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European doctors, circumcision and low cuts? Spread awareness?

CuriousQ profile image
66 Replies

Hello. I'm sure most of you have seen my posts about my negative experience with circumcision. There seems to be a concensus online that low and tight cuts (with low I mean less than a one centimeter or so) ruin sex for most men as it removes all the sensitivity. I did not know this prior to my surgery, no doctor told me before the surgery.

Most doctors in Europe doesn't seem to be aware of different styles which I find weird. Is there anything we who have gone through circumcision can do to spread our experiences to doctors about this? Maybe it's a stupid question but I'm really distraught by my surgery and I don't want it to happen to other people.

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CuriousQ profile image
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66 Replies
Clay237 profile image

It is unfortunate that you had a negative outcome.

Every doctor/surgeon that I consulted indicated the procedure for an adult circumcision is 'low and tight'. A lot of people say that high and tight is better. That is how they may feel and that is valid.

I went with the doctor's advice with the a low & tight procedure and things are great.

Here is something interesting as far as women are concerned. I showed pics of different circ styles to my close female friends and asked which cut they liked. The preference was near universal for low and tight.

CuriousQ profile image
CuriousQ in reply toClay237

Are you in Europe? Do you have your frenelum?

I see. Well I prefer intact. In every way possible. And I don't care what girls prefer, it's my penis. I just wish my doctors actually informed me instead of just doing the surgery.

Clay237 profile image
Clay237 in reply toCuriousQ

No, the Caribbean. Yes I still have it.

CuriousQ profile image
CuriousQ in reply toClay237

You have your whole frenelum? How low is your cut?

At1012 profile image
At1012 in reply toClay237

Low and tight causes you to last longer while at the same time decreases pleasure during orgasm.

High and tight causes premature ejaculation.

Do uncut guys have more of an ability to control when they orgasm?

Clay237 profile image
Clay237 in reply toAt1012

Hmmm everyone's experience is different. For me, my orgasms are way more intense during sex now.

At1012 profile image
At1012 in reply toClay237

Interesting. I’m trying to generalize the styles. Are you low And tight?

Clay237 profile image
Clay237 in reply toAt1012


At1012 profile image
At1012 in reply toClay237

But then the question becomes: how tight are you and how low are you? I’ve seen low and tight cuts that remove all inner skin and are very tight.

Clay237 profile image
Clay237 in reply toAt1012

About 6mm from the glans. I was cut very tight but over the years the skin has stretched to accommodate full sized erections. (grower)

CuriousQ profile image
CuriousQ in reply toClay237

Like me then but you got to keep all of your frenelum? They didn't touch it at all?

Clay237 profile image
Clay237 in reply toCuriousQ

Yes they trimmed most of the frenulum and honestly, they could have just removed it as it isn't an area that does a lot for me anyways.

Honestly, I think men have trained their response to work on inner skin stimulation, but I've always preferred glans stimulation so the circumcision has not 'taken' anything from me.

CuriousQ profile image
CuriousQ in reply toClay237

I see. They trimmed most of mine. I did have a gspot just below the frenelum. Even though the frenelum wasn't too sensitive for me it now has zero sensation.

Clay237 profile image
Clay237 in reply toCuriousQ

Strange how we had the identical op done with such different results....

CuriousQ profile image
CuriousQ in reply toClay237

I've realized my head was never that sensitive. Most stimulation came from my foreskin. Anatomical differences maybe. But most men with a low cut seem to say the same. Marked decrease in sensation.

Clay237 profile image
Clay237 in reply toCuriousQ

I had a hypersensitivity issue and the constant exposure has made it less sensitive and now more enjoyable.

Anatomical differences indeed.

anon2508 profile image
anon2508 in reply toCuriousQ

low cut not advised ? go standard ?

anon2508 profile image
anon2508 in reply toClay237

i am a grower so is this about the optimum cut range ?

Cutman profile image
Cutman in reply toAt1012

I have a very low and tight circumcision all inner skin removed and I love it

anon2508 profile image
anon2508 in reply toCutman

all inner skin gone and you still feel sensations etc are as good or better ? is orgasm same or stronger ?

