hey guys, im on 10th day now from dorsal slit operation and just want to know your thoughts what you think, and why the stitches are still here and how much more for them to fall out? i must mention that place where are stitches itching me like hell, dont know what to do?
dorsal slit: hey guys, im on 10th day... - Men's Health Foru...
dorsal slit

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Based on your picture the wound is healing well. There is no infection. The yellowish discharge on the wound is part of the healing process. It does not have an umpleasant odour. Your own enzymes will absorb the stitches. You can feel them loosening up. It might take a while.
thans for your replies guys. I must mention that i can retract back my foreskin when flaccid but it has V shape, its actually just a slit through foreskin i dont know what you mean by conventional circumcision? and when its erect i cant move my foreskin it stay like im circumcised, is it maybe because of stitches?
There are different procedures that are used to achieve relief from penile problems. If they do their job then that is fine. Of course, for some men it is the look that matters and some forms of treatment would not be aesthetically pleasing. Some forms of treatment for penile problems are cultural.
today is 14th day after the op. The stitches are still here, there is no signs they are loosening or falling out.. when i have full erection i feel real tightness in that area, it is little painful and discomfort, is it because of stitches and do you guys know will that tightness disapear when stitches fall out?
okay guys, this is 20th day after the op.
what you think? yesterday a lot of stitches falled out, ive tried to have sex with my gf but ended because is little bit more painful, do you think is it swollen amd can you anyone give me some advices what do to next and how to take care?
20 days is probably too soon to have sex. The wound may be closed but there is a lot of healing inside the tissues of penis that needs to happen over the next 6-8 weeks. I have sex at 4 weeks and it hurt a bit. Took it easy for a while and by 10-12 week mark I had no pain anymore. Now at 16 weeks it’s amazing