I just masterbated without lubricant. I did foreskin restoration for 6 months and stopped. I tried masterbating without lubricant for the first time. I tried to move the skin up and down on the shaft as if I had a foreskin. To start with because I have the ridge band and frenulum, I was pre-cumming like crazy, but then at orgasm I felt extreme pain in my testicles and frenulum because my frenulum is tight and I have no existent outer skin on the underside of my penis. The penal scrotal junction is fused to the sensory tissue of the foreskin mid-shaft, which means the lower end of the shaft is all scrotal skin, so any tension I put on penis, makes me feel pain in testicles. I’m just so scared because I don’t want anything to happen to my testicles. Most wont completely understand what I’m saying because they don’t know what it’s like to have scrotal skin forced onto shaft even flaccid. I will never masterbate without lubricant again. I just don’t want to think that I did any damage to my testicles.
Please see photo, which I circled, which proves there is no existent shaft skin on my shaft, but all the underlying sensory structures of an uncircumcised penis are present.
This is what happens when circumcise someone without forcible retraction and at the same time pull the skin forward from the base of penis. It causes all shaft skin to be removed. Also foreskin restoration can not fix that because there is no existent shaft skin to replace the scrotal skin.
The bottom line is that when I use lube, I have no trouble. I am just very anxious about my testicles.
Is that the stretch receptors of the foreskin causing the pre-cum to accumulate?