Cutman profile image
Cutman in reply toanon2508

Its different but my glands still have sensation and I enjoy the tightness of the shaft . I feel more confident as well so that helps

anon2508 profile image
anon2508 in reply toAt1012

so high is not a good idea as youll get too excited too quick ?

anon2508 profile image
anon2508 in reply toAt1012

so low n loose be the same your orgasms would feel worse ?

S2BC profile image

You have good point there. If there is medical reason for circumcision as an adult the inner foreskin could be infected and had to removed then. That's not the case always. In European perspective adult cut is rare and some hospitals let a trainee to do it. It's much better if surgeon has done way more than 20 adult circumcision on his/her career.

When got circumcised as an adult, there is always before and now. We have that privilege. Some has not that at all if they got cut as an infant. No one asked his/her consent. When got mutilated as an infant the scar could be prettier or worse than adult cut, but they can not ever know, how it feels like to be intact.

I think there is a greater risk to damage some nerves, when cutting too deep. It doesn't matter is it high or low cut. I hope your sensation will get better when the scar line softens next months.

CuriousQ profile image

According to the internet, yes. Low cut removes most of the sensation. It makes sense as you're removing most of the skin. Scientifically, not alot of studies has been done so it's not sure. But it seems like a high cut would preserve more of the nerves, even if that skin ends up rubbing against clothes, making it tougher.

At1012 profile image
At1012 in reply toCuriousQ

Why would anyone choose a low cut? Even if a high cut causes premature ejaculation, you can always go for round 2. Lasting longer does not mean better. In fact a low cut would increase hiv risk lol. If you last longer, you give yourself more opportunities for the skin to open up and cause hiv transmission.

CuriousQ profile image

Yes. 5mm or so. 70 percent or more of my sensation lost.

CuriousQ profile image

Much worse. I used to love sex and now I have issues with orgasming.

CuriousQ profile image

I had mild issues with my foreskin. Was tired of applying creams. I regret it now.

CuriousQ profile image

No tightness. Just sensitive skin basically.

S2BC profile image

Sometimes I feel like watching the movie 'Groundhog day'. Is it good? ;)

S2BC profile image

You need to watch the movie. You know then. The answers are not that black and white or simple you ask daily basis.

At1012 profile image
At1012 in reply toS2BC

So true :)

Mik91 profile image

I was circumsied in Europe. And I didn’t get a low and tight circ. And I didn’t ask the doc about a specific style either. I’m sure if you ask a doc in europe they Will know what you mean when you say “different styles” and I Think they are Award of Them. Where you circumsied for Phimosis?

CuriousQ profile image
CuriousQ in reply toMik91

No mild eczema. No idea why I chose to do it now. I never wanted to be circumcised and i hate it.

Mik91 profile image
Mik91 in reply toCuriousQ

Dit you get the circumsision at a privat hospital or by the Healthcare system?

CuriousQ profile image
CuriousQ in reply toMik91

Healthcare. I didn't do enough research. I didn't think a circumcision would ruin sex for me. It's been a nightmare.

Mik91 profile image
Mik91 in reply toCuriousQ

It’s Quite normal that the surgions do a low and tight Cut. Because 80% of the dudes coming there have phimosis snd the doc’s are trained In low and tight Cut. I’ts the only style that allows phimosis not to happen again after Circ.

Nigel5975 profile image
Nigel5975 in reply toMik91

Yes, it seems as though if one is having a circ performed for medical reasons, then the protocol is for the doctor to remove all the inner foreskin that is causing the problem. From a medical viewpoint, this gives the best chance for resolving the issues the patient came in for in the first place.

CuriousQ profile image
CuriousQ in reply toNigel5975

I guess so. I feel like an idiot.

wm27 profile image
wm27 in reply toCuriousQ

I also have low and tight style and am still enjoying sex. The pleasure isn’t all about the sensitivity, but the level of arousal as well. Has it not ever happened to you that you were so horny you came basically within seconds? And sometimes it could take 20 minutes or long? You should stop longing for something you can’t take back and accept your “new penis” as is now. Give it a few weeks to adapt and sex will be great again, trust me. :)

At1012 profile image
At1012 in reply towm27

Why would a doctor choose low and loose? What benefit would that have over low and tight? Also wouldn’t high and loose be the best cut overall?

anon2508 profile image
anon2508 in reply toAt1012

why ???

