I've had a dorsal slit + frenulum surgery last tuesday , it's very sensitive when i retract the foreskin and at the moment the vain on my penis is a bit swollen don't know if it's normal or not after surgery? I'm just wondering how it will look like i searched for a bit but didn't find any photos after surgery
Dorsal slit : I've had a dorsal slit... - Men's Health Foru...
Dorsal slit
I’m assuming that you had phimosis. Now that your glans is getting exposed it will be sensitive. It will die down and you will get used to it. There is not a lot about dorsal slit on the internet. How far did they cut you?
Why didnt you go the full way with circumcision?
Doctor told me it wasn't nessecary to perform a full circumcision, i had the option to choose so i wanted to keep my foreskin, and they said it would be less sensitive..
I had the same surgery. First week is a bit tricky because it’s swollen but at the same time you need to retract your foreskin to clean the wound in the frenulum area. I was unable to and had a mild infection because of that issue.
Then you will notice a difference when the stitches fall of. It will loosen up a bit and get less swollen. My stitches at the dorsal slit fell off after two weeks but I still have some stitches left at the frenulum area but they started to fall off yesterday. I had the surgery 26 days ago and still can’t retract when erect so I’m getting kind of worried but I hope for improvement in the next week. Healing takes time so it’s hard to say if a surgery has been successful until at least two months.
The wound is healing well, i've had no problem to retract the foreskin just first 4 days i think but i always did it in the shower and after the shower i used some type of dessinfection. When i'm erect i see a slight diffrence because otherwise the foreskin would automaticly go over the head and i was unable to get it back because it was too tight and now it stays halfway over the head..
Hello, what became of your dorsal slit 2 years ago? Were you able to retract eventually? I’m on day 5 post operation (dorsal slit) and cannot retract. The doctor demonstrated how I was able to retract just seconds after the surgery was complete but now I’m having difficulties. Is this something worth worrying about?
Everything is great! It takes time though so be patient. I had some initial problems so I went back to the doctor like a week after surgery and he pulled the foreskin back by force so I could clean properly
Got a small infection because I was to scared of pulling it back cause it hurt. Use some lube and lidocaine to avoid pain. The important thing in the beginning is to clean the wound to avoid infection.
The final result is great but it takes a hell of a time, it was ok after 3 months but I had to use cortisone for a while, it was fine after 6 months, great after 12 and now its amazing
I haven't tried to retract when i'm erect tho, it's still too sensitive and i think it's gonna feel painful so i'm going to wait until the stitches come loose.
Hi. How is it going now as I am intrigued. I am awaiting my referral appointment to a urologist and am fearing I may need a circumcision but I have been told a dorsal slit is possible as an alternative. However, I have only seen one pic on here and it doesn't look good at all which is making me think a full circumcision would be better. Did you have any joy in finding other pics anywhere ? Hope you are settling down ok.
Yeah it's healing very well. In my opinion it doesn't look too bad i think it all depends on which doctor performs the surgery.. i wanted to post a picture on here to people as an axample of how a dorsal slit looks but appearantly it's not allowed here, i think a dorsal slit is also less painfull than a full circumcision and you keep your sensitivity that's also why i chose for this option.

Thanks for sharing and yes its a nuisance when you cannot post a pic as it does actually help people and I cannot find any on the internet. I have seen a couple on here I think before they stopped it being allowed but those pics aren't encouraging me to go for it sadly. Your comments have helped though so thank you..