm sure in a few weeks everything will be much better.
Thanks for responding. Haven’t gotten a full erection yet because i have been mentally prepared to control it haha. Did have A mild one last night. Head peeks out Substantially, but not fully. I think i can retract, but have a feeling i might rip a stitch. Still sensitive around the frenulum area. Skin sstill forming. 10 th day today
Looks like just the tip was removed. You had a partial circumcision. My glans were exposed right after the procedure

Hmm. Interesting. I did remember speaking with my urologist about actually liking my 4skin, but phimosis came along with it. Maybe he cut it right up to the tight ring and removed frenulum, but left a little extra for my likings. I don’t feel any discomfort for now. Thanks for your response mate. Cheers 🍻 and hoping everything turns out good for me and the rest of the guys out there....
That yellow colour thing is minimal infection. But i think your doctor already started medicines from 1st day. So don't worry it will reduce day by day
Just take care of clean hygiene penis. Don't pressure too much. Be a gentle and care it. No forcing.
ThanK you. Doc did say some scab will be covering the frenulum area until it heals up. Every time i clean it i pick up some part of it. Shouldn’t worry, right?