30 days ago I got circumsized. It seems like my frenulum has a huge, huge bump. I think that the size has shrunk a little bit since then, but I am concerned as I have never heard or saw anything like this happen to someone else. Is this concerning and normal? I have attached a picture below so you can better understand. Please give advice, thanks!
Extremely swollen frenulum after circ... - Men's Health Foru...
Extremely swollen frenulum after circumcision

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I was circumcised just 8 days ago and am very happy . Please Don't allow the intacitivists to make you feel bad about getting circumcised. That is what they like to do. Give it time to heal, and the fun will begin!
No one are making people feel bad about circumcision. Intactivists aren't against circumcision. They are against circumcising helpless babies. If you have a medical reason or personal preference, no one are advising against it. plain and simple. I am 5 days post circ, and I got it done for medical reason(tight foreskin). There are tons of people who I know never need this procedure. So doing it to babies by default is Bad. Doing it to consenting Adults is good.
I wish that I had been circumcised as a baby. It would have made life much better. Baby circumcisions are easy, safe and provide a lifetime of benefits.
What about the people who don't want to be circumcised? you ever think of them? You always have an option to get your foreskin removed if you have it, But If you remove it as a baby, people wont have an option to get it back when they want it. That's why consent is important. And everyone don't need (or) want circumcision when they grow up. 70% of the world is uncircumcised, so it's not a popular procedure unless you're living in US or some African countries.
Why wouldn't they want to be circumcised? It's the intatavists who try convince them that it's not in their best interest which isn't true.
I don't know what kind of intactivists you're talking about but, Big organizations like Intact America are against un-consenting baby circumcisions. And No one with a sane mind would stop you from getting circumcised for medical or personal or aesthetic reasons.
Because it's "YOUR BODY, YOUR CHOICE" end of the discussion..
Babies can't decide so it's up to the parents. A lot of the anti-war groups say isn't true.
Well that's exactly is my point, Babies can't decide. Why don't you wait until baby can decide. It's not like foreskin kills him before he grows into adult. is it?
It's not like school you decided to send him to, It's a literal body part with function you are trying to remove for no reason. And that's not your choice to take. Because they have to live with it for rest of their lives.
Don't get circumcised if you hate it so much. Babies can't decide what is best for them so it's up for someone else to decide for them. I've had two as an adult and might get a third one because they didn't remove enough skin. Much simpler to have it done as a baby.
Can't believe I am having to explain the difference to an adult. Getting circumcised out of choice is different from circumcising every baby by default. Because it's not your body. What if they don't like it after they grow up, which literally happened in many cases.
"Don't get circumcised if you hate it so much" What are you talking dude? where did I say I don't like circumcision. I said I don't like babies being cut without their consent.
If it's medical necessity, that's a different story. but there is no reason to cut perfectly normal kids unless it's their choice.
If they want to do it later, they can do it. Worst case, they have to sit at home for 10 days. Because if you circumcise every baby just because you think they would like it later, what happens if they don't like it. Could they grow their foreskin back?
What's so hard to understand here?
Your parents gave you an option to choose, you choose to cut it for your personal reasons. which is the way it should be done. Circumcision in countries like US started to stop kids from masturbating. And then they started adding baseless medical studies to make money out of the procedures. That's why most of the developed world is uncircumcised.
Hi, it seems you still have stitches there when they are gone your swelling should reduce. you could have your stitches removed if you are healed enough.
How is you now? You able to get erection fit for penetration.
I was circumcised in february and mine is very swollen like yours gp says it needs time to go down sometime s it can take a year dont worry