S2BC profile image

You are on point. ;)Like I wrote earlier, you can not simplify health issues to a binary mode 1 or 0. We all are different. If I answer yes, it could be no to you. Are you better educated then? When I see the similar question every day. No one bothers answer it inclusive enough.

There is no learning curve on your questions. It might be cultural thing. I'm not used to that, cause I'm not from UK.

S2BC profile image

Yes. We chatted about it earlier. Not anymore. There are a lot better sources to educate yourself than this site. This makes you just confused.

Try even continue under an old topic, please. ;)

petersoompii profile image

Also cut low and tight here 2 years ago. There's going to be a decreased sensitivity that you just have to accept.

At1012 profile image
At1012 in reply topetersoompii

hoq many times can you do it in one day verses before you were cut?

emek profile image

Dr Tondel from Poznań (Poland) performing low&tight cut. It's his specialization. Of course, if you want, he doing high&tight aswell.

anon2508 profile image

how much inner skin woukd you advise saving minimum ?

CuriousQ profile image
CuriousQ in reply toanon2508

I'm not doctor but from what I've gathered it seems 1 cm at least is the sweet spot. Maybe more. But at least 1 cm because under 1 cm and I think it will be difficult to stimulate the inner foreskin as it sits almost under the head of the penis.

anon2508 profile image
anon2508 in reply toCuriousQ

so as long as you keep 1cm you will still get the same feelings/sensations? in other words low is fine as long as not too low ?

CuriousQ profile image
CuriousQ in reply toanon2508

I can't say. But I've asked probably 20 guys and most seem to say the inner foreskin is important so 1-2 cm is probably OK. No one can guarantee anything though but it seems fairly rare that anyone with a high and tight cut complains. I only heard about one guy who went from high to low and he said for him that made a bigger difference than going from uncut to cut.

Also a low cut seems to have a bigger risk of getting extra hair on the shaft as well as the scrotum pulling forwards unless your doctor knows exactly what he's doing.

anon2508 profile image
anon2508 in reply toCuriousQ

in a negative way going from high to low lost too much feeling ?

CuriousQ profile image
CuriousQ in reply toanon2508

He wanted a low cut but he said he lost sensation, yes.

anon2508 profile image
anon2508 in reply toCuriousQ

did this guy go lower than the 1-2cm you advise ? is he on here ?

CuriousQ profile image
CuriousQ in reply toanon2508

He's not on here but it sounded like he went below 1 cm.

anon2508 profile image
anon2508 in reply toCuriousQ

so in your opinion is 1-2cm the minimum you should go for ?

kevk8762 profile image

From UK here, cut high and tight, I guess I'm lucky?

CuriousQ profile image
CuriousQ in reply tokevk8762

Yes. It seems a low cut is often done in Europe because doctors believe it makes no difference.

anon2508 profile image

did he go too low ? is standard cut better option ?

Child circumcisions are horrible for the sake of consent atleast adults can choose a cosmetic look as they want

CuriousQ profile image
CuriousQ in reply to

Infant circumcision should be banned. I get that it's a cultural thing but why would you let a doctor cut your new born baby? Crazy. Just shows how insane people are.

anon2508 profile image

do you feel you should not go any lower than 2cm ?

anon2508 profile image

how many cm is considered low ? standard ? high ?

anon2508 profile image

sorry to hear of your negative experience mate.where did you have it done?

I have heard this complaint a lot about loss of sensitivity. All I know is what I experienced which is no loss of anything except a foreskin. When a man has Phimosis and his experience of sex is with this phimotic penis then he does not know what sex really feels like due to his phimosis. So losing the foreskin would probably feel like a loss of sensitivity (or pain). Remember the saying about pleasure and pain. I did not have Phimosis, and my foreskin did not play any part in sexual activity and my glans was always exposed on erection as the foreskin was taken up by the increased penile length. So that is what I felt, just the sensations from my glans, nothing from my foreskin. No loss of sensitivity.

I was born in Malta, and circumcision is uncommon there. As for low cuts or other circumcision types I cannot speak about as my foreskin had no role in sexual pleasure for me, so having 1- 1.5 cm left of the inner foreskin does nothing for me.

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