I am still a little bit swallon, concerned about my scrotum that is covering almost half of the penis shaft underneath making the skin tight when erect not easy to masturbate , changing the penis shape & size completely, making my penis very short & fat . When I'm erect it looks like a triangle flag on a stick 🚩.
Six weeks post surgery today - Men's Health Foru...
Six weeks post surgery today

did the doctor use free hand for your Circumcision?

Yes he used hand & had an assistant.
'Penoscrotal webbing' could be due to overly aggressive removal of skin from under side of the penis during circumcision. Surgeon could correct this issue at the same time, if he/she is well informed and educated. This condition is anatomy dependant.
Correction method is called: Penoplasty
Damn I've to be cut & stitched all over again..
Not as bad as the circumcision I promise.
Okay, thats good to hear, don't you know how much it might cost roughly?
Hi Man, if the surgeon who did it got it wrong he should fix it free. If it's because you're not happy it will be about half the price of the circumcision, less with local anaesthetic if you had a general anaesthetic first time. Can I ask waht counrty you are in?