I had circumcision operation 3 weeks back and for the first week, i faced a slight bleeding from the frenulum. Second week was almost fine but on 14th day, I saw some bleeding from frenulum and there was a big lump there before the bleeding that went away. I wash the area twice a day and try to keep it dry most of the time. Now I see that there is a blood clot at the frenulum maybe because of the bleeding on 14th day. Its completely dry and looks like a normal clot that we get after an injury. Today is 21st day and the clot is still there. I am confused shall i try to remove it or leave it just like that because i dont think it is coming off on its own. Can someone help me out
Blood clot at the frenulum after circ... - Men's Health Foru...
Blood clot at the frenulum after circumcision
So it should not automatically come off right. Otherwise, it should have in a weeks time. I will try to remove it slowly. Looks like everything else is healing fine. The clot doesn't give me any problem but it just worries me that maybe healing is getting slowed down at frenulum because of the clot. I will try myself and if it doesn't come off I will go to the doctor but mostly the doctor will say not to touch or do anything, it will automatically come off
okay got it. Thanks, brother. I will probably wait for one more week for it to dry and fall off. If that doesn't happen, I will go to the doctor to check whether everything is fine or for a piece of advice to get rid of it.
I also had that since my frenulum was removed, washing regularly softens everything (I soaked for five or more minutes then finished off with a cotton ball wash and for the resistance ones I used a swab), I cleaned mines three times a day.
okay. So I will wash it properly and will see whether it goes off by normal cotton ball wash. I am hoping that after removing the clot, A fresh skin would already be formed and healed. Fingers crossed

Wish it was that fast I’m on week 6 and it’s still hasn’t healed completely but it’s 95% there. But keeping it clean and dry sure does speed up the process. But maybe for you to also help soften the clot you can use Chlornicol eye ointment (that what I was given by my surgeon but I seldom used it) once the clot has been removed just keep it dry and just get some air circulating there. Also once the blood clears up slow down on the salt baths just use plain warm water because what I noticed with me the salt water would dig deeper into the wound.
Thanks a lot for the advice. I will buy the ointment and will use it. I asked my doctor about the clot and he said not to touch anything and it will automatically go but since i didnt see that happening, i got a little worried. Let's see how it goes. I will post here after a few days again on the progress. The forum is extremely helpful as we all are helping each other through this process

I am with the same problem of clots I will be okay or not
Leave it alone and it will fall off. Mine was there for three and a half weeks. Don’t mess with the frenulum area. It takes the longest to heal and it’s the most sensitive part.
It takes how many weeks to get healed
I’m on week 5 and three stitches remain. Had my 30 day post op and my surgeon said to leave it alone. No need to get crazy with it. Eventually the body will heal itself. Sometimes it takes longer. Don’t worry. The penis is one of the fastest healing parts on the body. If your wound is closed, there’s absolutely no need to clean it with salt water. Just let regular soap run over it and pat it dry with a towel after.
It totally depends on everyone. There’s nothing set in stone. Usually 4-6 weeks for healing. But it won’t be completely healed or per se back to normal until a year I would say based on research.
For me stitches are out and there just small wound were is but I will be fine you or
Yeah I babied my wound lol for three weeks. Always wrapping it when I was out. So it took a little longer to get the healing going. But now two weeks not being wrapped and it’s healing like crazy. I will start next week with bio oil. I Masterbated gently at four weeks and some days to make sure it works lol. All good. Different feeling of orgasm but it feels awesome.
So the clot will end
Yeah for sure. Just leave it and it will fall off from rubbing or shower etc.
Hey! I'm having the same problem... Could you tell me how it went?
Did it get to normal now??